Promotion of Services

Aug 3 • Management Notes, Notes • 1932 Views • No Comments on Promotion of Services

Promotion of Services

Promotion is one of the most important marketing activities performed by the marketers. Through promotion the marketers are able to create awareness about the product in the minds of the consumers. For an effective promotion strategy the marketer need to decide the communication through which the customers get to know about the product or the service. There are different stages in the process of communication. These stages are as follows :

Pre-purchase stage                      Promotion of Services

This stage has two main dimensions risk and uncertainty. There are many consequences that are outcome of the pre- purchase stage these consequences are as follows :

  • Performance oriented
  • Financial
  • Social
  • Cultural
  • Psychological

There are also many implications associated with this stage which are :

  • Helps in providing information to the marketer
  • Being a part of the consideration set
  • Target the right customers
  • Focussing on the need of the customers

Consumption stage

This stage is used in defining the communication method and the roles to be performed by the marketers. Communication is very necessary in the process of communication because it helps in connecting to the customers. There are some points of consideration in this stage which are :

  • Consumer is considered as an important member of the service process
  • The roles must be clearly explained o the service provider as well as to the consumers
  • The roles must be effectively communicated to the service provider and the consumers
  • Conveying and clarifying the roles assigned
  • Educating the members in case of the changing roles through manual method or it can be automated
  • Encouraging the performance based on these roles
  • Rewarding the consumers in case they stick to the roles assigned

Issues in promotion of the services

  • Tangibility attached to the services – since the services cannot be stored there must be some tangibles attached to these services and would help the consumers to form an opinion about the service.
  • Word of mouth- the service purchase behaviour which based on the word of mouth is difficult to manage and control.
  • Ownership – since there is no ownership in case of services therefore there must be some alternative to show the service being consumed.
  • Tie up with the customers- there must be tie up of the customers with the service provider and not with the sales team.

Guidelines for an effective service promotion

  • Deny from overpromising to the consumers regarding the service provided
  • Internal advertising is the key factor which would also motivate the employees to perform better and will help them to live upto the expectations of the customers.
  • Try and spread positive word of mouth which would encourage the operations of the firm
  • Add tangibles to the service so that the customers have something to show
  • Make the services understandable

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