How to prepare for Rajasthan Board 10th exam in 60 days

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Prepare for Rajasthan Board 10th exam in 60 days

Rajasthan Board 10th exam preparation 60 days

Rajasthan Board 10th exam preparation in 60 days-The Rajasthan Board  Secondary Exams( RBSE)  for class 10th in 2018 is slated to commence from  March 2018 and would be continued till April . As soon as the exam time table is released students appearing for Rajasthan Board class 10th have rolled up their sleeves and geared up for the exams. With just 2 months away for the exam, students remain quite confused as to how to start preparing for the exams and score good .

To know about the  exam time table and other queries for Rajasthan Board

Yes we know the board exams are the first tough educational challenge that you face and go through lot of pressure . So here in this post we will try to provide you with the best preparation guidance and tips to crack Rajasthan Board Class 10th exams in just less than 60 days.

Preparing for Board exams in just 60 days is quite tough and we know its needs lot of patience and hard work .


Sample papers for Rajasthan Board


BSER English Sample Paper for Class 10th, Solved

For RBSE exam results 

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So below find some important tips to help you guide for the Rajasthan Class 10th Boards exams-Rajasthan Board 10th exam preparation 60 days

  1. The first thing you need to do is to know the syllabus well and clearly. You need to know the exam syllabus completely in details and chalk out a plan for study.
  2. After completing each topic try to find out questions related to it and solve to give answers.
  3. Prepare a proper time table for study plan divided with  each subject and its topic given a proper time division.
  4. Try to allot more time to subjects that you feel is tough and needs more careful study.
  5. Prepare notes for all subjects individually with all its important topics as just before exams it will help you in quick revision and follow up.
  6. You should have the habit of highlighting important topics for revision .
  7. Prepare well last 10  years question papers as that gives you the idea of question format and what all questions you might expect and also you may find certain repeated questions .
  8. Prepare a weekly revision table as that will enable you to complete the entire syllabus in time.
  9. Do not panic before the exams and be calm and patience as that will only waste your valuable time and might make you more confused.
  10. There are three important elements to be considered ,the board textbooks, model question papers and previous years question papers.
  11. You definitely need to give more time to your weaker sections and stay focussed  on the stronger points.
  12. Always solve the mock test papers within the time limit you actually get for the real exams as that will help you analyze your progress level.
  13. Solving at least last 10 years sample test papers is a must and should be done thoroughly.

Download Rajasthan Board Syllabus in PDF form

For study reference 

For online books 

All the best students !

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