Reference books of GATE for E.C Engineering

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GATE which  stands for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering .It is one of the toughest test , and all India Examination that basically test that the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in Engineering and Technology and it has been known for testing the engineering basics in a smart way that need the effort of mastering an entire course of engineering more than 30+ subjects which gives it a level of toughness in itself and is jointly conducted by Indian Institute of Science and seven IIT’s on the behalf of National Coordination Board-GATE ,  MHRD, Govt. of India and department of Higher Education .However  GATE Score can be of help like it can be used to get into various Post-graduate programmes in Indian Higher Education Institutes and it may be used by Public sector units for the employment screening purposes.

Electronics and Communication Engineering course gives great job opportunities in software and electronics companies.However  Software interface is required by all the electronic devices to run and come up with one or other device which controls programs architect and development is done by electronics and communication engineering and it also providing the great opportunities for research and development ,  as everyday consumer wants new devices to support them in daily life.

In this article I am going to tell you about Reference books of GATE for E.C Engineering and syllabus of electonics and communication.




GENERAL APTITUDE (GA) – It’s a multiple choice test to judge the basic English knowledge of a person.

VERBAL ABILITY : English grammar , verbal analogies , instructions , critical reasoning and verbal deduction , Sentence completion and Word groups.

ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS – It is said to be a branch of mathematics which contains mathematical methods and techniques that are used in industry and engineering.

LINEAR ALGEBRA : Branch of mathematics which does study of operation and applying it to solve equations and it also include following topics – Matrix Algebra , Eigen values and eigen vectors and System of Linear Equations.

CALCULUS : It is mathematical study of change. It include topics-Theorems of integral calculus , Mean Value Theorem , Evaluation of definite and improper integrals , Maxima and minima , Partial Derivatives ,  Multiple integrals ,  Fourier series. Directional derivatives , Line , Surface and Volume integrals , Stokes , Gauss and Green’s theorems ,Vector Identities

DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS : It deals with rate of change and slope of curves and also include topics-First order equation (linear and nonlinear) , Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations , Method of Variation of parameters , Initial and boundary value problems ,  Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method and higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients.

COMPLEX VARIABLES : It comes under complex analysis category. It include topics-Analytic functions , Taylor’s and Laurent’ series ,  Residue theorem , solution integrals , Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula.

PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS : They are of two different academic disciplines but studied together and it includes topics-Sampling theorems ,  Mean , median , Conditional probability, mode and standard deviation , Random variables ,  Discrete and continuous distributions , Correlation and regression analysis , Poisson , Normal and Binomial distribution.

NUMERICAL METHODS : It is the study of step by step process that take help of numerical approximation and also include topics-Single and multi-step methods for differential equations , Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations

TRANSFORM THEORY : It is the Study of transforms and it include topics-Fourier transform , Z-transform ,  Laplace transform
Electronics and Communication Engineering.

NETWORKS : It is the connection of electrical elements together and it include topics-Network graphs: matrices associated with graphs ;  incidence , fundamental cut set and fundamental circuit matrices.

NETWORK THEOREMS : Linear constant coefficient differential equations ; time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits ,  Solution of network equations using Laplace transform :  frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits. 2-port network parameters : driving point and transfer functions. State equations for networks. Thevenin and Norton’s maximum power transfer , Steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors , Solution methods: nodal and mesh analysis

ELECTRONIC DEVICES : These are the physical entities in an electronic system use to affect the electrons and also include Topics- Carrier transport in silicon :  diffusion current , mobility, and resistivity , drift current and generation and recombination of carriers. p-n junction diode ,  MOSFET, LED , p-I-n and avalanche photo diode , LASERs basics. Device technology includes integrated circuits fabrication process , diffusion , oxidation , ion implantation , photolithography , p-tub , n-tub and twin-tub CMOS process , Energy bands in silicon , intrinsic and extrinsic silicon ,  Zener diode , tunnel diode , JFET ,  BJT , MOS capacitor

ANALOGCIRCUITS :These are the circuits that uses continuous time voltages and current. It include topics-Small Signal Equivalent circuits of diodes ,  MOSFETs and analog CMOS , BJTs. Simple diode circuits , clamping , clipping , rectifier and Biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers and Amplifiers includes single-and multi-stage , operational and differential, feedback and power. Simple op-amp circuits. Filters. Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation; single-transistor and op-amp configurations , Frequency response of amplifiers , Function generators and 555 Timers , wave shaping circuits. Power supplies.

DIGITAL CIRCUITS : These are made from analog components which represent signal by the help of discrete values.It include topics- minimization of Boolean functions ; Boolean algebra , logic gates ; digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS). Combinatorial circuits includes arithmetic circuits , multiplexers , code convertors ,  decoders , PLAs and PROMs. Sequential circuits includes counters and shift-registers , latches and flip-flops , Sample and hold circuits , DACs , ADCs. Semiconductor memories.

MICROPROCESSORS(8085) : architecture , memory and I/O interfacing , programming.

SIGNALS & SYSTEMS : Signal conveys information which is generally a function of independent variable and system is the physical set of components/parts that carries a signal. It include topics-Definitions and properties of Laplace transform, continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series, DFT and FFT , discrete-time and continous-time Fourier Transform , z-transform. Sampling theorem and Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems includes definitions and properties ; causality , impulse response , stability , convolution , poles and zeros , frequency response , cascade and parallel structure , phase delay , group delay. Signal transmission through the LTI systems.

CONTROL SYSTEMS : Devices that are meant to manage , order , direct or supervise the behavior of other devices or systems and also include topics- Basic control system components ; reduction of block diagrams , block diagrammatic description andopen loop and closed loop systems and stability analysis of these systems ; steady state and transient analysis of LTI control systems and frequency response , Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems and Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis : Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root loci , Nyquist and Bode plots. Control system compensators : elements of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control , elements of lead and lag compensation and State variable representation & solution of state equation of LTI control systems.

COMMUNICATION : Refers to interaction. It include topics- Random signals and noise: probability , probability density function , random variables , power spectral density ,  random variables and Analog communication systems includes spectral analysis of the following operations , amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, superheterodyne receivers; elements of hardware , realizations of analog communication systems ; signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions. Digital communication system includes pulse code modulation (PCM) ,  differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) , digital modulation schemes includes amplitude , phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, FSK, PSK), matched filter receivers , bandwidth consideration and probability of error calculations for these schemes. Basics of FDMA, TDMA and GSM and CDMA. Fundamentals of information theory and channel capacity theorem

ELECTROMAGNETISM : It refers to electromagnetism. It include topics -Elements of vector calculus includes divergence and curl ; Maxwell’s equations : differential and integral forms , Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems. Poynting vector , and Wave equation. Plane waves includes propagation through various media ;  reflection and refraction; skin depth phase and group velocity . Transmission lines: characteristic impedance ; Smith chart ; impedance matching, impedance transformation ; S parameters , pulse excitation.

WAVE GUIDES INCLUDES : modes in rectangular waveguides ; cut-off frequencies ; boundary conditions, dispersion relations. Basics of propagation in optical fibers and dielectric waveguide and basics of Antennas includes : radiation pattern ; Dipole antennas ,  antenna gain.





SUBJECT – Mathematics




BOOK NAME-Higher Engineering Mathematics

AUTHOR-Dr. B S Grewal

PRICE- Rs 625





SUBJECT – Data Structures , Algorithm & Programming




BOOK NAME-Programming Languages

AUTHOR- Ravi Sethi

PRICE- Rs 265






SUBJECT – Operating Systems




BOOK NAME-Operating Systems


PRICE- Rs 325









SUBJECT – Discreet Mathamatics



BOOK NAME -Discreet Mathematics

AUTHOR-Tremblay and Manohar

PRICE- Rs 525








SUBJECT – Graph Theory



BOOK NAME -Graph Theory


PRICE- Rs 175








SUBJECT – Digital Logic



BOOK NAME -Digital Design

AUTHOR-Morris Mano

PRICE- Rs 1149







SUBJECT – Computer Organisation



BOOK NAME -Digital Electronics

AUTHOR-Morris Mano

PRICE- Rs 1040






SUBJECT – Data Base Management System



BOOK NAME -Data Base Systems


PRICE- Rs 454





SUBJECT – Computer Network



BOOK NAME – Computer Network

AUTHOR- Tanenbaum

PRICE- Rs 549







SUBJECT -Theory of Computation



BOOK NAME -Theory of Computation

AUTHOR- Dexter.C.Kozen

PRICE- Rs 425







SUBJECT – Compiler Design



BOOK NAME – Compiler Design

AUTHOR- Ravi Sethi & Ullman

PRICE- Rs 340







SUBJECT – Software Engineering , Web Technology




BOOK NAME -Web Engineering , Fundamentals of Software Engineering

AUTHOR-Rajib Mall

PRICE- Rs 230


Although GATE syllabus for Electronics and Communication Engineering has been created in June 2014 but we  are adviced to the students who are preparing for GATE 2015 to confirm syllabus once again with us by mailing at , because by the time you might have started preparing and little change in syllabus would have come. While mailing your requirements , mail your contact details as well with credentials of your graduation , so that we may be in position to guide you better for GATE exams .

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