Research design process

Jul 19 • General • 1922 Views • No Comments on Research design process

Research design is the blueprint of the data for the purpose of collection, analysis and measurement. It is a plan that is created before the actual investigation in order to collect the answers of the research questions. It dictates what the investigator needs to know before drawing to the final report for analysis.

Research design expresses both the structure of the research problem – the framework, organization, or configuration of the relationships among variables of a study – and the plan of investigation used to obtain empirical evidence on those relationships

Requirements of a Research design           Research design process

  • An objective or a time plan
  • Research questions and plan based on it
  • Different sources and type of information
  • A structure to define the relationships among the variables
  • A outline of the activities to be performed

How the data can be collected

The data that needs to be collected for performing the analysis can be collected through various meanslike :-

  1. Through interview and telephonic conversations
  2. Through mails in different locations
  3. Other means in the experiment

Participant’s Perception

The main motive of the research is reduced when the research participants are aware of the research being carried out and then there is a possibility of change in their attitude. There are three levels of perception of the participant which are as follows :-

  • When the participant do not fell the slightest change in the daily routine
  • When they feel change but it is not related to the research
  • When they feel change related to the research

Qualitative Techniques– for a better investigation of the research , qualitative method of collecting questions can be used these involve some management questions like :

  • Individual interviews
  • Personal observation of the participant
  • Photos, films and tapes
  • Interview from a expert
  • Street ethnography
  • Study of space and body motions
  • Analysis of the documents

There are three types of studies in the research design process: –

  1. Formal Study- these studies are used when the research objective revolves around who, what, when and how of the topic and are based on the correlation of the variables.
  2. descriptive study may be simple or complex; it may be done in many settings. Descriptive studies insist on high standards for design and execution.
  3. Casual study- it mainly tells what amount of change in one variable can cause the change in the other variable .


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