Karnataka CET Papers

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CETK(Karnataka’s Common Entrance Test) is an entrance exam conducted at state level by the state govt. for admission of students to Dental/Medical/Architecture/Engineering courses.The students can take admission in any college of Karnataka as per their rank.There are 3 types of seats-payment,free seats and management quota seats.Only karnataka students can appear for CET rest interested students can go for COMEDK. The question paper consists of two papers-first paper it will have questions on Physics and chemistry that too total 120 questions.Second paper will have only 60 mathematics questions.Given below Karnataka CET papers.

Karnataka CET papers

Karnataka CET papers

Basically one need to focus on all the concepts of the 3 subjects because the questions are not difficult but conceptual so a candidate must understand the concept.You can test yourself through itest  by giving an online test on CETK ,where you can get varieties of questions similar to those that come in exam.

Here given Karnataka CET papers after going through various papers,to help you get idea regarding the type of questions that come in Exam:-

Karnataka CET papers:-

Biology:(This Biology section is for those who will be appearing for Medical Courses)

1) A mother of blood group O has a group O child. The father could be?

a) A or B or O
b) O only
c)A or B
d) AB only

Ans : a

2) Calcium level decreases in the blood due to hyposecretion of

a) Parathyroid hormone
b) Calcitonin
c) Thyroxine
d) Adrenaline

Ans :a

3) X-rays cause mutation by

a) Transition
b) Transversion
c) Deletion
d) Base substitution

Ans :c

4) The Theory of Recapitulation means that

a) All animals start as an egg
b)  Life history of an animal reflects its evolutionary history
c) Body parts once lost are regenerated
d) Progeny of an organisms resembles its parents

Ans :b

5) Electric potential of the brain is recorded by

a) CT Scan
b) Sphygmomanometer
c) ECG
d) EEG

Ans :d

6) Fertilization occur in

a) Uterus
b) Ureter
c) Vagina D
d) Fallopian tube

Ans :d

7) Wheat plant is 6n = 42. What will be the number of chromosomes in it’s Monosomic, haploid and Trisomics?

a) 41, 21 and 7
b) 43, 21 and 7
c) 15, 7 and 7
d) 13, 7 and 15

Ans :d

8) A person meet with an accident and great loss of blood has occured. There is not time to analyse his blood groups. It is safe to transfuse blood of

a) AB, Rh+
b) AB, Rh¯
c) O, Rh¯
d) O, Rh+

Ans :c

9) Which of the following is a minerelocorticoid ?

a) Testosterone
b) Progesterone
c) Adrenalin
d) Aldosterone

Ans :d

10) The flightless bird, Kiwi is found in

a. Mauritius
b. Indonesia
c. New Zealand
d. New Guinea

Ans :c

11) Example of a typical homopolysaccharide is

a) Ligin
b) Suberin
c) Inulin
d) Starch

Ans :d

12) Ptyalin is inactivated by a component of gastric juice known as

a) Pepsin
b) Mucus
c) Rennin
d) HCl

Ans :d

13) The cause of cretinism is

a) Hypothyroidism
b) Hypoparathyroidism
c) Hyperthyroidism
d) Hyperparathyroidism

Ans :a

14) If genes A and B show supplementary gene effect for mice coat colour, such that aa is rescessively epistatic to B, what would be the ratio of agouti, black & albino in the cross aaBB × AaBb

a) 1 : 2 : 1
b) 1 : 1 : 2
c) 2 : 2
d) 4: 3 : 1

Ans :c

15) Two animals are considered different species if they

a) Look different
b) Cannot inter-breed
c) Live in different habitats
d) Are members of different populations

Ans :b

16) Geology and Zoology are intimately connected in

a) Archaeology
b) Palaeontology
c) Sociology
d) Zoogeography

Ans :b

17) Presence of temporary gill pouches in embryos of snakes, birds and mammals indicates that

a) These embryos need the pouches for breathing
b) Common ancestor of these animals had gill pouches
c) Lungs evolved from gills
d) Fluid medium in which these embryos develop has abundant O2

Ans :b

18)  Two geographical regions separated by high mountain ranges

a) Palaearctic and Oriental
b) Oriental and Australian
c) Nearctic and Palaearctic
d) Neotropical and Ethopian

Ans :a

19) Structural lipids of cell membrane are

a) Simple lipid
b) Chromolipids
c) Steroid
d) Phospholipids

Ans :d

20) The gene of sickle cell anaemia is inherited by

a) Blood cells
b) Bone cells
c) Sex chromosomes
d) Autosomes

Ans :d

21) If a cross between two individuals produces offsprings with 50% dominant character (A) and 50% recessive character (a) the genotype of parents are

a) Aa × Aa
b) Aa × aa
c) AA × aa
d) AA × Aa

Ans :b

22) Dominant gene for tallness is T and for yellow colour is Y. A plant heterozygous for both the traits is selfed, then the ratio of pure homozygous dwarf and green offspring would be

a) 1/4
b) 4/16
c) 3/16
d) 1/16

Ans :d

23) Which one of the following animal phyla does not possess a coelom ?

a) Platyhelminthes
b) Annelida
c) Mollusca
d) Echinodermata

Ans :a

24) The ratio of phenotypes in F2 of a monohybrid cross is

a) 3 : 1
b) 1 : 2 : 1
c) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
d) 1 : 1

Ans :a

25) Which one of the following immunoglobulins is found as pentamer ?

a)  IgG
b) IgM
c) IgA
d) IgE

Ans :b

26) The evolution of numerous species, such as Darwin’s finches, from a single ancestor is called

a) Adaptive radiation
b) Sympatric speciation
c) Gradualism
d) Convergent evolution

Ans :a

27) The anterior V-spot in microfilaria of Wuchereria represents

a) Nerve ring
b) Cervical papilla
c) Excretory System
d) Reproductive system

Ans :c

28) Which of the following is not a characteristic of natural selection?

a) Natural selection causes genetic changes in individuals
b) Natural selection acts on individuals but evolution occurs in populations
c) Fitness of an organism is measured by its reproductive success
d) Natural selection is not the only evolutionary force

Ans :a

29) The scientific name of the moth which produce tasar is

a) Bombyx mori
b) Antheraea mylitta
c) Antheraea assamensis
d) Philosomia ricini

Ans :b

30) Cardiac muscles are

a) Striated and voluntary
b) Striated and involuntary
c) Smooth and voluntary
d) Smooth and involuntary

Ans :b

Karnataka CET papers:-

Physics & Chemistry :

31) Newton’s second law of motion gives the measure of:

a) Acceleration
b) Momentum
c) Force
d) Angular momentum

Ans :c

32) N bullets each of mass m kg are fired with a velocity of v m/s at the rate of n bullets per second upon a wall. The reaction offered by the wall to the bullets is (assuming no rebounce)

a) Nmv/n
b) n N mv
c) nNv/m
d) nmv

Ans :d

33) A projectile is thrown in the upward direction making an angle of 60° with the horizontal direction with a velocity of 147 ms-1. Then the time after which its inclination with the horizontal is 45°, is :

a) 15 s
b) 10.90 s
c) 5.49 s
d) 2.745 s

Ans :c

34) The linear momentum p of a body moving in one dimension varies with time according to the equation p = a+bt2 where a and b are positive constants. The net force acting on the body is:

a) proportional to t2
b) a constant
c) proportional to t
d) inversely proportional to t

Ans :c

35) Friction force is

a) self adjustable
b) not self adjustable
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these

Ans :a

36) A particle has an initial velocity of 9 m/s due east and a constant acceleration of 2 m/sdue west. The distance covered by the particle in the fifth second of its motion is

a) 0
b) 0.5 m
c) 2 m
d) none of these

Ans :b

37)  Maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two vectors of magnitudes P and Q are in the ratio 3 : 1. Which of the following relations is true

a) P = 2Q
b) P = Q
c) PQ = 1
d) None of these

Ans :a

38) Two springs have their force constant as k1 and k2 (k1 > k2). When they are stretched by the same force:

a) No work is done in case of both the springs
b) Equal work is doen in case of both the springs
c) More work is done in case of second spring
d) More work is done in case of first spring

Ans :c

39) A bomb of mass 12 kg explodes into two pieces of mases 4 kg and 8 kg. The velocity of mass 8 kg is 6 m/sec. The kinetic energy of mass 4 kg will be :

a) 48 joule
b) 32 joule
c) 24 joule
d) 288 joule

Ans :d

40) A body of mass 20 gm moving at 200 m/sec passes through a plank and its velocity reduces to 100 m/ sec. In passing through the plank, what part of its K.E. is lost:

a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 3/4
d) 2/3

Ans :c

41) If the resultant of the two vectors having magnitude of 7 and 4 is 11, the dot product of the two vectors could be

a) 28
b) 3
c) Zero
d) 7/4

Ans :a

42) Two forces P and Q acting at a point are such that if P is reversed, the direction of the resultant is turned through 90°. Then

a) P = Q
b) P = 2Q
c) P = Q/2
d) Non relation between P & Q

Ans :a

43) The force F acting on a particle in terms of time t and distance x is given by F = (AcosBx) (CsinDt). The dimensions of (AC) and (BD) respectively are

a) MLT–2, M0L–1T1
b) MLT–2, ML–1T–1
c) ML2T–2, M0L–1T–2
d) MLT–2, M0L–1T–1

Ans :d

44) A 40 N block is supported by two ropes. One rope is horizontal and the other makes an angle of 30° with the ceiling. The tension in the rope attached to the ceiling is approximately

a) 80 N
b) 40 N
c) 34.6 N
d) 46.2 N

Ans :a

45) A scooter of mass 120 kg is moving with a uniform velocity of 108 km/h. The force required to stop of the scooter in 10 s is

a) 180 N
b) 208 N
c) 360 N
d) 720 N

Ans :c

46) A machine gun fires 10 bullet/s, each of mass 10 g, the speed of each bullet is 20 cm/s, then force of recoil is

a) 200 dyne
b) 2000 dyne
c) 20 dyne
d) none of these

Ans :b

47) The average force necessary to stop a hammer with 25 N-s momentum is 1000 N. The time required is

a) 25 s
b) 2.5 × 104 s
c) 0.25 s
d) 0.025 s

Ans :d

48) A box is lying on an inclined plane. If the box starts sliding when the angle of inclination is 60°, then the coefficient of static friction of the box and plane is

a) 2.732
b) 1.732
c) 0.267
d) 0.176

Ans :b

49) Two blocks of masses 4 kg and 1 kg are in contact with each other on a frictionless table. When a horizontal force of 3.0 N is applied to the block of mass 4 kg, the value of the force of contact between the two blocks is

a) 4 N
b) 3 N
c) 2 N
d) 0.6 N

Ans :d

50) Maximum value of force of friction is called

a) limiting friction
b) rolling friction
c) normal friction
d) kinetic friction

Ans :a

51) A force vector  F = 2ˆI + 3ˆj N acts at a point P (4m, 2m) in xy plane then magnitude moment of force about origin of co-odinate system is

a) 14 Nm
b) 8 Nm
c)12 Nm
d) Zero

Ans :b

52) A room has dimension 5m × 3m × 4m. A mosquito files from one corner of the room to its diagonally opposite corner, then magnitude of displacement of mosquito is

a) 5 m
b) 5 2 m
c) 4 m
d) 3 m

Ans :b

53) Of the following which one has dimensions different from the remaining three

a) Energy per unit volume
b) Force per unit area
c) Stress × strain
d) Force × area

Ans :d

54) A boy of 50 kg is standing in a lift moving down with an acceleration 9.8 m/s2. The apparanet weight of the boy is

a) zero
b) 50N
c) 50×9.8N
d) 50/9.8 N

Ans :a

55) The alkaline hydrolysis of ester is known as :

a) dehydrogenation
b) dehydration
c) esterification
d) saponification

Ans :d

56) The tetraethyl lead mixed in petrol is works as :

a) Cooling agent
b) Anti knocking agent
c) Bleaching agent
d) None of these

Ans :b

57) Glycerol (CH2OHCHOHCH2OH) is more viscous than ethanol because

a) Hydrogen bonding is more extensive in ethanol
b) Hydrogen bonding is more extensive in glycerol
c) Glycerol has higher molecular mass
d) Intramolecular H-bonding occurs in glycerol

Ans :b

59) What is the actual dipole moment of HX if the bond length is 1.3A° and percentage ionic character is 20.

a) 0.26
b) 1.248
c) 0.624
d) 2.496

Ans :b

60) Which of the following does not affect the ionisation potential of the atom?

a) Nuclear charge
b) Electron neutrality with protons
c) Penetration effect
d) Atomic size

Ans :b

61) The shape of the molecule having hybrid orbitals of 20% character will be :

a) octahedral
b) tetrahedral
c) square planer
d) triangular bipyramidal

Ans :d

62) Primary halides follow the following reaction mechanism :

a) SN1
b) SN2
d) none of these

Ans :a

63) The mole of hydrogen ion in 50 ml. of 0.1 M HCI solution will be :

a) 5 x 102
b) 5 x 10-3
c) 5 x 103
d) 5 x 10-2

Ans :b

64) Electron–affinity of Cl is larger than that of F because

a) higher atomic radius of F
b) weaker inter electronic repulsion in Cl
c)more vacant p–subshell in Cl
d) smaller electronegativity of Cl

Ans :b

65) The subshell with n = 6 and l = 4 can accommodate a maximum of

a) 18 electrons
b) 16 electrons
c) 14 electrons
d) 10 electrons

Ans :a

66) A compound of Xe and F is found to have 53.3 % Xe. Oxidation number of Xe in this compound is :

a) –4
b) zero
c) +4
d) +6

Ans :d

67) The natural rubber is the polymer of :

a) 1, 3- butadiene
b) polyamide
c) isoprene
d) none of these

Ans :c

68) The solution of BiCl3 in dil. HCI when diluted with water white precipitate is formed which is :

a) Bismith oxychloride
b) Bismith oxide
c) Bismith hydroxide
d) none of these

Ans :a

69) The hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is 3.98 x 10-6 mole per liter. The pH value of this solution will be :

a) 6.0
b) 5.8
c) 5.4
d) 5.9

Ans :c

70) 1g of a metal required 50 mL of 0.5 N HCl to dissolve it.The equivalent mass of the metal is :

a) 25
b) 50
c) 20
d) 40

Ans :d

71) The equivalent weight of KIO3 in the reaction,

2Cr(OH)+ (OH)– + KIOà 2CrO42– + 5H2O + KI  is :

a) Molecular weight
b) (Molecularweight)/3
c) (Molecularweight)/6
d) (Molecularweight)/2

Ans :c

72) Maximum and minimum magnitudes of the resultant of two vectors of magnitudes P and Q are in the ratio 3 : 1. Which of the following relations is true

a) P = 2Q
b) P = Q
c) PQ = 1
d) None of these

Ans :a

73) The oxidation number of C atom in Ch2CIand CCI4 are respectively :

a) -2 and – 4
b) 0 and – 4
c) 0 and 4
d) 2 and 4

Ans :c

74) Phenolphthalein of pH range [8-10] is used in which of the following type of titration as a suitable indicator :

a) NH4OH and HCI
b) NH4OH and HCOOH
c)NH4OH and C2H4O2
d) NaOH and C2O4H2

Ans :d

75) The solubility of K2SO4 in water is 16g at 50°C. The minimum amount of water required to dissolve 4g K2SO4 is:

a) 10g
b) 25g
c) 50g
d) 75g

Ans :b

76) In Haber process, 30 L of dihydrogen and 30L of dinitrogen were taken for reaction which yielded only 50% of the expected product. What will be the composition of the gaseous mixture under the aforesaid conditions in the end?

a) 20 L NH3, 25 L N2 and 20 L H2
b) 10 L NH3, 25 L N2 and 15 L H2
c) 20 L NH3, 10 L N2 and 30 L H2
d) 20 L NH3, 25 L N2 and 15 L H2

Ans :b

77) “The negative part of the molecule adding to the double bond goes to that unsaturated asymmetric carbon atom which is linked to the least number of hydrogen atoms.” This statement is related to :

a) Markownikoff’s law
b) Peroxide effect
c) Bayer’s law of distortion
d) none of these

Ans :a

78) Benzene reacts with CH3COCI in presence of Lewis acid AICIto form :

a) Acetophenone
b) Toluene
c) Benzyl Chloride
d) Chlorobenzene

Ans :a

79) How many moles of HCl will be present in 100 mL of a solution of specific gravity 1.08, containing 20% HCl by mass ?

a) 0.50
b) 0.60
c) 0.80
d) 0.12

Ans :b

80) A sample of petroleum contains 30% n-heptane, 10% 2-methyl hexane and 60% 2, 2, 4-trimethyl pentane, the octane no. of this sample will be :

a) 30%
b) 60%
c) 10%
d) 70%

Ans :b

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