Sample Paper-Micro Electronics
Sample Paper-Micro Electronics
ECE 309-E
Maximum Marks:100 Time Allowed: 3 hrs
- Attempt any 5 questions.
- Selecting one question from each unit is compulsory.
- All questions carry equal marks.
Q1: a) In terms of crystal growth, explain Silicon shaping with the help of neat diagram. 10
b) Explain the following in detail. 5+5
i) Oxide Properties of Micro Electronics
ii) Fabrication.
Q2: a) What are different steps Lithography, why this technique is useful ? 10
b) Calculate depth if the height of the oxidation layer is 3mm without applying the etching
process with a decay of 6 days. 10
Evaluate the thickness of a chip having radius 10mm and time delay of 3 hours.
Q3: a) What are Plasma properties, explain each in brief with proper diagrams. 12
b) Explain with diagram, how X-rays are generated in labs. 8
Q4: What are Etching techniques, how are they used in manufacturing? 20
Q5: Give a detailed description of Diffusion and explain how diffusion mechanism is used in the
manufacturing of chips in the commercial factories. 20
Q6: Explain the following: 6+6+8
a) Range Theory & its application.
b) Ion Implantation.
c) Annealing.
Q7: Why bipolar fabrication is preferred over other fabrication techniques? Explain by giving few
commercial examples from each step in detail. 20
Q8: Explain any two: 10+10
a) Assembly & Packaging.
b) Future trends of designing in Electronics.
c) Isolation.
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