Sample paper of biology of UPMT

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Sample paper of biology of UPMT :-

1. The protein rich alga is:

(a) Ulothrix

(b) Spirogyra

(c) Nostoc

(d) Chlorella

ANS:- d

2. Which of the following as a living fossil?

(a) Pinus

(b) Gnetum

(c) Ginkgo

(d) Riccia

Ans:- c

3. When a fresh water protozoan is placed in marine water,______________

(a) a number of contractile vacuoles appear

(b) the contractile vacuole remains unchanged

(c) the contractile vacuole disappears

(d) the contractile vacuole increases in size

Ans: (c)

4. Polyploid derived from two different species is called

(a)  Autopolyploid

(b)  Triploid

(c)  Allopolyploid

(d)  Monoploid

Ans: (c)

5.The first live healthy cloned mammal of the world was

(a)    Molly sheep

(b)   Dolly sheep

(c)    Polly sheep

(d)   A monkey

Ans: b

6. The amphibians of plant kingdom are:

(a) algae

(b) bryophytes

(c) thallophytes

(d) floating plants

ANS:- b

7. A uniform chain of length a and mass M on the smooth table and one-third of its length is hanging vertically down over the edge of the table, if g is the acceleration due to gravity, the work required to pull the hanging part on the table is

(a)    Mgl

(b)   Mgl/9

(c)    Mgl/3

(d)   Mgl/18


8. The term, ‘southern blotting’ refers to ………….

(a) transfer of DNA fragments from electrophoresis gel to nitrocellulose sheet

(b) comparison of DNA fragments from two sources

(c) transfer of DNA fragments from in vitro cellulose membrane to electrophoresis gel

(d) attachment of probes to DNA fragments

Ans: (a)

9. Effective filtration pressure in glomerulus is caused due to …….

(a) Afferent arteriole is slightly larger than efferent arteriole.

(b) Vacuum develops in proximal convoluted tubule and sucks the blood.

(c) powerful pumping action of the heart.

(d) secretion of adrenalin.

Ans: (a)

10.AUG codes for

(a)    Valine

(b)   Histidine

(c)    Phenyllalanine

(d)   Methionine

(e)   None of these

Ans: d

11. The law of limiting factors for photosynthesis was

enunciated by:

(a) R. Hill

(b) Calvin

(c) Krebs

(d) Blackman

ANS:- d

12. In turnip, 2/3 part of swollen area is derived from:

(a)    hypophysis

(b)   hypocotyl

(c)    epicotyl

(d)   radical


13. Silk produced by Antheraea mylitta is also called _______________

(a) Eri silk

(b) Mysore silk

(c) Muga silk

(d) Tassar silk

Ans: (d)

14. Banana bunchytop virus is transmitted, through

(a) Culex sp

(b) Agrobacterium sp

(c) Pentalonia nigronervosa

(d) Aedes aegypti

Ans: (c)

15.Synaptonemal complex is a ribonucleo protein structure reported by Moses 1956. It is visible from

(a)    Leptotene throuh diplotene

(b)   Pachytene through diplotene

(c)    Zygotene through pachytene

(d)   Diplotene through metaphase

Ans: c

16. Who said that “transpiration is a necessary evil”?

(a) Curtis

(b) Steward

(c) Andersen

(d) J.C. Bose

ANS:- a

17. Transpiration would be lowest when:

(a) wind velocity is high

(b) enough water is in the soil

(c) atmospheric RH is high

(d) high temperature and light


18. Name the hormone that has no role in menstruation.



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Ans: (d)

19. The amount of CSF in the cranial cavity

(a)  500 ml

(b)  140 ml

(c)  1 litre

(d)  1.5 ml

Ans: (b)

20.Corpus luteum secretes

(a)    Progestrone

(b)   Oestrogen

(c)    Luteinsing hormone

(d)   Folfice stimulating hormone

(e)   None of these

Ans: a

21. Hydrolysis of sucrose in the presence of an acid is an example of

(a)    second order reaction

(b)   First order reaction

(c)    Fermentation

(d)   Pseudo first order reaction

Ans:- d

22. Water in plants is transported by:

(a) cambium (b) phloem

(c) xylem (d) epidermis


23. Which function will be lost due to damage of occipital lobe ?

(a)  Hearing

(b)  Speech

(c)  Vision

(d)  Memory

Ans :c

24. In a tissue culture media, the resource of the phytohormone is

(a) Micronutrients

(b) Coconut milk

(c) Agar agar

(d) Glucose

Ans: (b)

25. Glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed in the

(a)  proximal tubule

(b)  distal tubule

(c)  collecting duct

(d)  loop of Henle

Ans: (a)

26.Viruses cannot multiply of their own because they

(a)    Are dead

(b)   Do not have sex organ and gemetes

(c)    Lack genetic material

(d)   Lack cellular machinery to use their own genetic material

Ans: d

27. Nitrobenzene gives nitrosobenzene and hydrazobenzene when reduced

(a)    In acid medium

(b)   In neutral medium

(c)    Electrolytiaclly

(d)   In alkaline medium

Ans:- d

28. Micro-nutrients are:

(a) less important in nutrition than macronutrients

(b) as important in nutrition as macro-nutrients

(c) may be omitted from culture media without

any detrimental effect on the plant

(d) called micro because they play only minor role

in nutrition


29. Which one of the following cells is not a phagocytic cell ?

(a)  Macrophage

(b)  Monocyte

(c)  Neutrophil

(d)  Basophil

Ans :d

30. The main difference between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria is

(a)  Cell membrane

(b)  Cell Wall

(c)  Ribosome

(d)  Mitochondria

Ans: (b)

31.Clamp connection is found in

(a)    Basidiomycetes

(b)   Ascomycetes

(c)    Saccharomytes

(d)   Haplomycetes

(e)   None of these

Ans: a

32. Lactic acid is produced by Rhizopus species:

(a) R. oryzae

(b) R. stolonifer

(c) R. nodosus

(d) R. sexualis

ANS:- c

EXPLANATION:- Rhizopus species causing fermentation are:

R. nodosus – Lactic acid fermentation.

33. Hydroponics is a:

(a)    soilless culture

(b)   waterless culture

(c)    airless culture

(d)   none of these


34. Meissner’s corpuscles occur is

(a)  Brain

(b)  Nerve cells

(c)  Skin

(d)  Tongue

Ans: c

35. Pinus belongs to the class ………….

(a) Coniferopsida

(b) Sphenopsida

(c) Gnetopsida

(d) Cycadopsida

Ans: (a)

36. When 2 to 3 drops of Benedicts reagent are added to a urine sample and heated gently, it turns yellow. This colour change indicates that _______________

(a) Urine contains 1.5% glucose

(b) Urine contains 1% glucose

(c) Urine contains 2% glucose

(d) Urine contains 0.5% glucose

Ans: (b)

37.Spermathecae of earthworm take pan in

(a)    Collection of sperm of other animals

(b)   Collction of sperms of the same animals

(c)    Sperm maturation

(d)   Fertilization

Ans: a

38. The plant Cuscuta show maximum photosynthesis in:

(a) red light

(b) blue light

(c) green light

(d) no photosynthesis at all

ANS:- d

39. Green plants constitute:

(a) first trophic level

(b) second trophic level

(c) third trophic level

(d) complete food chain


40. Which one of the following animal phyla does not possess a coelom ?

(a)  Platyhelminthes

(b)  Annelida

(c)  Mollusca

(d)  Echinodermata

Ans : a

41. A clone is ……..

(a) a group of dissimilar organisms produced as a result of asexual reproduction

(b) a group of genetically dissimilar organisms produced as a result of sexual reproduction

(c) a group of genetically similar organisms produced through asexual reproduction

(d) a group of genetically similar organisms produced through sexual reproduction

Ans: (c)

42.Multishoots are produced in meristem culture because the culture medium contains

(a)    Cytoknin for overcoming apical dominance

(b)   Auxin for proliferation of meristem

(c)    Auxin for overcoming apical dominance

(d)   GA3 for proliferation of meristem

Ans: a

43. Which of the following is related to humoral immunity ?

(a)  T-lymphocyte

(b)  B-lymphocyte

(c)  I-lymphocyte

(d)  P-lymphocyte

Ans: (b)

44.C4 plants can absorb carbon di-oxide from

(a)    Its much low concentration

(b)   Its much high concentration

(c)    Carbonates

(d)   Bicarbonates

Ans: a

45. An orthotropus. ovule is one in which micropyle

and chalaza are:

(a) in straight line of funiculus

(b) parallel of funiculus

(c) at right angles to funiculus

(d) oblique to funiculus

ANS:- a

46. Carrier of fluorosis is:

(a) CO2

(b) chlorine

(c) Nitrogen

(d) water


47. Fertilization occur in

(a)  Uterus

(b)  Ureter

(c)  Vagina

(d)  Fallopian tube

Ans: (d)

48.Raphides found in aroids are

(a)    Calcium pectate

(b)   Calcium oxalate

(c)    Calcium carbonate

(d)   Calcium sulphate

(e)   None of these

Ans: b

49. The plant that is characteristics component of mangrove vegetation:

(a) Rhizophora mangel

(b) Ficus religiosa

(c) Mangifera indica

(d) Prosopis specigera

ANS:- a

50. The anterior V-spot in microfilaria of Wuchereria represents

a)  Nerve ring

(b)  Cervical papilla

(c)  Excretory System

(d)  Reproductive system

Ans: (c)

51.In lungs, air is sperated from venous blood by

(a)    Squamous epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

(b)   Squamous epithelium + endothelium of blood vessel

(c)    Transitional  epithelium + tunica externa of blood vessel

(d)   Columnar epithelium + 3 layered wall of blood vessel

Ans: b

52.Insulin and glucagon are transported to target organ by

(a)    Lymph

(b)   Blood

(c)    Pancreatic duct

(d)   Cystic duct

(e)   None of these


53. Cell theory was propounded in 1838- 39 by:

(a) Schleiden

(b) Schwann

(c) Schleiden and Schwann

(d) Virchow

 ANS:- c

EXPLANATION:- The cell theory is propounced to

Matthias Schleiden,  a botanist of Germany

and Theodor Schwann, a zoologist also of


54. Which of the following hormones is a steroid?

(a) Glucagon

(b) Thyroxine

(c) Estrogen

(d) Insulin

Ans: (c)

55. Mannitol is

(a)  Amino acid

(b)  Amino alcohol

(c)  Sugar alcohol

(d)  Sugar acid

Ans: (c)

56. Non- genetic RNA is of:

(a) two types

(b) three types

(c) only one type

(d) none of these

ANS:- b

57. Insects captured by insectivorous plants fulfill their requirements of:

(a)    enzymes

(b)   oxygen

(c)    nitrogen

(d)   water


 58. BT brinjal is an example of transgenic crops. In this, BT refers to __________

(a) Betacarotene

(b) Bacillus thuringiensis

(c) Bacillus tuberculosis

(d) Biotechnology

Ans: (b)

59. What will be the codons in m-RNA if the DNA codes are ATG-CAG ?

(a)  TAC – GTC

(b)  UAC – GUC

(c)  UCA – TUA

(d)  TCA – GTC

Ans: (b)

60. Biolistic technique is used in

(a)  Tisues culture process

(b)  Gene transfer process

(c)  Hybridization process

(d)  Germplasm conservation process

Ans: (b)

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