Sample Paper of Basic Electrical Engineering

May 24 • Engineering Sample Papers • 25267 Views • 44 Comments on Sample Paper of Basic Electrical Engineering

Below is list of questions which is asked in 1st semester of electrical engineering. These questions are equally helpful for students during there Placement or Job written questions or Technical interview or Viva. Apart from the important Questions, the paper pattern of the Electrical Engineering Question Papers is also given to assist the students of electrical engineering. This sample paper of basic electrical Engineering covers all the important topics and most frequently asked questions. Let’s find the types of the questions and the paper pattern in detail-

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering Questions

Sample Paper of Basic Electrical Engineering-
The paper pattern of the basic electrical question paper will be as explained below-

  • Total time allotted- 3 hrs
  • All Questions are Compulsory
  • Total marks- 70
  • Answer the questions in your own words

This sample paper is divided into 3 parts which are as follows-

Question TypeMarks allotted
Very short answer questions1 marks each
Short answer question5 marks each
Long answer question15 marks each

Now, let’s find out the arrangement of the questions in the Question Paper of Basic Electrical-

SECTION-A (Multiple Choice Questions) (1*10=10)

Choose the correct answers of the questions from the given options-

1) Two equal resistors R connected in series across a voltage source V dissipate power P. What would be the power dissipated in the same resistors when they are connected in parallel across the same voltage source ?

A. 4P
B. P
C. 2P
D. 16P

2) Two identical resistors are first connected in parallel then in series. The ratio of resultant resistance of the first combination to the second will be

A. 4
B. 0.25
C. 2
D. 0.4

3) The ratio of the resistance of a 200W, 230V lamp to that of a 100W, 115 V lamp will be

A. 0.5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 0.2

4) The resistance of 200W 200V lamp is

A. 100 Ω
B. 200 Ω
C. 400 Ω
D. 800 Ω

5) Tow 1 kΩ 1 W resistors are connected in series. Their combine resistance and wattage will be

A. 2 kΩ, 0.5 W
B. 1 kΩ, 1 W
C. 0.5 kΩ, 2 W
D. 2 kΩ, 1 W

6) Three 3 Ω resistors are connected to form a triangle. What is the resistance between any two of the corners?

A. 9 Ω
B. 6 Ω
C. 3 Ω
D. 2 Ω.

7) A wire of 0.14 mm diameter and specific resistance 9.6 μΩ – cm is 440 cm long. The resistance of the wire will be

A. 9.6 Ω
B. 11.3 Ω
C. 13.7 Ω
D. 27.4 Ω

8) A 10 Ω resistor is stretched to increase its length double. Its resistance will now be

A. 40 Ω
B. 20 Ω
C. 10 Ω
D. 5 Ω

9) Specific resistance is measured in

A. mho
B. ohm
C. ohm – cm
D. ohm/cm

10) A wire of resistance R has it length and cross – section both doubled. Its resistance will become

A. 0.5R
B. R
C. 2R
D. 4R

SECTION B (Short Answer Questions) (5*3=15)

Answers any three of the following questions given-

1) Explain the working principle of DC motor with its equivalent circuit diagram?

2) What do you mean by reluctance?how reluctance effects the working of DC generator?

3) Explain the term crawling and coughing?

4) Explain the working principle of Norton theorem?

5) Explain ward Leonid method of switching?

Long Answer Questions (15*3=45)

1) What currents flow in a single-phasing star-connected motor? Draw its circuit diagram with its phasor representation?

2) How are built in thermal overload protector arranged? Explain briefly?

3) Describe how 3-phase supply produces a rotating magnetic field of constant value at constant speed with vector diagrams?

4) Two similar 3000kVA synchronous generators work in parallel.The governor of first machine is such that frequency drops uniformly from 50Hz on no load to 48 Hz on full load.The corresponding speed drop of second machine is from 50Hz to 47.5Hz. determine the following?

(i) How will the two machines share a load 5000kW at full load
(ii) What is the maximum load at u p f that can be delivered without overloading either of the two machines.

5) How do you determine the direct axis and quadrature axis reactances of a salient pole?

So this is all about the paper pattern and question paper of Electrical Engineering for the 1st Semester of your engineering exam.

For more questions on basic Electrical engineering, download the PDF file of sample questions on Basic Electrical Engineering given below:

Questions and answers Electrical Machines II

Your views are valuable to us. Any type of suggestion will be highly appreciated. Write in the comments below this article.

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44 Responses to Sample Paper of Basic Electrical Engineering

  1. Deepak Raj says:


  2. Deepak Raj says:


  3. Deepak Raj says:


  4. Deepak Raj says:


  5. Deepak Raj says:


  6. Deepak Raj says:


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  9. Deepak Raj says:
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  13. Anonymous says:
  14. Anonymous says:
  15. Md Arman Khan says:

    Matric, D.c.A and Tally

  16. Sibasundar pani says:


  17. shivam yadav says:

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  18. SUNEEL PAYAKAR says:
  19. SUNEEL PAYAKAR says:
  20. SUNEEL PAYAKAR says:
  21. SUNEEL PAYAKAR says:
  22. Mohit singh says:

    Basic electrical engineering

  23. Mohit singh says:

    Basic electrical engineering

  24. Parvez says:


  25. Anonymous says:
  26. Aman Sharma says:

    which type of paper in semeter 1st

  27. Ashutosh Kumar Yadav says:
  28. chandan says:

    How are built in thermal overload protector arranged? Explain briefly

  29. chandan says:

    How are built in thermal overload protector arranged? Explain briefly

  30. chandan says:

    How are built in thermal overload protector arranged? Explain briefly

  31. praveenkumarreddy says:


  32. praveenkumarreddy says:


  33. praveenkumarreddy says:


  34. praveenkumarreddy says:


  35. praveenkumarreddy says:


  36. praveenkumarreddy says:


  37. praveenkumarreddy says:


  38. praveenkumarreddy says:


  39. praveenkumarreddy says:


  40. praveenkumarreddy says:


  41. praveenkumarreddy says:


  42. priyanka pasi says:

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  43. ihuthiamaina says:

    sample question papers for diploma in electrical engineering

  44. Dinesh says:

    This papers is very good and neatly formatted,

    these questions are very important for the engineering students.

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