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ICSE Sample Paper of English for Class 9

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Sample paper of English for class 9. Introduction

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education is abbreviated as ICSE, which is one of the most famous non-governmental Board of Education serving quality education across country. English is the most interesting and easy subject to prepare for Board Examination. It require a little attention and you will be able to secure good marks in the Board Exams. The purpose of setting this Sample Paper of English for Class 9 is to make students aware about the the pattern and the type of questions asked in the exam. IN order to enhance your practice in a more effective way you can take help from ICSE Class 9 Accounts Sample Paper.

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Tips for Preparation:

(1) There will be one theory paper of two and half half hour containing 80 marks. Thus it is very much important to prepare for this theory.

(2) A Long questions of 25 mark will asked from the composition Section. So, prepare it very well.

(3) Short answer 3 marks questions should be asked from literature, grammar and reading Section. So, do not waste your time in writing these in a long format.

(4) Solve the given sample paper to maintain your Time Management.

ICSE Sample Paper of English for Class 9

General Instruction:
(a) Attempt all compulsory four questions.
(b) Marks are allotted to each question.
(c) This paper is of 80 marks as total.

Question 1

Write a composition on any of the following [25]
(a) “Men and Women should be treated as equal.”
(b) You have recently viewed a famous historical place. Describe your whole experience.
(c) You were had to stay one night in the Hotel Taj due to an accident at the railway station. Share your experience.
(d) Elaborate the significance of ‘ Time is Money’

Question 2

Select any one of the following: [10]
(a) Your sister had passed the Class XI exams with 95% marks. However she get confused which stream of course she should choose. She had written a letter to you in this regard. Reply to her letter and suggest the course she should go for. Also give valid suggestions for your answer.
(b) Your village lacks good services and the people are forced to face a lot of difficulty because of this. Write a letter to the Chief Officer of your district in this regard by requesting him to provide a solution to this problem.

Question 3

Read the passage given below and answer the questions a, b, c, and d that follow:

Author Unknown :The Lord was the creator of good teachers. It was His sixth day of ‘overtime’ and He knew that this was a tremendous responsibility for teachers would touch the lives of so many impressionable young children. An angel appeared to Him and said, “You are taking a long time to figure this one out.””Yes,” said the Lord,” but have you read the specs on this order?”
TEACHER:Teacher must stand above all students to be at their level. He must be able to do 180 additional things which are not related to their taught subject. Teacher must have to run on coffee. He must be able to communicate as per his vital knowledge to all students daily. Teacher must have more time for others than for herself/himself
“Six pair of hands, “said the angel, “that’s impossible”
“Well,” said the Lord,” it is not the hands that are the problem. It is the three pairs of eyes that are presenting the most difficulty!”
The angel looked incredulous, “Three pairs of eyes…on a standard model?”
The Lord nodded His head, “One pair is to see whether a student is doing or not and what others have to labeled them. The Second pair is the pair of eyes which is at the back of the teacher’s head to watch what should not be seen, but what must to be known. The eyes in the front are only to look at the child as he/she ‘acts out’ in order to reflect.
“Lord,” said the angel,” this is a very large project and I think You should work on it tomorrow”.
“I can’t,” said the Lord, ” for I have come very close to creating something much like Myself. I have one that comes to work when he/she is sick teaches a class of children that do not want to learn has a special place in his/her heart for children who are not his/her own understands the struggles of those who have difficulty never takes the students for granted”
The angel looked closely at the model the Lord was creating.
“It is too soft-hearted,” said the angel.
“Yes,” said the Lord, “but also tough, You cannot imagine what this teacher can endure or do, if necessary”.
“Can this teacher think?” asked the angel.
“Not only think,” said the Lord, “but reason and compromise.”
The angel came closer to have a better look at the model and ran his finger over the teacher’s cheek.
“Well, Lord,” said the angel, Your job looks fine but there is a leak. I told you that You were putting too much into this model. You cannot imagine the stress that will be placed upon the teacher.”
The Lord moved in closer and lifted the drop of moisture from the teacher’s cheek. It shone and glistened in the light.
“It is not a leak,” He said, “It is a tear.”
“A tear? What is that?” asked the angel, “What is a tear for?”
The Lord replied with great thought, “For the joy and pride watching a child accomplishes even it’s the smallest task to do. It is done for the loneliness of children who have a hard time to fit in it to compassionate feelings of their parents. This has been done when a teacher had to left the class and to say good bye to his students and get ready to welcome a new class.”
“My, “said the angel,” The tear thing is a great idea…You are a genius!!”
The Lord looked somber, “I didn’t put it there.”

(a) Give the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. One word answers as well as short phrases are accepted. [3]
i. Supportive
ii. Reflect
iii. Compassion

(b) Answer the following questions as briefly as possible in your own words.
1. When did God create teachers? Why is this creation a tremendous responsibility? [2]
2. What are the specifications for teacher? [3]
3. What is presenting the most difficulty to God? Why does a teacher want three eyes? [2]
4. What is the teacher’s tear for? [3]

(c) Write the summary of the given passage in your own words. [10]

(d) Give a fitting title for your summary and justify the choice of the title. [2]

Question 4

(a) Rewrite the following sentences followed by the instructions, without changing their actual meaning [10]
1. Why did Radha skip the match? (Change the voice)
2. “Did you understand the passage clearly taught yesterday?” the teacher asks. (Begin: The teacher asked….)
3. He snatched the badminton from him and scored a point. (Begin: Not only…..)
4. The grounds were too damaged to conduct the match. (Use: so….that)
5. Though skilled in commerce, he was not taken to the examination. (Begin: Despite…)
6. As soon as the match started, the crowd turned depressed. (Begin: No sooner….)
7. Piyush is very popular in the class. (Use too’)
8. ‘The Ruskin Bond’ is one of the best films released this year. (Use: good)
9. He saw the bat rushing towards him and leaf aside. (Begin: Having……)
10. The police are looking into the matter.

(b)  Fill up the following blanks by using the correct form of verb in the braces do not copy the paragraph write only your answer of the blank [5]
Once you get the question paper, evaluate the entire paper. Do not rush into……0……. (answer). Select questions you are very sure of marks; the ones you want to answer. ……1……. (answer) questions that you find easy because that gives you confidence and also time to take the rest of the exams. ……2……. (peace). When you have a choice, make sure that you select problems because they can be. ……3……. (solve) in a shorter span of time and you can be sure of full marks. But if you are not sure of problems then select paragraph answers.……4……. (time) your paper and. ……5……. (sure) that you complete at least 10 minutes before the due time. After. ……6……. (answer) every question take a minute to revise the answer. This would be useful in case you don’t find time to review your answer sheet ……7……. (late). After. ……8……. (complete) the answers revise. Revision is. ……9……. (extreme) critical because it can help you identify mistakes and. ……10…. (correct) them.And finally after the exam, please understand that you cannot do anything about the way you have answered, just relax and wait for the results

(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. [5]
1. Anirudh was the descendant ….Shajahan.
2. The rescuers ran short …… adequate assistance.
3. We must give credit our success …….. our teachers and parents.
4. The Minister resigned …………..the cabinet due to ill health.
5. The flood victims were resigned…… their fate.
6. The Gazette is available ……. reference in the library.
7. We should avail …… every opportunity to succeed.
8. When the car broke……, we had to walk home.
9. The curfew was imposed…….. all areas of the city
10. We should try our best to be true ….. our principles.


1-Answer: Do it by yourself.
Points to be remembered are as follow:
1- Start with introduction of the topic.
2- Describe the topic with valuable points.
3- End with the conclusion.

2-Answer (a)
1- Format of the Personal Letter
2- Reference is must mentioned to the sister in the letter.
3- Sister had passed the Class XI exam with 95% marks.
4- She confused to decide which the course she had to choose.
5- Suggestion for the chosen course.
6- Should be in informal style.

Answer (b)
1- Format of the Official Letter.
2- Lack of good service in the village, also mention the name of the village.
3- Problems faced by the people.
4- Level of difficulties.
5- Requirement of good services.
6- Benefits for the village’s people.
7-  Request to the Chief Medical Officer of your district. To open a PRC.
8-  Formal Style.

3 Answer (a)
i. Supportive: helpful.
ii. Reflect: to give out, to mirror.
iii. Compassion: pity, fellow feeing.

3 Answer (b) (i)
1- His sixth day of his ‘overtime’.
2- Teachers should have touched the lives of many impressionable children.

Answer (b) (ii)
Teacher must stand above all students to be at their level. He must be able to do 180 additional things which are not related to their taught subject. Teacher must have to run on coffee. He must be able to communicate as per his vital knowledge to all students daily. Teacher must have more time for others than for herself/himself

Answer (b) (iii)
There should be three pairs of eyes. “One pair is to see whether a student is doing or not and what others have to labeled them. The Second pair is the pair of eyes which is at the back of the teacher’s head to watch what should not be seen, but what must to be known. The third pair is the eyes in the front which is only to look at the child ‘acts out’ in order to reflect, “I understand and I still believe in you”, without so much as saying a word to the child.”

Answer (b) (iv)
For the joy and pride watching a child accomplishes even it’s the smallest task to do. It is done for the loneliness of children who have a hard time to fit in it to compassionate feelings of their parents. This has been done when a teacher had to left the class and to say good bye to his students and get ready to welcome a new class.”

3 Answer (c) Do it by yourself.
Points to be remembered are as follow:
1- Start with introduction of the topic.
2- Describe the topic with valuable points.
3- End with the conclusion.

A model summary must be like this-
God and His angel had discussed the importance of the teacher’s creation. Teachers always try to influence the children. A teacher sometimes be with the children and sometimes try to made at the level which is above them. He should survive on good resources, must be multitasking, a good and fluent communicator, must have self-respect, hardworking, and able to understand and support students and their parents. He is delighted source for the student’s success in failure.

3 Answer (d) “God the real creator”

Answer 4 (a)

  1. Why was the test skipped by Radha?
  2. The teacher asked whether I had understood the passage the previous day.
  3. Not only did he snatch the badminton from him but also scored a point.
  4. The grounds were so damaged that it was not possible conduct the match.
  5. Despite being skilled in accounting, he was not admitted to the examination.
  6. No sooner did the match start than the crowd turned depressed.
  7. Piyush is very popular in the class as he is intelligent.
  8. ‘The Ruskin Bond’ is one of the best films released this year.
  9. He saw the car rushing towards him and leaf aside.
  10. The police are looking into the matter.

Answer 4 (b)
1. Answering                       6. Answering
2. Peacefully                       7. Later
3. Solved                              8. Completing
4. Divide time for              9. Extremely
5. Make sure                       10. Make correction in

Answer 4 (c)
1. Of                                6. For
2. Of                                7. To
3. To                                8. Down
4.From                            9. On
5. To                               10. To

Note: To get above Sample Paper in pdf form, follow: ICSE Sample Paper of English for Class 9
To get English Grammar question for 9th in pdf form, follow:Grammar Questions for Class 9 ICSE

As an Engineer, I have prepare this Solved Sample Paper of English for Class 9,I hope this will help to solve your problems. For any kind of suggestion related to the content of Sample Paper, please follow the comment Section to let me know.

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    i have studied in 9 class

  328. yashharman says:
  329. shit123 says:


  330. Jasmine says:

    In English grammar

  331. Jasmine says:
  332. priyangshu rakshit says:

    English language is dificult

  333. priyangshu rakshit says:

    English language is dificult

  334. priyangshu rakshit says:
  335. zahid says:


  336. zahid says:
  337. Faizan shafi says:
  338. Faizan shafi says:
  339. Suparno Bhattacharyya says:
  340. Suparno Bhattacharyya says:
  341. Anonymous says:
  342. Rajendra Boss says:

    Solved answers for practice papers of class 9 the total English ICSE

  343. geetha says:

    no doubts

  344. geetha says:

    no doubts

  345. geetha says:
  346. geetha says:
  347. geetha says:
  348. geetha says:
  349. geetha says:
  350. geetha says:
  351. varun says:

    9 class

  352. varun says:

    9 class

  353. Abira Mukherjee says:

    Icse questions answering format

  354. Abira Mukherjee says:
  355. Manjulata Ojha says:

    Icse specially combining the sentences without using and but or so Grammar practice exercises

  356. neha jale says:

    i want icse english language (paper1) for class nine

  357. neha jale says:
  358. Abhishek Mallick says:
  359. Anonymous says:
  360. Anonymous says:
  361. Anonymous says:
  362. Riya singh says:

    Love english

  363. Riya singh says:
  364. Riya says:
  365. Riya says:
  366. Mhdzaid says:

    8th pass

  367. Mhdzaid says:

    8th pass

  368. Mhdzaid says:
  369. Anonymous says:
  370. suman says:
  371. Falak Anjum Ansari says:

    what kind of language paper comes

  372. Falak Anjum Ansari says:

    what kind of language paper comes

  373. Shubhangi Lal says:


  374. Shubhangi Lal says:
  375. Sukesh says:
  376. Sukesh says:
  377. Sukesh says:
  378. Sukesh says:
  379. Anonymous says:
  380. Anonymous says:
  381. Anonymous says:
  382. Anonymous says:
  383. Anonymous says:
  384. Navjot kaur says:
  385. Navjot kaur says:
  386. Navjot kaur says:
  387. Navjot kaur says:
  388. Navjot kaur says:
  389. Navjot kaur says:
  390. Navjot kaur says:
  391. Navjot kaur says:
  392. Navjot kaur says:
  393. loden says:

    I believe introduction

  394. syed baquar ali says:

    how to make my child study well as he is in icse class 9

  395. syed baquar ali says:
  396. guruswamy says:
  397. guruswamy says:
  398. Bittu says:


  399. Bittu says:


  400. Bittu says:


  401. Bittu says:


  402. Bittu says:
  403. Bittu says:
  404. Anushree says:

    How to write a picture composition… I am Looking for an example

  405. Anushree says:

    How to write a picture composition… I am Looking for an example

  406. Anushree says:

    How to write a picture composition… I am Looking for an example

  407. Anushree says:
  408. Anonymous says:
  409. chandan.y.h says:

    to intrest

  410. Anonymous says:
    • Chinnu says:

      I have one question a man living unknown place? Write your own words

  411. Muskan ali says:
  412. Muskan ali says:
  413. Manisha says:

    About English Language (grammar)

  414. Manisha says:
  415. Manisha says:
  416. ttytytytyty says:


  417. Anonymous says:
  418. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  419. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  420. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  421. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  422. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  423. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  424. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  425. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  426. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  427. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  428. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  429. Aditya says:

    Education is 9th class problem in grammar

  430. Aditya says:
  431. rajshree says:


  432. Brijesh says:

    English solve question paper of class 9th 2017-18

  433. Brijesh says:
  434. Priyanshi says:

    Query kai nathi

  435. Tufanmandal says:
  436. Tufanmandal says:
  437. Tufanmandal says:
  438. Tufanmandal says:
  439. Tufanmandal says:
  440. Tufanmandal says:
  441. Kiran says:
  442. Anonymous says:
  443. smita gaikwad says:

    i want solved practice sheets for english grammer X ICSE

  444. Aman Singh yadav says:
  445. Geetanshubachhawat says:

    Email and notice

  446. Geetanshubachhawat says:
  447. Anonymous says:
  448. simi says:


  449. simi says:


  450. simi says:
  451. Anonymous says:
  452. Anonymous says:
  453. Anonymous says:
  454. aditya says:
  455. Khushi says:


  456. Khushi says:


  457. Khushi says:


  458. Khushi says:


  459. Khushi says:


  460. Ranjodh Singh says:

    how to write an notice and email in icse format

  461. Anonymous says:
  462. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  463. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  464. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  465. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  466. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  467. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  468. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  469. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  470. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  471. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  472. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  473. kaku says:

    How is this happening in the world

  474. kaku says:
  475. Faiz ashraf says:


  476. Rajendra pal singh says:

    No doubts

  477. Rajendra pal singh says:

    No doubts

  478. Rajendra pal singh says:
  479. Himanshu says:

    Want answers to English book

  480. Arnav Sharma says:

    Regarding different grammatical language exercises

  481. Rishabh Tiwari says:
  482. Kavya says:
  483. Ayush says:

    English language

  484. Ayush says:
  485. Ayush says:
  486. Ayush says:
  487. Ayush says:
  488. Ayush says:
  489. Ayush says:
  490. Ayush says:
  491. Ayush says:
  492. yash verma says:

    email format and notice format

  493. yash verma says:

    email format and notice format

  494. yash verma says:

    email format and notice format

  495. yash verma says:

    email format and notice format

  496. yash verma says:
  497. yash verma says:
  498. yash verma says:
  499. Priyanka says:

    English grammar

  500. Anonymous says:
  501. Akash deep gill says:


  502. Anonymous says:
  503. Jashan says:
  504. Jashan says:
  505. Jashan says:
  506. Jashan says:
  507. Jashan says:
  508. Jashan says:
  509. Anonymous says:
  510. Mercia Melvin P says:


  511. Mercia Melvin P says:


  512. Mercia Melvin P says:
  513. Saqlain says:

    English paper

  514. Saqlain says:

    English paper

  515. Saqlain says:

    English paper

  516. Saqlain says:
  517. Saqlain says:
  518. sailaxmi says:


  519. mayank yadav says:

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  520. mayank yadav says:

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  521. mayank yadav says:
  523. Anonymous says:
  524. tharunesh says:
  525. Anonymous says:
  526. Anonymous says:
  527. Anonymous says:
  528. Samirjaiswal says:


  529. Samirjaiswal says:
  530. Samirjaiswal says:
  531. Samirjaiswal says:
  532. Samirjaiswal says:
  533. Avantika rai says:

    Imagination composition

  534. Avantika rai says:

    Imagination composition

  535. Avantika rai says:

    Imagination composition

  536. Shivansh says:

    English sample papr

  537. Shivansh says:
  538. Shivansh says:
  539. Shivansh says:
  540. Shivansh says:
  541. Shivansh says:
  542. Shivansh says:
  543. suksham says:

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  546. ateeeq ahmad says:


  547. ateeeq ahmad says:


  548. ateeeq ahmad says:


  549. Anonymous says:
  550. Beda Prakash Padhy says:


  551. Beda Prakash Padhy says:


  552. Beda Prakash Padhy says:


  553. Beda Prakash Padhy says:


  554. Beda Prakash Padhy says:
  555. baljinder says:

    english literature and grammar practice papers

  556. baljinder says:

    english literature and grammar practice papers

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  558. Birendra Patra says:

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  559. Birendra Patra says:

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  560. anjanit says:


  561. anjanit says:


  562. anjanit says:


  563. anjanit says:


  564. anjanit says:
  565. Harleen says:


  566. Harleen says:
  567. ojasvi says:

    Enter your any educational query or doubt on notice

  568. Raghavgoyal says:
  569. Nishu kumari says:

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  570. Nishu kumari says:

    want to solve maximumquestion papers of class 9 icse

  571. Nishu kumari says:

    want to solve maximumquestion papers of class 9 icse

  572. M . Revathi says:

    How to write preese

  573. M . Revathi says:

    How to write preese

  574. M . Revathi says:

    How to write preese

  575. M . Taruni says:

    How to write preese

  576. M . Taruni says:

    How to write preese

  577. M . Taruni says:
  578. Anonymous says:


  579. Anonymous says:


  580. Anonymous says:


  581. Anonymous says:
  582. Anonymous says:
  583. Anonymous says:
  584. Anonymous says:
  585. Anonymous says:
  586. Anonymous says:
  587. krunal says:
  588. Anonymous says:
  589. narayan chandra maity says:

    Please send the sample of Question paper in Various year from 2017 below Years with answer scrip
    with regards

  590. narayan chandra maity says:

    Please send the sample of Question paper in Various year from 2017 below Years with answer scrip
    with regards

  591. aayush says:


  592. aayush says:


  593. aayush says:


  594. Srijan srivastava says:

    I am study in class 9

  595. Ratan says:

    Pearls of english language class 9 test paper 22 solved

  596. Ratan says:

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  597. Ratan says:

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  598. Savitha Murthy says:

    Usage of no sooner

  599. Savitha Murthy says:

    Usage of no sooner

  600. Savitha Murthy says:
  601. Anonymous says:
  602. Priyanshu Kamboj says:

    Diary Entry practice solutions

  603. Priyanshu Kamboj says:

    Diary Entry practice solutions

  604. Priyanshu Kamboj says:

    Diary Entry practice solutions

  605. Priyanshu Kamboj says:

    Diary Entry practice solutions

  606. Priyanshu Kamboj says:

    Diary Entry practice solutions

  607. Priyanshu Kamboj says:
  608. anurag kumar says:

    english paper some doubt

  609. Dayan Akhter says:

    How to write story ?

  610. Dayan Akhter says:

    How to write story ?

  611. Anonymous says:
  612. rivsirat kaur says:
  613. Baadal says:
  614. Baadal says:
  615. Baadal says:
  616. Baadal says:
  617. Baadal says:
  618. Baadal says:
  619. Baadal says:
  620. Baadal says:
  621. Baadal says:
  622. Baadal says:
  623. Baadal says:
  624. Baadal says:
  625. Baadal says:
  626. Baadal says:
  627. indrajeet singh says:
  628. Ayush Chaturvedi says:


  629. Ayush Chaturvedi says:


  630. deepak pal says:

    rules of transformation

  631. deepak pal says:
  632. deepak pal says:

    please send me rules of transformation

  633. Prathiksha says:

    Pls send 2016 question papers

  634. Debjit says:

    Please give some more suggestions of composition

  635. Debjit says:
  636. Debjit says:
  637. Debjit says:
  638. Debjit says:
  639. Debjit says:
  640. Debjit says:
  641. Debjit says:
  642. Debjit says:
  643. Debjit says:
  644. Anonymous says:
  645. Anonymous says:
  646. laltesh kumar says:
  647. laltesh kumar says:
  648. Gourdebashree Chowdhury says:
  649. Gourdebashree Chowdhury says:
  650. Sanya Verma says:

    English language sample papers with solution

  651. Sanya Verma says:
  652. Anonymous says:
  653. Anonymous says:
  654. charanjot singh says:

    english grammar notes

  655. charanjot singh says:

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  656. charanjot singh says:

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  657. charanjot singh says:
  658. Anonymous says:
  659. roni chetel says:

    Short story writing in grammer

  660. Anonymous says:
  661. faiza hasan says:
  662. Sameya Singh says:


  663. Sameya Singh says:


  664. Sameya Singh says:
  665. ISHITA MUNDLYE says:

    I don’t really have any doubt. I’m using this website just for practise.

  666. tarasai says:

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  667. Apurva Raj says:

    I have doubts in thinking capacity. I want some ideas for writing an informal letter

  668. Swagat says:

    I want all the answers of ‘my book of grammar and composition answers worksheet 9 pg 56 ‘

  669. Raja uddin Shaikh says:

    I have some problems with grammer, and i want little help.



  671. Arijit Sen says:

    I want the answer of practice paper 2 of total English class 9

  672. anjana s says:

    Write a notice that :on behalf of the secretary of the residents welfare Association of your colony,draft a notice to be displayed not the norice board informing all the households about Diwali celebrations to be held in park infront of the surya apartments on the eve of diwali state the events to be held on the occasion like lighting of diyas , pooja, cultural programme and dinner

  673. aarti says:

    problems in english grammar and in poetry sections

  674. Anonymous says:

    what should I do to get sample question papers in Science and mathematics?

  675. Tharanyaya says:

    How to write a essay for 20 marks in ICSE board pattern

  676. Ishita Singh says:

    Solved Paper of Total English Book of class 9 icse

  677. mrinal teeyes says:

    write notice to the various houses in your school inviting them to participate for yoga session on the 21st of june 2017

  678. gayathiri says:

    if i was in a power to change into something for a day .describe

  679. pritika thakur says:

    i want to know about english grammer of icse board

  680. Sampada says:

    Please give 8th standard IGCSE board English language paper samples

  681. M AS says:

    Guideline to the essays and letters must be given.

  682. vineet jain says:

    She is so intelligent that she can write her own book (use enough )

  683. Ranka nidhi Nayak says:

    english grammar question sets for class IX of ICSE course

  684. shiv says:

    plz provide a sample of Gr 9 ICSE english comprehension passage.
    need to know the pattern and allocation of marks



  686. Muskan says:

    Very bad not matched with my book at all my book is also total english icse

  687. Rajib saha says:

    how to get answers of icse class9 english literature

  688. Namrata Das says:

    I want some standard sample informal letters for my language improvement.

  689. Girija says:

    Works sheet samples of English language for IX ICSE

  690. Anonymous says:

    May i get the answers of the poem the brook by tennyson

  691. vikas says:

    Olga did not like the beggar when she met him. Give evidence from the story to prove the given statement
    Plz guve me answer today for class 9

  692. akshit suneja says:

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  693. dk says:

    can I get an englang question paper for standard 9 ICSE

  694. Ishan Shah says:

    What is the difference between toppers and successful

  695. mithilesh says:

    your school arranged a educational tour to delhi and agra.write a letter to a friend who was enable to go and visit that place for some unaviabilable reason.describe about the trip and enjoyment you had over there
    can get the letter for it

  696. moon says:

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  697. raj sekhar says:

    question and answer of English literature of class 9th

  698. sanjay says:

    required sample papers of previous year 9th class icse board of all subjects

  699. Ishika Singh Hadsa says:

    Can we choose not subjects maths and bio in 11th icse

  700. Santanu Deb says:

    Regarding syllabus of Class 9 pertaining to English Literature, English Language and Hindi.

  701. Santanu Deb says:

    Regarding syllabus of Class 9 pertaining to English Literature, English Language and Hindi

  702. Amit Biswas says:

    How to improve in English Grammar in ICSC . Now in Class 9

  703. Amit Biswas says:

    How to improve in English Grammer in ICSC . Now in Class 9

  704. nashwanuha says:

    i m studying in ICSE school and have no idea to be prepared for eng1 exam our teacher doesnt teach well

  705. vandana says:

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  706. abhishek says:

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  707. Jignesh Gosalia says:

    Mail me unsolved sample papers of english & maths for igcse board, grade 9.

  708. shiva says:

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  709. Vidushi says:

    I want an essay on the topic you set aside an evening to prepare yourself for an examination on the following morning. Your plans were disrupted when your aunt and uncle called in to visit your parents who had gone to the cinema. Narate how you entertained the guest and coped with your studies. Your composition should also bring out your feelings on that evening.

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    teaching merchant of venice in an interactive methiod.

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  712. jelly says:

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  713. harshini reddy says:

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  714. Rituja chouhan says:

    i want the sample papers of english language of 9 class

  715. Ganga says:

    i need notes for maths icse mathematics class 9 by nirmala shastry and oxford mulberry english class 8

  716. shreedipta biswas says:

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  717. mrinalika says:

    sample question for the modern europe and renaissance

  718. SHASHWAT KALRA says:


  719. Shantanu says:

    I Want to know how to easily score in composition and letter writing in class 9 icse. I also want help on prepositions .Thanx

  720. harshita rathore says:

    i am not able to frame nice answers in english grammar……………..

  721. nagamani says:

    a despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture.”if you (do) a bad potrait

  722. subhadeep dutta says:

    its a sum of simple intrest
    Q) how much would 36525 amount to if it was invested at 7 hole 2/3% per annum from october 15 2007 to 9 march 2008

  723. Dhruva Manish Patel says:

    why water has etching on glass when kept for long time?

  724. MD MONIRUL ISLAM says:

    A sample question paper for ENGLISH(second language for class V to X according to latest CCE

  725. Tanay Tandon says:

    i want the sample paper of english literature class 9th icse board

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