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Sep 18 • Opinion • 33914 Views • 78 Comments on SC ST OBC RESERVATION

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SC/ST/OBC Reservation or any reservation on basis of caste system can be a matter of regular discussion but here are consequences which you may enjoy . One man behind this reservation was
Mr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who brought reservation that converse one caste to another. Reservation is a platform for certain section of society to help them grow at par others, and that step become the advantage for the politicians who don’t care about the very section but of their vote banks. Instead of Uniting India these tactics divide the nation among religion, caste and geographical basis and thus creating vote banks.

According to Wipro Chairman Mr. Azim Premji on reservation that.
He said “we have to adopt the job reservation in all other fields too. I really support PM and the other politicians for promoting such reservation issue for job.” Reservation SC/ST/OBC

Lets start job reservation with our Indian cricket team. 

what do you think about reservation

Is Reservation right for our country

  • 10%reservation for Muslim.
  • 30% reservation for SC/ST/OBC.
  • And thus rules of cricket should be modified.
  • Boundary circle for SC/ST player should be reduced. 
  • The hit shot which is 4 should be considered as 6. and a shot which is 6 should be taken as 8 runs.
  • SC/ST/OBC players scored 60 runs taken as Century. Likewise fast bowler like SHOAIB AKHTER should not bowls fast for SC/ST/OBC Player. Bowler can bowl maximum speed of 80 km/hr . For SC/ST/OBC delivery above this speed should be made illegal and signed as no ball.


  • I think it should not end here only rather while technological development if we reach on moon , we will claim that due to 60% reservation amongst our scientists we reached moon else we would have been at Mars.
  • Reservation must be also for doctors while treating patient , a dentist may be allowed to break 40% of patients tooth.
  • If by any means reservation have to be allowed then It should only be on the basis of economical background of a candidate not on basis of any caste

“Lets show the word that INDIA is a great Country, and lets be proud of being an Indian.”

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  2. Anonymous says:
  3. devender says:

    Reserwatin on basis of caste

  4. devender says:
  5. Anonymous says:
  6. subinkumar s says:

    i like to write government exams so help me to learn and i did mechanical

  7. Narbin balmiki says:


  8. k.marikkannu says:

    i am 68.52 waitage marks in tet paper 1 if I am selected or not now sc caste posting?

  9. Dhir says:

    Is their fees refund for OBC quota students in CBSE syllabus in Private school

  10. ajay says:

    cant we make reservation based on merit and income or poverty without based on caste

  11. LOKNATH PARIDA says:

    my carrier are not so good. so i have any kind of problem for campus selection.

  12. Nirlep Vadsara says:

    I think the best solution of this is “Inter Caste marriages”,Then there will not be any caste.I’ve done some research on this and found out that the backward caste has been continually exploited socially..there only hope is this reservation in governments jobs..i read news on how the backward castes are not allowed to be in so called forward caste housing and societies..also there are many villages in which the dalits are not allowed in temples or any kind of social gathering..belive it even now its still happening…what we need to do is to see the history and present situation on this injustice done to them.

  13. vijay says:

    there must be a provision to surrender reservation for those people whose 2 or 3 generations had taken the benefits of reservations and now working as grade a or b government or PSU employees….

  14. chandu badsha says:

    I have never seen such a site like Mydeals247 ,bcoz it shows the right job for me that exactly matched to my profile…

  15. sambid swain says:

    in my view the reserved categories (ST/SC/OBC ) should not be given reservation in jobs but they should only be given reservation in universities throughout india so that they can read and write and be at par with the respected general category. and as the lawstates all men are equal so let them compete with the general for any job,,,,

    • Nilkamal mandi says:

      Every day we learn,we think that our brain has been matured and we can understand every thing,are happening in our society.but not….
      Whatever u saying now that may be change in futher day.resurve for sc,st,pc,obc not only for they are poor or undevelop but also there are many reason of it….u dont have that power to under stand..from there where u live in situation..change situation learn veriety of language like english,hindi,bangali,santali and develop your mind.

  16. Kuldeep Singh says:

    Hello Friends,
    First of all i want all the people to watch the movie “Dr. B.R Ambedkar” .
    Secondly, all the people who are opposing reservation and saying that sc/st/obc people should compete with general people as normal people should know the history that why the reservation been provided and whats the meaning of this ?
    Let me tell you that before independance and even today people of sc/st/obc were been treated worse than animals. They were not even given their basic rights like education, job etc. The higher castes forces these people to do the work like scavenging and not even allowed them to touch their stuffs. The only person who came up from Backward Section was Dr. Ambedkar( He was an untouchable called Mahar) who did double M.A from U.S and double PHd from England-London on the scholarship when even passing the 12th was a big deal but when he came back to India he still was treated as untouchable despite his education .
    So then he fights, not for the money or power but for equality and he knew that as higher casts people thinks that its their birth right to treat backword people like this so then he asks for seperate electorate but gandhi ji said no i cant do that then gandhi ji took the vow of silence and fast to put the pressure on Dr. Ambedkar to alter his demand then Dr. Ambedkar came to him to break his fast and agree on gandhi ji’s proposal of reservation. So, it will take time for the lower casts to come up at equal level.
    People are saying that sc/st people have came upto to good level now in 60 years. But lemme ask one thing now a days people are talking a lot about corruption and many thing then how is it possible that corruption had not happened with the sc/st people who are at the lowest point in hierarchy ?
    Other thing is that the people who dont know history and present of the country dont possess the right to say anything abiut these affairs because they dont have the bigger vision. Some of the people above are saying wrong to Dr. Ambedkar, lemme tell you that he is still the highest educated person of the country and had done a lot for the country as he alone and alone Drafted the Supreme Power of the country “The Constitution” which is beyond the understanding limit of most of our country people becoz most of the people of our country just know how to talk but they dont know the practical reality of the society and country. Secondly Dr. Ambedkar as law minister passes the bill for the maternity leave for the women of the country, he make the law of increment of wages of the workers, he was the first to write the thesis on the Indian economy and problem of Indian Rupee consecuently we were able to control our country economically , he was the person who tries to pass the bill for the welfare of women and for their equal standardisation to the men but it was rejected bcoz of the low and insular mentality of society that how come women be equal to men ! By this you all can assume what is the mental status of society! Our society still discriminates a lot -a lot among the backward people and themselves no matter how hard working that backward class person is .
    “Sabne ye kehtey to zaroor suna hoga k abe ise mat chhu kisi chamhar ya bhangi ne chua hoga” !
    Then come you are saying that sc/st/obc have come upto equal levels ?
    If people have not heard the above sentence in their life then i am sorry they dont know the real face of the country.
    sc/st/obc have now just started to put their first step on the ladder of equality so y to stop now ?
    these people should be brought up and if this reservation were not been brought in the system then these people still would have been treated as worse than animals . our country people must visit villages of out country even the cities the condiiton is pathetic. The people of the country have never tried to support these backword people to bring upto the same level in previous years, the reservation was the only weapon for these people to come a little up else they never would have came up even this much . Most importantly sc/st/obc/PH includes the 49.5 % of all the seats and rest is with general that is 50.5 %
    so if u all can google then do it, presently 20 crore people are SC and among those 60 % plus are working as “Jamadar” and rest a bit higher than how come they came compete with general people ?
    Secondly, many seats of SC/ST and PH people remains vacant bcoz enough num of people are not coming in bcoz they are unable and helpless . Their cutoff’s are been kept lower than general bcoz they have not reached to that level to compete with general bcoz of social unequalness . The day when SC/ST will start bringing the high marks in competition then we can say that yeah they are coming up.
    A large percentage of SC/ST people dont even know whats the engineering and arts and all bcoz they are still being kept deprived of the basic rights, the only weapon they have is the reservation. And, of truly the society will try from deep within the heart to improve thee condition of these backward people and start doing the necessary steps then the relevant change can be seen the very next moment.
    One more important thing SC/ST are not even able to fulfill their own reserved seats, by this u can understand their position and they are competing in their own section and if other people are not able to grab some opprtunity due to their own competition and blaming the SC/ST people then its baseless, the problem here is lack of colleges and opprtunity . I know that these days there are many colleges opening in out country but we should not forget the population of our country that is 126 crore plus.
    Lastly , yeah that some people above talked about providing the free education and supporting financially then i must say in Hindi ” Wo to hona hi chahiye” !
    But before ending my opinion i ll request all the people that before giving some opinion about some thing people shud do some research upon the past and present.
    Thank You 🙂

  17. Hoshang says:

    Quota system is only useful if it reaches the Economically ‘NEEDY’ and not drunkards and alcoholics who are well to do in all respects, but have an advantage of being born into a specific community.

    Plus there should be no compromise in ‘Quality’ in fields like Medicine and Engineering… Dear Govt pls provide FREE EDUCATION AND FOOD to them if you must but this SHIT is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

    I have many friends who
    -Spend their scholarship money partying and drinking or buying expensive clothes and mobiles
    – They want to go for outing so they apply for exam centers and Govt pays their travelling expenses;

    Its like you pay money to somebody as an urgent help and later see them drinking and partying…

    My boss is an alcoholic SC and boasts he can bully anyone owing to the “Atrocities act “. Moreover he believes in corruption of ‘kind’ not ‘cash’; (thats the new trend these days.) wtf is this?

    And if a person has been awarded a wonderful job via quota system, Good! !
    Why should they get “Another chance” rather ‘UNLIMITED’ Chances?
    Why should their Sons & Daughters & other family members get preferential help it in every aspect ??
    THIS ISN’T FUNNY GOVT!! General category have become outcasts these days.

    In the name of creating equality the govt is encouraging animosity.. Sooner or later this is going to cause big troubles for many.

    • man says:

      People forgetting that GENERAL candidate have still 50.5% against OBC/ST/SC/PH 49.5% . but still these people are crying for their lack of chance . If such got the callibar they should try in their own section rather interfering on other categories .
      Thanking Govt for bringing many weaker section of society at such level still many are left.

  18. sibanjan says:

    in the present scenario.. i do not support reservation against cast… the constitution has been formed more than 60 years ago… and it is enough time to elevate a backward class….india is a democratic country… and here everybody has a equal right to live….so by sake of reservation if we give some special power to a certain numbers of people ….the where is the meaning of “unity among diversity”???
    reservation policy should be changed… in spite of cast it should be according to the financial condition of the people…..

  19. BHarti PaNdey says:

    I m totally not in support of Reservation it may be for General / SC/ST /OBC or any other caste.I believe in Efforts and Abilities that should be the main focus of any Promotion .To an Extent i may support Reservation in Admission but not at all in Promotion .As I believe it should only be based on “HARD WORK”.

  20. Divya Acharya says:

    reservation in india must be stopped now so that we can make a new and young india.

  21. Saurabh Jajoo says:

    i think reservation is not good for any people bcoz reservation belongs to that effected value which r not the true as given rules perespective..reservation effet both people intelligent as well as non-intelligent..the person who want everything about the basic knowledge and also aware of those things which are increase the whole idea but another side that people r not concern about it and at last those people will be selected by reservation so this thing thing is incorrect..
    the person BHIMRAV AMEDKER who was given the whole concept about reservation that education is not the game..and deals with education by reservation is not many criteria today worlds r also belong the concept of reservation that is not perfact..

  22. Siddhant Tripathi says:

    Putting on my views, well the whole system is working trash.
    Why do they need the reservation?
    I don’t think opportunities are biased in this country.. if the general category can beat up to the cut throat competition, why can’t the people belonging to SC?ST?OBC?
    Why are they treated special?
    This creates a lack of opportunities for the general category candidates and poses a great threat to the “Right to Equality” that happens to be the Fundamental Right of ours.
    Since reservation is a blank cheque for the politicians to earn a sympathy vote of the BPL candidates and mass in order to increase their vote bank so they every now-‘n-then appoint gatherings and organize nonsense rallies in order to earn their support and after gaining the seat, they forget about them.
    Awareness need to be penetrated into the mindsets of such people that they are merely “using” them for their own benefit and they fall into their greed nets!
    As long as there exists a reservation or quota system, India cannot develop.
    A biased mentality can’t contribute to the integration of any national system on any grounds.
    I just shout it loud to all those in favor of this reservation system-“If you have the potential.. NAIL IT HARD or else don’t go BEGGING for reservation!”

  23. kamna sengar says:

    Reservation policy should be changed in India. Now a days reservation is only used by politician for getting vote.They are not interested to give any profit for any cast.They are only playing the mind game for making the vote.I am not against in reservation but it should not depend on cast because cast is not responsible for making any person rich or poor.Rich and poority not comes from cast that why cast should not be base of reservation. Reservation should be available for those people who is really suffered from money or other problem .I have another point why this government providing three types of reservation. Reservation is present in every exam first in seat of college ,second is number and third is money what it is???.I would like to say another point if any family gets reservation than in next time reservation should be banned for this family because they have taken the advantage but in our system if any person belongs to lower cast but they are continuously taking the advantage from reservation.Reservation is responsible for cast-ism situation because if any person get the advantage from reservation because he is belongs to SC/ST/OBC cast so ,why i want to ask why general cast people respect to the those people why they provide the equality because they are suffers from reservation so that if we want to remove the cast-ism problem first we remove cast based reservation. We are the child of god please don’t separate them bases on cast.We are same.
    Reservation should be allow on family condition instead of cast

  24. Aditya Gupta says:

    yes definately they have given such type of punishment that nobody could ever do such type of thing and such type of crime happen on the roads of the indian capital is a huge shamefull thing for india.This news has shaken the roots of Indian society and has shown its dark side. This is not just an cruel act but shows the cruelty can extend. Although, those people were drunk but this will not gonna spare them for what they have done.hink this is a best solution hanging till for the rape cases because our education system is faulty because our leader are also involved in many type currption.our leaders are involved in rape cases so according to me they have given such huge punishment which set example for others.

  25. Sonali kushwah says:

    The Rapist should be punished till the last breath…

    I am very shameful while hearing these kinds of cases its really a very shameful case.
    to stop this the fast court should be start and the govt. of the country should have to be made the strong actions against it!!!!!!!

  26. Avdhesh singh says:

    1. reservation must be there in Education but not in services
    2. reservation is helps in uplifting backword peoples ..poor people.
    3. reservation is not snashing some one rights its just helping to INcridbale India.

  27. Sonali kushwah says:

    I think thatt reservation should we there because they are belong to backward society and they dont have enough money and oppurtinities to get heigher education.
    so to come up and to increase education the reservation should be there…
    these poor people should get the chance to stand with the society.

    According to me its good to give facilities to these people and get a chance to grow up..

    • Jayapraksh Savanur says:

      Here, the point discussed is not against poor or rich, instead it is protest against reservation for fixed categories. Of course poor people should get opportunity, provided they should have necessary qualification. It should not happen that a person scoring 90% is thrown away and a person scoring 40% gets seat. If a person is poor he should only be supported with money not with reservation. There should be no reservation for any one. It should be independent of caste, sex, place, poor or rich. Every selection should be based on merit.

      • Vigneshwaran Renganathan says:

        I believe all humans are equal by birth men, women, gay, iyer,iyangar, chettiyar, nadar, dalit.
        Human race started from one clad only there cannot be two source of human origin.
        Administration, health, wealth, food, love , education and everything should be available for all
        all, the benefits attained by Forward class people through suppressing all other people in society and slaver them should also be reached by all other community people.
        you are seeing only today’s world, Think about about passed centuries SC, ST, OBC, MBC people was suffered by dominant caste based system. Do u think one generation suffering wont follow next generation? They suffered for thousands of years not only in economy but also in life style , food. Many disease where found to be the reason of work nature, food habits and life style those are all encoded in their genes for centuries. Even if many of SCs and BCs OBCs are in good position and wealthy and get a seat with less marks not because of their reservation are there to help them but because of thousands of generation they neglected for education they cannot compete in health and IQ level with FCs, and their life style and malnutrition which played important role across generation in building their learning abilities, Diseases, Wealth … etc . when we people know that we all are one race that is human we will start sacrifice to bring them up equal to our level. if laws and reservations are not reaching the real poor and suffered class people then we have to make it more strict and law should be more straight forward. Money doesn’t matter at all … what matter is cast based discrimination done by our fore fathers they not only affected by economy but also in all other aspects that we have to consider. even one is wealthy from a scheduled cast wont be as bright as a Forward Class since their mind had been genetically mutated for thousand of years to suppress them. I am not asking for them the wealth but give them a best education and share your genes with them so that all the next generation at least will live with all health wealth and prosperity. You can see all the post here was posted by a forward class people since they are getting affected by this reservation based system but still they are putting their caste name behind their name which they think will bring pride and respect in society, until unless we remove our caste name from our name this problem in India will never get a solution. There are bright people in all community and slow learner too but the ratio is the matters. If FC has 90% bright students BC will have 40% and SC is 5-10% if there is no reservations there are no other chances to bring them up in the society and get them their equality back. The education is the only thing which can enhance their life style… we have to accept it since our forefather enjoy a lot with their dominance its now their turn after all life is a cycle.

  28. Huma Fatima says:

    Well said…..this quota system should be stopped..this is effecting the growth of the country.this will devoid the talented from getting their deserving positions.

  29. pragya saxena says:

    reservations shold not be promoted in any field either of education or jst totally kills the persons potential and ability to who are often deserving and lack back due to reservations…i my opinion reservation system should be banned if we talk our country taking as a single secular state or nation den why we want ourselves to be divided on the basis of castes…???

  30. Jagriti Singh says:

    Reservation should be banned.. the selection should be totally based on the individual’s talent. So the real talent come out. Or resevation should be there only for poor people. Bt on the basis of cast its nt right it should be totally banned

  31. viyet roy says:

    reservation system is benificial for the backyard people in our country and to increase level of such backyard it is needfull syetem for our country where many of people belong from backward.

    • Deekshith says:

      Could u please tell me “backward” people means economically backward or caste wise backward?

      • Vigneshwaran Renganathan says:

        yeah I agree many of the FC people suffered even though they have good marks but if u see the statistics all of them are trying to settle in high impact jobs but not to other jobs ….
        if u take a bc they will be wide spread in all areas like agriculture, factory labor, auto drivers like wise many scheduled class people are sweeper , septic tank cleaner… but how many of the FC people compete for these kind of job? just now these suppressed people started competing for those high impact jobs if there is no reservation none of the sweeper or diver son will get a IPS, IAS qualification. the population of FC is higher in people going abroad. we sharped our learning abilities for thousands of years and suppressed them for thousands of years and also their learning abilities and IQs. As how we enjoy our forefathers properties including genes we must take part to repay their sins too. its our duty to bring them up to standardize the equality. or else we can cancel all reservation and share our genes with them through inter case marriage so that every one will be equal.

  32. viyet roy says:

    reservation system is benificial for the backyard people and to increase level of such backyard it is needfull syetem for our country where many of people belong from backward.

  33. abhishek pareek says:

    reservation is just for despite and deproved people. But people are taking disadavantage of it.Baba Bhim Rav Ambadaker stated it for despite and deproved people to increase them up to the level and fight with in real socity but our people want take their misuse and this is going to be our big problem in our country. I think the whole reservation should now be end. and strat it from new era that their is no reservation acording to the religion. Because this is going to be really bad impact on our socity that a good people is not growing up.

  34. BHARAT GAUTAM says:

    Dr. Ambedkar started reservation for several years to maintain the standard between lower cast and upper cast .But now every person who has reservation is considering this as his/her right and riots are taking place in country .Reservation is not a right of any person it a shot time facility was provided by Dr. Ambedkar and now every cast has achieved equivalent position in society so the reservation has to be stopped now.

    The main reason behind this problem is the politicians, elections and government. Because to get the votes of the people, politicians make the promises of reservation for the particular cast. This greedy approach of the politicians has made this problem very huge.

    Lack of education can be considered as another reason of this problem. If people are educated then they can understand what good and what bad for them.

    But now this reservation problem has increased so much and if Govt. want to eliminate it then it has to face the war and riots between the cast.

    And according to my point of view let the war begins and get the final solution of RESERVATION problem.

  35. Bhawani Singhpanwar says:

    The reservation is a kinda policy to divide the among different cast and religions and it would not be possible for the guys to persist with this environment without inferiority and it results into mental stress among people and will have a diverse effect on society .It raises the issue cast9ism and partitioned environment .
    The people are more specific towards the benefits that has been given to sc /st people and about thier quota although its for giving them a chance to hike themselves among the high profile people and can balance the social life .But i think it should be completely eliminate from the system and let the quota is to be given on the basis of their individual wages .So the poor people can take the benefits of this policy as they have to0 be raise in social environment with others.

  36. abhishek kulshrestha says:

    reservation can be allowed but on the bases of annual income of the person and he should be supported for financial support not for seats…………. and reservation based on cast system should be banned.



  38. deepak sharma says:

    reservation is not good in today’s scenario.
    1) our good talent is loosing chance in good colleges.
    2) our best people not gating service of their status
    3) reservation should be on financial basis only.
    4) some times worst people get to select in govt. services due to reservation.
    5) today most of the backward casts are good in financial condition. though getting reservation.

  39. VISHAL SHARMA says:

    Reservation is the weakness of “Our Developing India”. Every person have their own opinion about reservation. But I wanna ask for those person who are with reservation that-
    > Why you need reservation in study. If you are poor then demand from government for money.
    > If you demand reservation in jobs just like Doctor, What will happen if your parents or your children are handled by me in their serious disease whether i am engineer.

    So reservation should be removed.

  40. gopesh saraswat says:

    I belong to genral and think that ihave no government job because due to reservation and till 90% job goes to reservation and igot 80% in a compt. exam and other cast has 40% has able and selected so this is painfull so reservation should be banned and given same oppurtunity to govt. job but now a days Instead of giving reservations and playing slushy “vote-bank politics” the government should bolster the education system of school so that in future there is no need for any reservation!!!!!!! One man behind this reservation was Mr. babasaheb ambedkar who brought reservation that converse one caste to other.They generate platform for individual caste to grow in society, and that step become the advantage for those politician who don’t take care about that people but takes votes from that people and don’t takes care about that people. but now adays this is great probem amongst humanbeing to find job and show our talent and experience and talent

  41. shivani sharma says:

    Reservation was actually started for providing a platform for the backward castes in India to grow and develop for just 10 years . But it has become a burning topic for politicians which act as a vote bank for them. We can say it as a process of snatching opportunity from deserving candidate. The actual benefit is also not given to the backward classes but few people are getting advantages from it. Politicians are earning their votes and the general public is paying for it. Reservation not only affect people who are not getting reservation but also who are not. Many antisocial activities are taking place in nation which directly influence our economy. I must say “Reservation is a bacteria which is damaging the roots of our nation”.

  42. Varun says:

    Reservation Reservation Reservation….!!!!
    now i feel after afew days that 99% of seats are reserved and they are vacent and 2lakh people are fighting for 1seat…. Ms. Mayawati says she now want reservation in even promotion.. it is like reservation is more important then food..
    it is acceptable if the people who require reservation are getting benifit from it, bt cenario is such dat it is cursing the poor and blessing the strong.
    one time reservation is acceeptble bt not everywhere.

  43. Deepesh Rehi says:

    as a whole its a curse to EDUCATION and INDIA….. in fact ,stat says there are more than 1000’s of villages where people cannot afford even primary education.
    its just a stair to build vote banks for corrupt politicians……neither india nor indian people are get anything out of it.THATS just DIVIDE AND (LET US) RULE .and by the way who is damn cared of whats ur cast??….. its modern INDIA.

  44. Ankit Mehta says:

    reservation should be giving according to fiancial conditions of any one not according to caste system i am not against for reservation,but this providing method should be change.thousand’s of sc/st/obc candidates are not getting the actual benefit from it only a particular class takes all benefits .and this dividation is harmful for our country .this vote bank politics should be stop,and now the time come that politician now think about country.

  45. Dhanraj saini says:

    I thing that reservation is very important for the minorities because they belong to very poor family they don’t get the lots of occasion and facilities in any field.They play an important role in india so for there grouth we should be provide reservation that belong the poor family.They reservation provide them a level there they can reach in a standard level to the other people.So it very important for the people that have not good in their family.

  46. gaurav dusad says:

    reservation is not good for any country.because in reservation system good and intelligent person not get selection because of their sc,st,obc person reservation system.they got selection on lower marks.and then a negative message gone throw all students.a normal person thinks that all his and her effort all worst and they all are if we really want to develop sc st obc canditate then we should thinks on their education .we shoud give them a free education system to all person.this reservation also bad for our country development.and this will develop a negative atmosphare in our i heartly appeal to my country members to avoid reservation system.

  47. Arpit Khandelwal says:

    reservation should be banned as i think it’s reducing the potentiality of development by recuriting those who even deserve to stand among top 100.

  48. Hitesh Murarka says:

    According to my point of view Reservation should be totally banned in India. Because of this the castism is growing which is not a good sign of improving the India in many fields.
    By the reservation one student have taken the admission in a better college or school if he/she is not have a good marks and not eligible for that college. I give a example, if we talk about the medical field, the persons take admission in the college in which he is not eligible and take his degree. Now what he will do after getting the medical degree in his hand. Now he will only playing with the persons who are injured.
    So if we take care about this example then the reservation have to be banned in India in any way.
    There are so many things which we can say about the negative effects of reservation but I can’t post all the negative impact of that.

  49. akhil atreya says:

    give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.teach a manto fish;and you have fed him for a lifetime… stop this resesvation and save the real talent

  50. Abhilash Kaushik says:

    The reservation is working as a termite for indian administration.Reservation is pulling india back as less-skilled person got chance to seat on an high authorized position on the basis of there caste.Reservation is good but not on the basis of the caste.As caste divide the society in to piece which therefore is not beneficial for our society so in my view reservation should be vanished on the basis of caste but on economical condition

  51. khushboo soni says:

    No i am not agree with it ,, there should not at all reservations in promotions !! Because a well known saying ” A mistake is not called mistake if its done repetadely then its called the stupidity ” , same saying applies on here because we had already given reservation in the education system a lot which lead a negative impact in the case of talent and giving them again promotion is like elimination of talented people from the society and hence an uneducated system so the uneducated country. Because due to reservation many of the talented people cann’t be able to move on as reserved peoples find the platform not because of their talent but beacuse of their reservation and again providing them same criteria in cases of promotion will be the insane work and it will lead only and only an uneducated system & and uneducated peoples are the part of poverty , crimes , terrorism etc. & thus resist the growth of company!!

  52. Abhilash Kaushik says:

    The reservation is working as a termite for indian administration.Reservation is pulling india back as less-skilled person got chance to seat on an high authorized position on the basis of there caste.Reservation is good but not on the basis of the caste.As caste divide the society in to piece which therefore is not beneficial for our society

  53. khushboo soni says:

    No i am not agree with it ,, there should not at all reservations in promotions !! Because a well known saying ” A mistake is not called mistake if its done repetadely then its called the stupidity ” , same saying applies on here because we had already given reservation in the education system a lot which lead a negative impact in the case of talent and giving them again promotion is like elimination of talented people from the society and hence an uneducated system so the uneducated country. Because due to reservation many of the talented people cann’t be able to move on as reserved peoples find the platform not because of their talent but beacuse of their reservation ,,and again providing them same criteria in cases of promotion will be the insane work and it will lead only and only an uneducated system & and uneducated peoples are the part of poverty , crimes , terrorism etc. & thus resist the growth of company!

  54. YATEESH NIRWAN says:

    RESERVATION IS DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Lets start with a brief introduction of the meaning of the word reservation , it means occupying some area or seats or anything. When we deal with the reservation among castes then it means occupying some seats for some of the castes eg reservation for SC, ST, OBC.
    The earlier hypothesis for reservation comes from the notion of giving the opportunities to backward sections of the society, but now its meaning has changed a lot and as a result general people has to face the negative impacts of the same. The change of notion i am talking about here is that now a days people deliberately tr to proof them as people of backward classes and utilize the fruits of reservation.
    I think though on one hand some people are really getting benifits from reservation but the other side is facing a lot of trouble due to the same, and the amount of other side is much larger than the former.
    The news like ” a general student getting merit 100 is rejected from the test and the backward class student getting rank 1000 is selected”, these types of events always leads unfruitful results both for the organisation and for the exam status they appear!!!!!
    So in nutshell the reservation scheme should not be made in all the spheres of life in fact some spheres like education , competitions etc should be completely be kept aside from the same .On the other hand spheres like government sections, politics etc should use the reservation scheme so that the people in the same community learns a lesson and goes high in life.

  55. Divya Acharya says:

    reservation is just like an white ant which is making our country empty from inside,if aperson is capable then what’s the need of giving reservation to any body.our goverment has started this at the time of independence but now there is noo need of this,it should be stopped but for the vote banks and all goverment makes new2 rules for dis.
    both reserved and general peoples are seeing a kind of boundary in beetwen them becouse of the reservation.

  56. divya vohra says:

    In my opinion , the worst part is that the Reservation system in our country is used as a political factor , and not as any social or educational factor. So, it will be better to remove such reservation system. In-fact, a quota for BPL (Below Poverty Line) candidates can be generated , so that the people who are actually suffering are provided with benefit.Other -Wise there is no need of any reservation system.

  57. Akash Jain says:

    Reservation Quota earlier was for the benefits of the people but now days it has been taken granted. On the sake of this people are just misusing it by applying their casts in the category of ST/SC/OBC. basically in present time the competition has become very difficult in every field , so as to get the opportunities many a students and people are trying to get into the category of Reservation Quota. In ma opinion reservation should be cancel out from all over the world as the hard working General category students are not getting the chances which they deserve. All students or people should be equally treated.

  58. Suyash maheshwari says:

    reservation should be given to it not by their caste but by their yearly income. as sometimes a normal man because of reservation cant get a good position as lack of money and a SC/ST person get it because of it. it should by given to only those who cant be able for it to get education . instead of reservation education level should be increased .

  59. Suchi Maheshwari says:

    I think reservation must be stopped in our country. It was started to raise the people of lower caste in society but now this has become a way to take votes on name of religion. Due to reservation in every field the capable students are getting affected. Today reservation has increased so much that the people having potential are roaming without jobs and good institute. It is increasing the castism in our country and dividing the country on name of caste. If government really want to help ST/SC/OBC people than the students must be given scholarships so that they can get higher studies. Reservation has left the capable, determined, responsible people behind. So, people must understand it and must encourage the capability and potential instead of reservation.

    • Vigneshwaran Renganathan says:

      if we pay a beggar for his hunger for a day he will be beggar until he live, if u gave a job to him or education his generation will get prosperity. scholarships and giving frees may help a suppressed one until he stay in that institute alone. As we suppressed them for 6000 years we cannot expect them to rise and get equality in 60 years or so. Still in villages SC, ST, OBC, MBC people working hard for a meal and they don’t have sophisticates tution, coaching even books and teachers to learn and compete with people like us in urban. the only way for a sweeper, formar, autodriver son so get a seat or job is reservation.

  60. amit jain says:

    reservation system is benificial for the backyard people and to increase level of such backyard people.and this system also help for them that they come at higher level and provide better education foe their next generation and come to the level of high cast people.but it decrease country growth and people have law quality come in and high quqlity remain out that is not good for reservation should be limited time and for limit should not be high.



  62. Pritam Prakash says:

    reservation is truly necessary but way of using the reservation policy by politicians is wrong . So what we can do is step into politics and change the meaning of politics . If this reservation of 49 % comes in full use by the lower category people think we will live in a place where everyone is educated. Resevation follows a rule that whenever a caste is fully perfect with wealth and prosperity they should be brought to upper general category which is not happening. They use politics for their own prosperity, but when youth get into politics they will really do for their county’s prosperity ,bcoz the youth are among you

  63. Ravishankar Rajpoot says:

    The reservation for the category sc/st/obc should be give but i think it should have some conditions because as we see around the maximum persons those belongs to these categories took the wrong benefits and that is not correct.
    The reservation gives to those people have really in below the poor line in the country , not to those people have sufficient facilities , because there is no need to them.
    I am not completely opposing to the reservation but also not in the fever of this type of reservation.

  64. Surbhi Kabra says:

    i think reservation is not good for any people bcoz reservation belongs to that effected value which r not the true as given rules perespective..reservation effet both people intelligent as well as non-intelligent..the person who want everything about the basic knowledge and also aware of those things which are increase the whole idea but another side that people r not concern about it and at last those people will be selected by reservation so this thing thing is incorrect..
    the person BHIMRAV AMEDKER who was given the whole concept about reservation that education is not the game..and deals with education by reservation is not many criteria today worlds r also belong the concept of reservation that is not perfact..

  65. disha sharma says:

    Reservation is not good for india bcoz all people are same and not choice for one good other bad .it is the all indians people are equals….

  66. roshani mishra says:

    Reservation affect both people…that is the people without reservation and the people with reservation…

  67. mankeshwar tripathi says:

    Instead of giving reservations and playing slushy “vote-bank politics” the government should bolster the education system of school so that in future there is no need for any reservation!!!!!!!

  68. sakshi chaudhary says:

    reservation is not good by seeing the current status of INDIA,as their are few people who really need the reservation but our politicians uses this card for vote and this is bad and it should be stopped by considering
    as all the Indians are equal.

  69. Shilpa Ranjan says:

    Truly said reservation in INDIA is not at all good .. It is just like kicking a deserving candidate out. This kind of rules should be stopped ASAP . Proper judgement should be performance based not caste based…..!!!!!!!!

    • VISHAL SHARMA says:

      Reservation is not good as we know but reservation can not be stopped because reservation is approved by government that their politician effect can remain consistently. Nobody want to loose his seat and it consistently increased. I think, in future people will be fight with each other, and government can’t be stopped them and that will be the solution. So government should stop that.

  70. patlakshi says:

    reservation should be banned because in this way we are really cutting out the real talent. Instead of hiring the people based upon their capability and potentialities we are judging them according to their religion, caste etc which is not good.

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