Solar On Grid Application

Apr 22 • Notes, Science Notes • 5519 Views • 1 Comment on Solar On Grid Application

To convert sunshine into electricity, a PV system which is grid connected uses PV modules,and without battery storage,power is feeded into national grid via grid connected inverters during the process by a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technology. PV power generation is the direction of PV industry on grid, and the 21st centuries most attractive energy utilization technology is represented.

The DC electricity generated by solar into pure sine wave current is changed by the inverter On grid solar applicationwhich has the same frequency and phases as that of the national grid,local loads will be powered by part of the electricity and the rest will be sent to national grid. The electricity will be send by the power regulator inside inverter back to national grid in case of maximum.

Huge amount of energy is absorbed by the national grid  and there will be no need for storage batteries, which saves the system investment and reduces maintenance cost and endows the on-grid PV system with vast application potential.

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Solar on grid is also known as grid- tied or utility interactive system. It generates solar dig 2electricity through solar panels and route it to the utility grid. Living with an on-grid solar electric system is the same as living with grid power, except that some or all electricity you use comes from the sun.

Working Principal of Solar On Grid Application:

There are four different cases in solar on grid which we are going to study now :-

Case 1 of Solar on Grid Application

The solar panel collects the energy of sun . The dc solar electricity goes through the dc disconnect switch to the DC/AC inverter where it will be converted to AC. Through the AC panel breaker AC electricity will then supply to your households.

Case 2 : SUN + GRID ENERGYCase 2 of Solar on Grid Application

In some cases sun energy is not sufficient so we use sun + grid energy i.e. in cloudy or rainy days

Case 3 : SUN and EXCESS ENERGYSolar on grid application

In case there is excess of sun energy from your house it will sometimes turn the electric meter backward to the utility grid.


At night, we have no energy coming from sun so we are left with only one option i.e. utility grid.

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One Response to Solar On Grid Application

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