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Some tips and tricks to crack UPPCS Exam

Mar 30 • General • 13903 Views • 45 Comments on Some tips and tricks to crack UPPCS Exam

The research tell you about the Some tips and tricks to crack UPPCS Exam.

As we all know it is a very tough exam and many students may appear for this test and none of much are selected for the mains. So its the time to start your preparation for the exam, to suggest best coaching institute for you so that you are able to crack this exam without losing your year which is very important. So keep focus on some points how to prepare for UPPCS in a mannered way.

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Time Management

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You can make your time table accordingly and start preparing for competitive exam. If you waste your time and waiting for deadline you decide will not provide any result to you. So don’t waste your time and join the best coaching coaching center.

How to make notes

Make short notes on every topic, topic wise short note must be prepared by you. This will result as a better option for you to study and they should be written in your language so that you can easily understands them. The notes will help you in your exam time or revision time. The students join coaching center in search of note or study material and waste their time, please don’t to that. The coaching centers charge higher fees from you they don’t have time for you, they even don’t care whether you are selected or not. If you are selected they keep you on their front page and start earning money from other students on your name and signature. Keep updated yourself only no to depend on others.

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Study Material

The study material is the thing that will help you during your exam time or revision time, if the study material is good and unique it will result you to score good marks in your exam. The study material must be unique and can be written in a simple language so that students feel comfortable while reading the study material.

Be Ready

Be ready from the first day when you start your preparation for UPPCS exam, so that the confidence is out there inside you, so that you never loose hope and start making your bright future.

Never loose hope, after completing every chapter take your own test, this test may realize you where you stand after study. This test will give your feedback of what you had done since you start preparing for UPPCS exam.

Self Study after coaching

The most important thing is that please do not depend upon only on coaching centers, they charge higher fees to give you knowledge, rest is up to you only. They do not worry whether you are selected in the test or not, you are the way of their income. So do not depend on them, after the coaching please repeat the topic that you have read in coaching. Learn them, practice them.

Try to revise the topics that you have read before you go to coaching center and make your doubts clear to the teachers of respective coaching centers.

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UPSC Mains Exam Syllabus

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45 Responses to Some tips and tricks to crack UPPCS Exam

  1. dhivalaran says:

    Which is the best coaching institute for IAS?? Especially in Bangalore and chennai

  2. Sandeep says:

    I want colleges which are offering both degree and ias coaching….can u plss suggest

  3. ajoy singh says:

    My name is Ajoy Singh, from Kolkata.(West Bengal). I want to appear in uppcs exam, but I have two queries regading the following matter…… Sir please help.
    Is it compulsory qualification for UP PCs upper subordinate exam that “ a candidate must having HINDI as a compulsory paper in his secondary or higher secondary level ?
    If so, then How can a candidates from other state will be eligible for this exam, if he wants to appear.? I know HINDI language very well.
    Qry- 2 )..
    I have class 10th mark sheet from Bihar School Examination Board, which i had given in private mode (Supplimentary exam for all subjects ). My DOB is mentioned there, so is it acceptable to the UP PSC as certificate for DOB ?

    My date of birth mention in class 10th mark sheet is defferent from date which is mentioned in my Birth Certificate. So, i need to change this according to birth certificate date or the commission only ask for 10th exam certificate and it is final acceptable to them ?

    I am 100% sure that you will give me the right guidence


  4. Ajay Saroj says:

    I dont know anything about this field. Please help me from start.


    plzz give me proper trics to crack lower pcs /pcs exam …..

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