SSB Interview Pattern and Five Days Procedure
What is SSB ?
Services Selection Board (SSB) is an organization that take some test and interview for admission into the Armed Forces of India. The board conducts personality and intelligence tests and interviews to determine suitability. Some tests are paper based while others involve group tasks or presenting to a panel of assessors. The SSB is held in specified central locations over a number of days.INDIAN ARMY SELECTION PROCEDURE
The test is held total five days in this time period officer check and test everything about SSB Intrview candidate .
Total 5 Days SSB Schedule is following –
Fisrt day – Reporting Day: The day of reporting at the SSB board, followed by document check and form filling. Checkout your all document and your call letter .Testing u ou will not find any difficult in doing so because there are many other candidates who reports on the same day, so you may find one or two.INTERVIEW QUESTIONS OF UES
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Stege – 1 Testing
A.Screening – Screening process is to choose up some potential candidates from all those who have reported for the particular entry. It consist of some screaning activities like:
a.Verbal and Non-verbal Test.- In this test check out candidate’s way of speaking , body language and other verbal and non verbal way.INDIAN ARMY UES-25
b.PPDT- [Picture Perception and Discussion test].You will be shown a picture for 30 secs, later you have to write a story based on the picture you have seen in 3 mins., You will be divided into sub groups of 14-15 members.
Firstly each candidates will narrate his/her story which is followed by the group discussion on the picture, among the group members.
Stage-2 Testing
2Psychological Test: It is a battery of projective tests, all tests are used to check the psychological suitability of the candidate to be an officer. Candidates are required to write their responses based on the particular test. Here the time limit is very crucial , so you are required to write your first response in time.
In this test total four types different test held
- Thematic Apperception Test [TAT]
- Word Association Test [WAT]
- Situation Reaction Test [SRT]
- Self Description Test [ SD]
3 GTO: This is a series of outdoor task, the main aim of this task is to judge your qualities during group performance you are required to support the group with best of your qualities and not to compete with them in any manner.
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Series of Test are Following-
- GD- Group Discussion
- GPE: Group Planning Exercise.
- PGT: Progressive Group Task.
- HGT: Half Group Task.
- IOT: Individual Obstacles Task.
- Command Task.
- Snake race/Group Obstacle Race
- FGT: Final Group Task, same like PGT
4 Personal Interview: It is a main key which decides your recommendation in the SSB Interview
5 Conference: Each candidates will be facing all SSB board members, he will face few general questions like how was your stay or what did you learn from this, conference is just to decide whether or not to recommend you as an officer in Indian defence forces.
Can Preparation Be Done Without Coaching ?
This question is common to come in every student’s mind. Now days so many free options available on you tube and google But you know the correct answer to this question. If you have enough confidence than no need any coaching classes but if you want to some guidance and daily mentor ship then you will definitely go to coaching classes .
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Dear Aspirants Apart from above information IF you have any query related to SSB please ask be frankly in comment box My Best wishes With YOU.
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