study material for ibps

Coaching study material for IBPS Exam

Jan 31 • Bank Sample Papers, General, SBI PO • 7161 Views • 5 Comments on Coaching study material for IBPS Exam

The article gives you the complete information regarding coaching study material for IBPS exam.

Introduction to Study Material

Study material for ibps As we all know the study material matters the most when you start preparing for any competitive exam.There must be a quality of study material so that it will be easier for the students to crack any exam.

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It has been asked by many students and parents that why big brand names of coaching do not appear or appear very less in our rating of top coaching.

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We would like to inform that during our review of coaching centers, we keep personal guidance as most important factor or parameter of our calculation for the best coaching.

During our review process we have found that in big brands teachers salary is as high as Rs 6000 for one hour of class.Due to which teachers cost becomes Rs 100 for every minute he/she invest.I think a teacher feels that till the time he/she is in coaching his/her bill meter should keep running.

Thus, they keep rushing for classes without giving individual time to students and thus we do not recommend these big brand centers.

Even centers of big brands who focus on individual mentor-ship, we put them in ranking.

Now we will discuss about some coaching centers that provides quality of Study Material

Bank Po Clerk

It is the website from which you will get study material for SBI and IBPS other related banking exams.Here you will get the previous papers and check here for recent notifications of the exam. study material for ibps If there is any change in the exam pattern or syllabus the site lets you know about that changes.Here you can free download the test series and papers of previous papers, this will helpful for the aspirants.


This is the institute that has many students and everyone of us don’t need to discuss about this coaching institute.The institute has immense experience in the field of education.It has great records of the previous years students who crack IBPS exams and other related bank exams.

It is suggested by the toppers, they have highly qualified teachers as they provide very good stuff in a very simple language and has unique content.The coaching institute is famous all over due to its quality and records of the students.

Here you will find classroom training study material for ibps program for the course of Probationary Officer(PO) for the students and these exam conducted by IBPS, SBI and Associate banks of SBI.Go through their websites you will find whatever you want.

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The Mission Of Mahendra’s is to provide the quality of education so that each and every students must reach their destination.

Mahendra’s instructive private restricted , with its statement of purpose simply wishes to make a dynamic and reasonable setup of new age showing system where the understudies is guided to utilize cutting edge specialized backing however with the conventional methodology of teaching of our nation.Visit this institute or go through their website, you will get quality of study material with unique content and simple language.


Mobile Number:9 am to 6 pm

Toll free Number: 1800 103 5225

Exam Race

Exam Race provides the training program of Probationary Officer(PO) or SBI  which is conducted by IBPS.The teachers in this are highly qualified and provides good teaching so that every students shall clear their doubts which helps them to clear their IBPS exam.

Quality of study material is present on their website, you can go through their websites.Study material of various competitive exams is there.You can download it and go through it.This is suggested by the toppers of IBPS PO and SO exam.


Mobile Number: 09998008851


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5 Responses to Coaching study material for IBPS Exam

  1. Pavan Kumar says:


  2. urvashi tiwari says:

    plz provide me notes

  3. jesho says:
  4. ashok sharma says:

    starting my preparation for exam like SSC, IBPS ,HPAS. how should i prepare these.

  5. Mukta Bakshi says:


    Thanx for sharing Information….!!!

    A very interesting Blog for Students.

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