Study Material for UPSC Mains exam of Zoology optional
This article tells you about the study material for UPSC Mains exam of Zoology optional.
Study material for UPSC Mains Exam of Zoology as an Optional Subject
Evolution is one of the top most institute in the race of zoology Their methodology and understanding is very good and have a proper knowledge of the subject so many students prefer their materials.
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We would like to inform that during our review of coaching centers, we keep personal guidance as most important factor or parameter of our calculation for the best coaching. During our review process we have found that in big brands teachers salary is as high as Rs 6000 for one hour of class.Due to which teachers cost becomes Rs 100 for every minute he/she invest.I think a teacher feels that till the time he/she is in coaching his/her bill meter should keep running. Thus, they keep rushing for classes without giving individual time to students and thus we do not recommend these big brand centers. Even centers of big brands who focus on individual mentor-ship, we put them in ranking. |
The best book in the market for the preparation of UPSC Mains exam for the Zoology as an optional subject.The book is editors choice, and suggested by the best writers in the country.The book covers the entire section from which the UPSc Mains exam questions can be asked.Some of the coaching centers also suggest this book.The book is editors choice.
Publisher: S. Chand Publications
Price In India: Rs 452
For Mathematics Books
Click Here: Mathematics Books
The best book in the market for the preparation of UPSC Mains exam of Zoology.The book is suggested by the authors and the toppers of the UPSC Mains exam.The book has very simple and language and unique content.
Publisher: S. Chand Publications
Price In India: Rs 725
For Books of UPSC Mains of Law Books
Visit: Law Books
A handbook on Economic Zoology, the book for the preparation of UPSc Mains exam and guides you in the right direction.The students will get good marks after reading this book.Readers feel comfortable while reading this book.This book helps you during your exam time and or revision time.
Publisher: S. Chand Publications
Price In India: Rs 160
For Answers
Dictionary Of Zoology:The book has a great concept and very simple language.the book is written by the best writers and editors are also suggest this book.This book is toppers choice also, it is a famous book, its content make it famous all over.It is a dictionary book, no need to go anywhere, just go through this book.You will find everything related to Zoology.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Price In India: Rs 300
For General Studies
Visit: OurEducation
Indian forest Service, the book is best for the preparation of UPSC Mains exam of Zoology as an optional subject.The book deals with the study of Zoology and it covers the entire paper pattern according to the scheme of UPSC Mains exam.
Publisher: Ramesh Publishing House
Price In India: Rs 231
For books of Political Science
Visit: Political Science
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zoology notes for Ias preparation…
Should i opt for zoology optional keeping in mind its complexity ….ut im quite comfortable with it and its also a scoring subject .but im scared that i wont b able to score much as its a difficult one also .
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