Posts Tagged ‘HR Interview’

  • Bio molecular computing

    Jan 19, 13 • 1618 Views • GeneralNo Comments

    Q1 Define Bio molecular computing? Ans It uses DNA & other biological material as a block for planning of living computational machine to solve complex problem. Bio molecules performed natural computations with this field to which electronics engineers,


    Jan 12, 13 • 9497 Views • GeneralNo Comments

    Q.1 Define RISC / CISC? Ans. RISC: stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computing. It is strategy of computer design that simplified instructions can provide higher performance but condition is that the simplicity enables much faster execution of each

  • Format Function: Basic Concepts

    Jan 12, 13 • 2156 Views • Resources5 Comments

    Q.1. What is the format function? Ans. Format function allow us to supply the input in a fixed format and let us obtain the output in the specified form. Formatted output converts the internal binary representation of the data to ASCII character which are

  • Internet Protocol Version 6

    Jan 11, 13 • 2326 Views • General9 Comments

    Q.1 Define IPV6? Ans. IPV6 stands for Internet Protocol version 6.It is the next generation of internet protocol. Basically it is developed to solve the problem of eventual exhaustion of IPV4 address space. Although it also provide some other advantages like

  • AAI Interview questions questions with answers

    Jan 7, 13 • 5563 Views • General, Resources • • 12 Comments

    AAI Interview questions questions with answers HR Interview questions: • Tell me something about yourself. • Are you an Introvert/Extrovert? • Do you believe in competition or team work? • Tell us some of your strengths and weaknesses. • Are you