Posts Tagged ‘Networks’

  • What is Networking

    Jun 2, 14 • 3733 Views • Ethical Hacking3 Comments

    A network consists of 2 or a lot of computers that are joined so as to share resources (such as printers and CDs), exchange files, or enable electronic communications. The computers on a network is also joined through cables, phone lines, radio waves,

  • Packet Switching vs Message Switching

    Dec 11, 13 • 8486 Views • GeneralNo Comments

    Packet switching features delivery of variable – bit – rate data streams (sequences of packets) over a shared network which allocates transmission resources as needed using statistical multiplexing or dynamic bandwidth allocation techniques. When

  • Questions about Neural Networks

    Jan 13, 13 • 16978 Views • Medical Sample Papers6 Comments

    Questions about Neural Networks   Q1. What are Neural Networks? What are the types of Neural networks? Answer:  In simple words, a neural network is a connection of many very tiny processing elements called as neurons. There are two types of neural