Posts Tagged ‘PMP training centers in Gurgaon’

  • PMP Training centers in Delhi NCR

    Apr 27, 14 • 4069 Views • GeneralNo Comments

    According to PMI number of PMP Training centers in Delhi NCR , registered is 13 but there has been a system under which , a center registered at one location opens shop at other location as well. Although PMI has not sought a clear guideline on this as of now

  • PMP coaching centers in Chennai

    PMP Training centers in Gurgaon

    Apr 27, 14 • 5179 Views • General2 Comments

    Out of 13 registered PMP training centers in Delhi NCR ,Gurgaon has 3 to its credit. Although non official PMP Training centers in Gurgaon have Mushroomed in past but according to PMI , for Gurgaon registered PMP training centers number tally touches only 3.