Posts Tagged ‘UPSC MAINS books 2015’

  • Books for UPSC Mains exam of Mathematics optional

    Books for UPSC Mains exam of Mathematics optional

    Jan 29, 15 • 7658 Views • Books for UPSC1 Comment

    This article tells you about the complete information on the books for UPSC Mains exam of Mathematics as optional subject.   It has been asked by many students and parents that why big brand names of coaching do not appear or appear very less in our

  • Books for UPSC Mains exam of Mathematics optional

    Books for UPSC Mains of Philosophy

    Jan 28, 15 • 4849 Views • General16 Comments

    This article lets you know about the Philosophy and also about the UPSC Mains of Philosophy. Introduction to Philosophy Rationality is recognized from different methods for tending to such issues by its basic, for the most part efficient methodology and its

  • Books of Economics for UPSC Mains

    Jan 23, 15 • 2593 Views • GeneralNo Comments

    This article tells you about the complete information regarding Economics and also about the books of Economics for UPSC Mains. Introduction to Economics EconomicsĀ matters concentrates on the conduct and associations of monetary operators and how economies