Telecommunications: Connectivity round the Globe

Apr 17 • Notes • 2349 Views • 6 Comments on Telecommunications: Connectivity round the Globe


WHAT IS TELECOMMUNICATION                     

Telecommunications is the phenomenon of sending information over distances. Telecommunications in the modern world  would include examples like audio voice, video, and Internet services. Earlier telecommunications included sending messages through pigeon, transportation of written letters (foot, horse, train, etc.), Morse code, signal fires, smoke signals, audible yelling, horns, and any other means necessary to convey a message from a distance.Through telecommunications, it is now possible to reach out to your friends and relatives anywhere in this world regardless of how long the distance is.


From time to time , information and communications have always formed the pillars of human existence. This fact has supported humans to continuouly adopt  ways for improving the processing of information and the communication of such information to one another, irrespective of how long the distance is on a real time basis.The expansion in technology which flourished in the information scenario has become the basis for defining power in the modern world. It is a general accepted reality that no modern economy can thrive without any integral information technology and telecommunications advancements. The value of products and services is increasing at a faster rate and  a function of their information content and the knowledge used to produce them rather than the raw material content. Consequently, the ability to easily access and share information and stimulate the creation of new ideas is viewed as important to maintain a strong economy and enhancing quality of life of every individual worldwide.


Access to telecommunications is critical to the development of all aspects of a nation’s economy including manufacturing, banking, education, agriculture and government.Telecommunications has been experiencing rapid growth around the world. In 1999, there were 1.4 billion connected lines worldwide (490 million Mobile; 905 million Fixed). Today, there are nearly 2.5 billion lines (1.34 billion Mobile and 1.20 billion Fixed). Thus in the last 4 years, we have added 1.1 billion lines to the 1.38 billion lines connected in all the years before. In fact, to quote an ITU publication, “today, most of the planet’s 6.1 billion inhabitants are within reach of telephone service. For the first time in history, there are now more telephone subscribers worldwide than there are households.” All these go to demonstrate the importance the world attaches to the development of telecommunications infrastructure.



thumbnailThe development of teleconferencing advancements and multi-media capabilities of several telecommunications systems has made it possible to form and combine audio and video facilities, which has been of immense help especially in healthcare delivery. It has become common practice for surgeons in one part of the country, or another part of the world, to consult with other specialists while performing their operations, and such operations can also be monitored by other surgeons in any part of the world.Concerning education, telecommunications technology has spurred the growth of distance learning which has given millions of people who lack the time or resources to attend traditional colleges, the chance to pursue education qualifications at their own pace. It has also allowed educational institutions to run courses concurrently, or deliver lectures simultaneously to different groups of students located far away from the actual point of delivery.


Telecommunications brings together buyers and sellers and facilitates the flow of information, making it a key driver of trade. Available data from the International Telecommunications Union has shown that flows of international telephone traffic closely mirror the patterns of international trade. Indeed, variations in telephone traffic can be used as a leading indicator of national economic performance.In agriculture, easier and faster access to up-to-date market and price information assists farmers and rural-based traders in their businesses. Telecommunications can also deliver better access to information on improved seeds, availability of fertilizers, weather forecasting, pest control and other agricultural-related services


Furthermore, telecommunications plays an important role in politics and governance, by enhancing a government’s ability to provide security for its citizens, protect its borders and more efficiently handle civil emergencies and national disasters. In turn, the citizens gain easier access to government and greater awareness of government programmes and activities. An informed populace helps protect the democratic process.


Telecommunications deliberately devitalizes the time to deliver long messages over distances regardless, and it therefore contributes to accelerate business relationships and facilitates human work business.Immeasurable changes have been noticed in the past few years.Where once pockets of mankind were isolated from one another, people now have enormous and multiple ways to see and hear about what is occurring at the other side of the world in real time. Internet, telephony, televison and sattelite technology keep the globe connected in a humming buzz of interactive voices and pictures making everything convenient .

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6 Responses to Telecommunications: Connectivity round the Globe

  1. Hardik Sanghvi says:

    since the advent of telecommunication live has changed tremendously…. it has helped in keeping people connected….

  2. RANJIT SINGH says:

    Telecommunication makes transfer of messages very faster from one place to another irrespective of distance.If somebody wants to know about this then he/she must read this article.

  3. Soubarna Biswas says:

    Telecommunication is a very important thing in our lives. Rather I should say its a blessing on us from science which made the world come in our hand. Thanks a lot to science for this amazing techlogy.

  4. Rashmi Rani says:

    Telecommunication is in demand every time. A telecom engineer should have the basic knowledge of the prevailing telecommunication technique and this article will also help the telecommunication students to prepare for their core subject. go through this as it is a very informative one.

  5. mayank sharma says:

    telecommunication has changed our,we can talk to our friends within few seconds.really,this paper gives a lot of information about telecommunication.

  6. Kriti Das says:

    Nice article.Telecommunication has changed the very way we look at things around us now and say ten years back.

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