Top books at best prices for preparation for MAT
Books at best prices for preparation MAT(Management aptitude test) is a test conducted by the Indian government every 3 months that is every trimester). The MAT entrance examination aims towards admission of aspirants into the different B-Schools across the country. The following examination is conducted by the All India Management association(AIMA) in New Delhi. The candidate appearing for the examination has to be a graduate(Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Etc.). There is no percentage criteria for the examination of MAT. Any passing candidate can appear for the examination. Also, there is no eligibility criterion based on age. People of any age can participate in the examination.
The subjects for MAT are:
Quantitative aptitude
Logical & Critical Reasoning
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
General Knowledge
General English and Comprehension.
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Now, the top books at best prices for preparation for MAT for the following subjects are:
Quantitative aptitude:
1. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT
This book is a great book for the preparation of quantitative parts of the MAT exam. this has just the needed content and explanation of the quantitative part of the examination. A book by Arun Sharma and a work of excellence.
Author’s name: Arun Sharma
Published by: TMH
Actual Price: 650
Available at amazon at the price: 535
Discount: 18%
2. Quantum CAT – Quantitative Aptitude(Also used in MAT)
The book of Quantum aptitude for CAT is a book that provides concepts from the very basic to the high levels of quantitative aptitude. this book will surely provide one with the required amount of knowledge for the examination and cracking it properly. This book provides knowledge about all the different tricks for solving questions in time.
Author’s name: Sarvesh K Verma
Published by: Arihant
Actual Price: 650
Available at amazon at the price: 435
Discount: 33%
Logical & Critical Reasoning
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1. The Hand on Guide to Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning
The book on Analytical Reasoning and Logical Reasoning provides a great way of learning for the aspirants of MAT in the subject of reasoning and logical. The book is an Arihant publication and is a great one for the students for exams like XAT, CAT, MAT etc.
Author’s name: Peeyush Bhardwaj
Published by: Arihant
Actual Price: 295
Available at amazon at the price: 159
Discount: 46%
Data Analysis & Sufficiency
1. Accredited Guide to Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency
Data interpretation and data sufficiency book is revolution in the field of Data analysis and Data interpretation it inculcates the key knowledge and skills required in the field and help in cracking the MAT exam.
Author’s name: Ananta Ashisha
Published by: Arihant
Actual Price: 225
Available at amazon at the price: 135
Discount: 40%
2. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for MAT
This modified version of the book or the revised version is a dependable book. This book helps the students to get into a proper MBA college through the MAT exam. This book has been written by the Author Arun Sharma.
Author’s name: Arun Sharma
Published by: TMH
Actual Price: 585
Available at amazon at the price: 400
Discount: 32%
General Knowledge
General Knowledge 2015
A good general Knowledge book for the preparation of MAT exam. This is a book worth reading for the aspirants of the MAT exam.
Author’s name: Manohar Pandey
Published by: Arihant
Actual Price: 175
Available at amazon at the price: 104
Discount: 41%
General English and Comprehension
1. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension(MAT)
An effective way to prepare for the verbal ability for the MAT examination is the book by Arun Sharma. Being a trusted name in the field of studies related to CAT, MAT, XAT etc. This book is a great one for the preparation for MAT.
Author’s name: Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
Published by: TMH
Actual Price: 610
Available at amazon at the price: 564
Discount: 7%
2. Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT COMMON ADMISSION TEST
Author’s name: Ajay Singh
Published by: Arihant
Actual Price: 425
Available at amazon at the price: 349
Discount: 18%
3 years before in 20113-14 i was preparing the CAT & MAT preparation, on that time proper guidance was not available, now my bro is preparation for CAT also, and now I am suggesting him each point because I dont want that same mistake happen again, so i try to search online pattern, latest books even i make a collection of online books store, so that i can easily reach top them , like when i just type CAT entrance exam books so i reach, india books,, amazon etc…but i go with amazon an infibeam, then i found then there were book fair on, means I got the book which I want with offers.
And i buy these above books with new edition, Hope it will help.