Syllabus for UGC NET Sociology paper 2013

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UGC NET Sociology

UGC NET Sociology

UGC NET Sociology paper helps in the practice and therefore the preparation procedure of the students can go in the correct direction.This paper helps in finding out that the candidate is good in resaerch as well as teaching profession.

Here in sociology there will be 2 question papers.

  1. Paper II– It has  50 objective type questions each carrying 100 marks.
  2. Paper III – Again has 2 parts 
  • Part A -10 short essay type questions carrying 16 marks each
  • Part B- It is compulsory and the candidate should attend only one question                     

UGC NET Sociology paper II  – 

1 ) Nature of sociology –

  • Definition
  • Sociological Perspective

2) Basic concepts – 

  • Norms and values
  • Community
  • Association
  • Culture 
  • Instittution

3) Social Structure –

  • Status and role
  • Multiple role
  • Role set
  • Role conflict

4) Social Institutions –

  • Marriage 
  • Education
  • Family
  • Economy
  • Religion

5) Socialization –

  • Agencies of socialization 
  • Theories of socialization
  • Anticipatory socialization
  • Adult socialization

6) Social change 

  • Concepts & Types – Diffussion ,Progress , evolution
  • Dialectical theories

7) Social group Meaning

Types – primary ,secondary , formal, informal, ingroup ,outgroup

8) Structural

  • Nadel
  • Levi
  • Radcliffe brow

9) Functional

  • Merton
  • Durkheim
  • Parsons

10) Conflict

  • Collins
  • Karl Marx
  • Coser

11) Meaning & name of social research

  • The scientific method
  • Nature of social phenomena

12) Quantitative methods

  • Survey 
  • Sampling
  • Techniques of data collection
  • Hypothesis- observation , schedule , interview

13) Qualitative methods

  • Case study 
  • oral history
  • Life history Content analysis
  • Participant Observation

14) Statistcs in social research 

  • Measurment of central tendency
  • test of significance
  • Measurment of dispersion
  • Corelational analysis

UGC NET Sociology paper III (A) [core group]

UNIT (1) Phenomenology 

  1. Garfinkel and Goffman
  2. Alferd Shultz , Peter burger

UNIT (2) Heo & Neo

  1. J.Alexander
  2. Habermass


UNIT (3) Structurisation and post

  1. Giddens
  2. Derrida
  3. Foucault

UNIT (4) Conceptualisation Indian society

  1. People of India – groups and communities
  2. Unity in diversity
  3. Cultural diversity – Regional and tribunal

UNIT (5)  Theoretical perspectives

  1. Structural
  2. Civilizational perspective
  3. Indological
  4. Subaltern perspective
  5. Marxian perspective

UNIT (5) Contemporary issues – socia ,culture

  1. Poverty
  2. Inequality of cast & gender
  3. Family disharmony – (a) domestic volience (b)dowry (c) divorce
  4. Regional ,ethical,disharmonies

UNIT (6) Contemporary issues – Developemental

  1. Slums
  2. Displacement
  3. Population
  4. Regional disparity
  5. Health problems
  6. Ecological degradation

UNIT (7)  Issues pertaining to Deviance

  1. Sucide
  2. Drug addiction
  3. Corruption
  4. White colour crime
  5. Changing profile of crime and criminals

 UNIT (8) Current Debates

  1. Tradition in India 
  2. Modernity in India
  3. Problems of nation buliding

UNIT (9) The challenges of globalization

  1. Science and technology policy of India
  2. Indianisation of Sociology
  3. Privitisation of education

UGC NET Sociology paper III (B)  [Elective/ Optional]

Elective I – Rural Sociology

Apporaches to the study of Rural society

  • Peasant studies
  • Rural – Urban differences
  • Rurbanism

Agrarian Institutions

  • Land ownership and its types
  • Agrarian class structure
  • Jajmani systems
  • Jajmani relations
  • Mode of production debate

Panchayati Raj systems

  • Panchayat acts according to amendments
  • Empowerment of people
  • Rural leadership

Social issues & Stratigies of rural development

  • Bounded labourers
  • Migrant labourers
  • Agrarian unrest 
  • Peasent movements
  • Pauperization

Rural development and changes

  • Changes in rural society
  • Process of change
  • Factors of change

Elective II Industry and society

 classical Sociological society  section

  • Surplus value
  • Production Relations
  • Bureaucracy
  • Rationality
  • Alienation
  • Division of labour

Industry and society

  • Factory 
  • Formal and informal Organization
  • Impact of social Structure on Industry
  • Impact of industry on society

Industrial Realtions

  • Changing labour managment
  • Changing profile of labour
  • Trade unions
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Quality circles
  • Adjudication

Social changes in India

  • Obstacles
  • Limitations
  • Imapct of industrialization on family ,education

Industrial Planning

  • Industrial policy
  • Labour Legislation
  • Human relation in industry 

Elective III : Sociology of development –

Theories of Underdevelopment

  • Liberal 
  • Dependancy

Paths of Development

  • Socialist
  • Mixed 
  • Gandhian
  • Globalization

Culture and Development

  • Culture as an aid 
  • Developments of ethinic Movements

Elective IV : Population and society 

Theories of population growth

  • Malthusian
  • Demographic Transition

Population and Development

  • population as a constraint
  • Socio cultural Factors

Population control

  • Population policy
  • Polpulation education
  • Measures taken for Population Control

Elective V : Gender and society

Theories of Gender Relations

  • Radical
  • Sociolist
  • Liberalist

Gender and development

  • Effect of development Policies
  • Empowerment




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One Response to Syllabus for UGC NET Sociology paper 2013

  1. Rachita Mishra says:

    The sylabus of net sociology is given here that is The sociology of the Internet involves the application of sociological theory and method to the Internet as a source of information and communication. Sociologists are concerned with the social implications of the technology; new social networks, virtual communities and ways of interaction that have arisen, as well as issues related to cyber crime.

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