Save Wildlife-Need of the Hour

Feb 10 • Group Discussion • 9241 Views • 15 Comments on Save Wildlife-Need of the Hour

Wildlife at a glance:

Threat encompassing the wildlife:-

In today’s ecological condition,conserving wildlife/environment is becoming difficult day by day.Conserving wildlife/environment faces challenges because of the industrial revolution at each and every step.Extinction of wildlife is a natural phenomenon but the greatest threat to them comes from the activities of man and thus,conserving wildlife from man is the major task.So we ourselves have created the need for conservation of wildlife. Conserving wildlife/environment can be viewed from several angles such as, beauty,economic value, scientific values for research and values for snivel. The main causes of extinction of wild lives are poaching, enumerable animals and birds are hunted for meat, skin, ivory, horns etc. ruthlessly.

Saving Wildlife

Saving Wildlife

Factors Responsible for Carelessness:-

1.Increased real estate activities.

2.Establishing factories/industries nearby national parks or wildlife centuries.

3.No proper laws are presented.

4.If laws are there,they are not enacted effectively.

5.People should change their outlook towards conserving wildlife/environment.

What to do:-

  • A conservation function – to contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation.
  • A development function – to foster economic and human development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable.
  • A logistic function – to provide support for research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to local, national and global issues of conservation and development (UNESCO, 2005).

Some of the important wildlife sanctuaries in India are:-

• Bandhavgarh National Park in Madhya Pradesh.
• Corbett National Park in Uttar Pradesh.
• Gir National Park & Sanctuary in Gujarat.
• Kanha National Park in Madhya Pradesh.
• Kaziranga National Park in Assam.
• Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala.
• Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan.
• Sunderbans National Park in West Bengal.
• Dachigam National Park in Jammu & Kashmir.
• Manas Tiger Reserve in Assam.

Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 :-
In 1972 by the Government of India. Prior to 1972, India only had five designated national parks. Among other reforms, the Act established schedules of protected plant and animal species; hunting or otherwise harvesting these species was largely outlawed.The Act provides for the protection of Wild animals,birds and plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto. It extends to the whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir which has its own wildlife act. It has six schedules which give varying degrees of protection, with absolute protection being provided under Schedule I and part II of schedule II with the highest penalties prescribed for offences under these schedules and Species listed in the Sch. IV are also protected but the penalties are much lower, with the enforcement authorities having the power to compound offences (as in they impose fines on the offenders).

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15 Responses to Save Wildlife-Need of the Hour

  1. Anonymous says:
  2. Anonymous says:
  3. Ritika Savita says:

    All of us are aware of the fact that how much wildlife is important for our ecological system & for us. We cannot deny from the fact that extensive illegal poaching of some exquisite species has brought them to the verge of extinction . It is high time & this issue needs attention from evryonr as a citizen of mother Earth. We all should come together to support the cause of saving the wildlife environment.

  4. Sumit Mukherjee says:

    Wildlife helps to keep the natural balance with our modern world. But it becomes so hard day after day to keep the balance with the rhythm of economic growth. All the main wildlife sanctuaries and laws mentioned on the article helps me to know how we need to care these gifts of god…..

  5. Saheli Dasgupta says:

    It is high time human beings realized that living in a self-centered way isn’t doing them any good. They think they can exploit nature however they like, but if they keep on doing this the time is near when their own existence would be endangered when they will have to pay a heavy price to disturb the balance of our Eco-system. As already mentioned in the article that how we human beings are mercilessly killing wild-animals is only harming us passively, the side effects of which would surface in the long-run, because it heavily disturbs the Eco-system of our planet where all living beings are directly or indirectly interdependent on each other. So, awareness about it is a necessity! We should do our bit to protect the wild life, if not anything then at-least spread this awareness so that it reaches to the ears of people who do it and they are forced to realize the gravity of the situation. And it is also our sole responsibility to protest against and not just turn a deaf ear to any such cruelty happening in front of our eyes.

  6. shreya sarkar says:

    Its high time and India needs to take serious measures about saving the wildlife. India was one of the richest countries with a wide variety of flora and fauna but now its losing it. Saving the wildlife is of utmost importance so that we don’t lose our rich fauna forever.

  7. Rohit Kumar says:

    I want to really support this article and say few words that we are really not serious about saving wildlife.There are so many acts but they are not followed up to the mark.Each of us is looking for a developed nation in the sense of developing more infrastructure for that afforestation is done tremendously .The humans are interfering into their land and making so many species on the verge of extinct. Tigers have been killed for their skin,rhinos are killed for their horns.elephants for their tusker etc.This practice of killing innocent is only for the shake of money.

  8. Shruti Priya says:

    The Wildlife in India is a mix of species of different types of organisms. Apart from a handful of the major famed animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats, poultry and sheep, India has an amazingly wide variety of animals native to the country. But today’s present scenario is different. Many animals are on the verge of extinction. So being human we must all realize our responsibilities towards nature and try to implement all the means to conserve wildlife. The above article is very helpful as far as knowledge about conservation of wildlife is concerned.

  9. Sneha Sinha says:

    It’s the need of the hour to protect wildlife before they become extinct and result in loss in biodiversity severely affecting the ecological balance and it becomes human responsibility to create awareness about protecting wildlife.Deforestation,pollution all results in loss in wildlife…so it is high time that we work towards protecting wildlife …

  10. Urvashi Khanduja says:

    Deforestation is the major cause of diminishing of wild animals. The loss of wildlife is not just a biological issue but it is also correlated with cultural diversity. there are many forest dependent communities, which directly depend on various components of wildlife for food, drink etc.
    For ecological balance we have to conserve wildlife.

  11. Gourav Kumar says:

    Wildlife conservation is the major issue in front of us as the wildlife maintain the chain of ecosystem. At present, government are taking major steps to preserve this but it doesn’t solely depends on the government, it is a duty for us also to preserve wildlife and care them.

  12. Kriti Das says:

    Being the most intelligent creature created by God ,it was our responsibility to ensure that every living being gets a fair chance to live.We have a natural food web ,where we can see all the living beings are interdependent on each other either directly or directly.So critical and dense is this web,that the extinction of even the most tiny creature had its adverse effects on the society.We may shrug off our responsibilities by saying that we are not poachers and be done with it.But we need to ask ourselves a question, are the poachers only responsible for the plight of these wild animal???The answer would of course be a big NO.The high demand of animal skin goods,their meat etc ultimately leads to the untimely death of these innocent creatures.Elephants are hunted down for their tusk,many other for their skin because these thing are in great demand amongst people like us.The day we decide that we will not use anything that is ungratefully obtained from animals in this way,poachers will have to look for some other alternatives to earn their bread.

  13. sanjana kumari says:

    Being humans, the most intelligent and sensible creation of God, we must understand our responsibilities towards our mother nature. Nature has provided us with all the essential elements that are important for our survival.. Similarly God has also created animals and plants so that the entire ecosystem can be maintained.. Nature has always tried to maintain a perfect balance between humans, animals and plants… but we the humans are now on the verge of exploiting the nature in every manner we can… we need to realize our mistakes and rectify them before it is too late to get back all we had once… so I think one should go through this article to know what are the mistakes we are committing and how can we solve the problems concern…

  14. Jishnu Sen says:

    Wildlife and natural resources are a concern for India and as well as its citizens. It is quite sad that very few people are actually aware of the effects if there is no wildlife present around us. But it is also ironic to know that the persons who are actually aware of it are neither not doing anything for it or does not care about it. Wildlife helps us in many different ways which we are unable to see or feel. But for a holiday trip we prefer to go to a jungle and after coming back from trip we forget what we saw. We treat wildlife as an entertainment and not as they should be treated. So it is high time we try to do conserve the wildlife and save some creatures from dying. In the world of technology and development to rise higher than others, we forget that we are also murdering life in the name of doing good for ourselves.

  15. akanksha chaturvedi says:

    Itz our responsibility as human beings to save wildlife as they are in danger bcoz of us!

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