Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

Dec 15 • Group Discussion • 10337 Views • 46 Comments on Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

Entrepreneurs are risk-taking individuals or a group of individuals who come forward to make money while creating job opportunities for mass. The need for entrepreneurs is because of the greater mismanagement by managers in an enterprise.Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers because they have risk taking ability.

  1. Entrepreneur is an independent body where as managers are ruled by entrepreneurs. Independent bodies are always welcomed as they are much more creative and innovative.
  2. Encouraging entrepreneurship means encouraging more job opportunities. Managers provide service. But they can’t create services. Starting from a small private school to any govt. sector enterprises such as NTPC enterprises have created jobs in plenty.
  3. Entrepreneurs are more concerned for service satisfaction and not merely monetary need unlike managers.
  4. They are least corrupted as they have no one to cheat except themselves. But managers can avail all opportunities to get profit for themselves. Managers have less sense of belonging to the organization where as entrepreneurs are more dedicated.
  5. Entrepreneurs are expert in risk management and are daring to try new technologies. This is a silver line for corporate sector.

Now coming to managerial philanthropies, they are worthless unless they are invested for some enterprises. Jim Koch, founder of Samuel Adams (Boston Beer Company) reflected on his traditional managerial philanthropies as very uninspiring. Instead of giving money to non-profitable organizations they started making small business loans to small food, beverages, and hospitality business in South Boston. Koch believes that he has created job opportunities as well as having developed the long term socio-economic status of the people of S.Boston. Koch isn’t the only example but many other such entrepreneurs have embraced business as an alternative to non-profits for social investment.

Now when question arises as how to encourage entrepreneurship over managers then FDI is the best opportunity. Even the central government of India feels the thrust of enterprises. Undoubtedly FDI will bring in ample opportunities for Indians to trade with the foreign investment.

The only conflict with entrepreneurs is that they are less organized compared to managers. Even if an entrepreneur is very strong and innovative, the entire organization rests in the arms of the board of managers. A faulty board can out rule the entrepreneur.

This emerges as strength for managers. Therefore in the long run to bring success and development to the individuals in particular and the country in general, entrepreneurs should attain some managerial skills which will add feather to their cap.

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46 Responses to Why we need more entrepreneurs than managers

  1. Jayanta Das says:

    An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment with the constraints imposed on him.
    A manager can be built with the degree only when an Entrepreneur can be making by experience and he can make as many managers under it which may again can become an entrepreneur.
    Entrepreneurs are risk-taking individuals or a group of individuals who come forward to make money while creating job opportunities for mass. The need for entrepreneurs is because of the greater mismanagement by managers in an enterprise.

    1. Entrepreneur is an hanging part of marketing where as managers are ruled by entrepreneurs. .
    2. Encouraging entrepreneurship means encouraging more job opportunities. Managers provide service. But they can’t create services. Starting from a small private school to any govt. sector enterprises such as NTPC enterprises have created jobs in plenty.
    3. Entrepreneurs are more concerned for service satisfaction and not merely monetary need unlike managers.
    My conclusion would be that yes more Entrepreneur should be encouraged to take this job, in this regard some kind of opportunity should be provided and let them go after it, it is the risk taking feature which makes the distinction from a manager, and I believe this people are the only one which can achieve double digit GDP for India and maintain 6 percent growth rate.

  2. Subhradip Roy says:


    Entrepreneurs or managers? Its an important area to be noticed as in this growing area of industries and cut throat competition we need to focus more on maximizing profits in a smart way rather than opting for a hard way. Entrepreneurs as we all know have innovative ideas and they come up with implementing their ides into reality. Hence they are smarter than the managers who work hard all day to maximizing profits. Entrepreneurs provide us with more and more job opportunities which is real important in a country like India. Entrepreneurs takes us to the different aspects of business as well as doing business with their innovative and visionary mind. Thus giving an add on to the business field. Moreover one should prefer being an employer than an employee himself which we can achieve by becoming an entrepreneur with our creative minds! Hence in schools and colleges too students should be encouraged to become an entrepreneur by holding several product making competitions which will invite several ideas at one place and proper guidance should be given to convert those ideas into reality! After all we need more entrepreneurs and their respective ideas rather than just a manager who acts as a mere servant to entrepreneurs!

    Thanking you!

  3. Tuhina Burnwal says:

    An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment with the constraints imposed on him.

    An entrepreneur should be a good manager to manage his team & his resources. Managerial skills are essential for an entrepreneur to succeed.

    A manager can be built with the degree only when an Entrepreneur can be making by experience and he can make as many managers under it which may again can become an entrepreneur.

    My conclusion would be that yes more Entrepreneur should be encouraged to take this job, in this regard some kind of opportunity should be provided and let them go after it, it is the risk taking feature which makes the distinction from a manager, and I believe this people are the only one which can achieve double digit GDP for India and maintain 6 percent growth rate.

    Its an important area to be noticed as in this growing area of industries and cut throat competition we need to focus more on maximizing profits in a smart way rather than opting for a hard way. Entrepreneurs as we all know have innovative ideas and they come up with implementing their ides into reality. Hence they are smarter than the managers who work hard all day to maximizing profits. Entrepreneurs provide us with more and more job opportunities which is real important in a country like India. Entrepreneurs takes us to the different aspects of business as well as doing business with their innovative and visionary mind. Thus giving an add on to the business field. Moreover one should prefer being an employer than an employee himself which we can achieve by becoming an entrepreneur with our creative minds! Hence in schools and colleges too students should be encouraged to become an entrepreneur by holding several product making competitions which will invite several ideas at one place and proper guidance should be given to convert those ideas into reality! After all we need more entrepreneurs and their respective ideas rather than just a manager who acts as a mere servant to entrepreneurs!

  4. Niraj Singh says:

    hi frind’s…
    Let us first start by defining who an entrepreneur is. An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment with the constraints imposed on him.

    An entrepreneur should be a good manager to manage his team & his resources. Managerial skills are essential for an entrepreneur to succeed.

    A manager can be built with the degree only when an Entrepreneur can be making by experience and he can make as many managers under it which may again can become an entrepreneur.

    My conclusion would be that yes more Entrepreneur should be encouraged to take this job, in this regard some kind of opportunity should be provided and let them go after it, it is the risk taking feature which makes the distinction from a manager, and I believe this people are the only one which can achieve double digit GDP for India and maintain 6 percent growth rate.

  5. Sumit Manna says:

    I agree that both entrepreneurs and managers are equally important for a firm to flourish. But the discussion here is not about deciding who is superior to the other, it is about whether do we(Indians) need more entrepreneurs than managers in current scenario? I would say YES.

    The two main issues of concern for the transition of Indian from developing to developed are poverty and unemployment. The only way to alleviate them is by creating opportunities. So the need of the hour is to have more people who create opportunities i.e entrepreneurs rather than managers as they are mere job seekers.

    The other issue of concern is ‘brain drain’. Even though India has been one of the best producers of intellectual minds in the world it has not been utilizing them for its growth. Again main reason for this is lack of opportunities which meet the standards of intellectuals.

    So I would say we need more entrepreneurs who gives life to ideas and materializes the dreams.

  6. Saurabh Jajoo says:

    enterpreneurs are those which work for some organisation & organisation also prmote how they work for that.
    Entrepreneurs are risk-taking individuals or a group of individuals who come forward to make money while creating job opportunities for mass. The need for entrepreneurs is because of the greater mismanagement by managers in an enterprise.

    1. Entrepreneur is an hanging part of marketing where as managers are ruled by entrepreneurs. .
    2. Encouraging entrepreneurship means encouraging more job opportunities. Managers provide service. But they can’t create services. Starting from a small private school to any govt. sector enterprises such as NTPC enterprises have created jobs in plenty.
    3. Entrepreneurs are more concerned for service satisfaction and not merely monetary need unlike managers.

  7. Divya Acharya says:

    Entrepreneur is the one who rule over Managers,it a person who takes risk and and responsible for others progress also,he take decisions and then make their decision correct by proving them,also the are good managers also so we need more Entrepreneur them mangers because a manager will become a good Entrepreneur is not sure.

  8. ankit sapkal says:

    Entrepreneur is a person who can make fast decisions and he is the one who is responsible for its outcome whereas manager is a person who manages the overall process takes place in the company.
    As in India there are to many companies which lacks good managers due to which company gets crashed.So India needs good entrepreneur but better managers to manage there company………
    thank you!!!!
    😀 😀 😀

  9. abhishek pareek says:

    today’s time we need more ENTREPRENEUR than managers because they affect the entire economy of the country they are self dependent.Entrepreneur is a person who can make fast decisions and he is the one who is responsible for its outcome.
    We can compare this term with marketting because this is actually a process in which a person earns with the working of his team and a group of his people. An entrepreneur are workplace peers and the social composition of the workplace. In researching the likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur based upon working with former entrepreneurs.

  10. akash gupta says:

    Entrepreneur is a person who can make fast decisions and he is the one who is responsible for its outcome.
    Managers are the one who provides hand holding supports to the managers, so i think we need more entrepreneurs than the managers who can handle or manage risks fairly.Entrepreneurs are the master of themself and they can own their own business very well.
    Entrepreneurship implies the message of being job creators rather than job seekers, so i would like to go with the entrepreneurs.

  11. Sarabjeet Singh Hira says:

    Yes i would go for entrepreneurs favour because of a lot of reasons mentioned already above. they are self-dependent,service satisfaction etc.
    An Entrepreneur can have a large investment and can hire a manager for it but the opposite is not not possible, although we do have investors there also.
    Managing have well planned work but there is a lot of money involved in that, tahn money can be used in production if an entrepreneur knows the skill of organising thing.

  12. samiksha yadav says:

    We need more entrepreneurs than managers but a person who want to enterpreneur also knows the managers skills lets take it like that if we want to start any work than we have skills to manage it and leads it after that a business runs . so entrepreneur is must .

  13. MOHIT JAIN says:

    I largely agree with the fact that we need entrepreneurs more than managers.
    Entrepreneurs are the one that actually devote to nation’s development by providing jobs to the countless unemployed persons.Entrepreneurs are the real epitome for courage;having risk taking capabilities bestowed in them.
    Managers don’t incorporate innovative ideas rather they just keep a check on the individuals working in an organisation;however managing them is a tough task,they just provide service.
    Entrepreneurship implies the message of being job creators rather than job seekers.Even the world recognises such persons.Steve jobs as i can indicate is the best example here.
    Managers however earning multi-millions stay lost in their own individualism and in true sense don’t serve the nation.

  14. Abhimanyu Gupta says:

    we need both of them for a perfect BALANCE. But in TODAY’s time we need more ENTREPRENEUR than managers because they affect the entire economy of the country they are self dependent,unbounded,least corrupted bodies.They are real RISK takers they create opportunity for others.By providing services they reduces UNEMPLOYMENT which is a BIG problem for the DEVELOPING countries like INDIA. IN INDIA GOVERNMENT is also providing SUBSIDIES and LOANS to PROMOTE Entrepreneurship.

  15. Gaurav Garg says:

    We need more entrepreneurs because in india the is a great need for self dependency by self employment because it is impossible for govr. to give jobs for the huge population so we don’t need much managers because their seats are also limited so all people can’t be managers.others will have to find their works as a entrepreneurs..!!

  16. satveer singh says:

    Entrepreneur are very necessary because they are more worried about organisation’s growth rather than others. They are leaders and a way of growth of many people. And this will improve economy of the country.
    They are great motivators also.

  17. Dhanraj saini says:

    I india entrepreneur is very important then managers because entrepreneurs will start their business in their field and they will increase the jobs india they will help in developing the india in everyfield so entreprenuers are very important for india .the entrepreneurs will bring more jobs in india and it will bevery beneficial for india.


    We need more entrepreneur than manager because manager has more responsibilities . and entrepreneur is freely body that can think good and efficient to do more works with more potential energy than manager. manager has management to to good work so he cann`t do good work. he has rules so he can only do management and take right decisions.

  19. ankit dhingra says:


  20. archana saini says:

    yes,we need more entrepreneur than managers because at this time need more jobs for the country and this can only be created by an entrepreneur.because managers come after the entrepreneur not entrepreneur comes after the managers .

  21. khushboo soni says:

    we need more enterpreneurs than mangers because enterpreneurs innovate the ideas while mangers work on them !! As ” Enterpreneurs only leads the need of managers ” this statement clearifies we need more enterpreneurs ,, because the enterpreneurs have so many creative views and innovations ideas and they know well about the business stratagies and how it can be successfull and so without ideas what mangers will manage ?? or what work will be done by company without knowing the proper stratagies of business ?? so we need more enterpreneurs as compared to the managers so that ideas will be there to work on or to implement on as managers only impement the ideas of enterpreneurs .

  22. ritambhara pandey says:

    entrepreneurs is really necessary because they are the ones who generate employment and they are few people who create environment for the others.

  23. Pravin Singh Shekhawat says:

    enterpreneurs are those which work for some organisation & organisation also prmote how they work for that.
    Entrepreneurs are risk-taking individuals or a group of individuals who come forward to make money while creating job opportunities for mass. The need for entrepreneurs is because of the greater mismanagement by managers in an enterprise.

    1. Entrepreneur is an hanging part of marketing where as managers are ruled by entrepreneurs. .
    2. Encouraging entrepreneurship means encouraging more job opportunities. Managers provide service. But they can’t create services. Starting from a small private school to any govt. sector enterprises such as NTPC enterprises have created jobs in plenty.
    3. Entrepreneurs are more concerned for service satisfaction and not merely monetary need unlike managers.

  24. Ronak Garg says:

    Its being truly said that “Any thing in excess is not good”. Same case apply to the mentioned topic. Although looking at the present scenario number of entrepreneurs required is more then the managers, as starting something new with innovative ideas requires man power which create employment and to handle them we require managers at later stage. As in the beginning entrepreneurs acts as managers and if their company booms and start dealing on large scale, we require mangers for optimizing input cost and increasing profits. There are various live examples who have initiated like developing biomass plant for houses, hotels …etc, mini refrigerator which does not require electricity to run….etc.

    Hence, we see entrepreneur not only wants to make money but also like to help people(especially lower segment) unlike managers. Many times managers turn into entrepreneurs after acquiring experience.

  25. Rohit sharma says:

    we should be more entreprenur then manager because a entrepreneur is risky man he take many risk, he take risk in build many new technologies and start a buiseness and take a decision . in india new generation has good knowledge but he has increase the entreprenur, a entreprenur takes the decision own. before the starting the buisiness a entrepreneur don’t know that he get loss or proffit, he start his own risk. we can also say that he is riskyman.but for manager for get success he can do hard work for long time .

  26. Lokesh Panwar says:

    Entrepreneurs-creating job opportunities for mass.
    that is a or a group of individuals who come forward to make money .
    Entrepreneur is an independent body where as managers are ruled by entrepreneurs. Independent bodies are always welcomed as they are much more creative and innovative.
    Entrepreneurs are more concerned for service satisfaction and not merely monetary need unlike managers.
    so tha Entrepreneur is realy rely need india to make a growthig india.

  27. Sachin Sharma says:

    who are Entrepreneurs?they are those who start their own business…they are self dependent…they take risk…while managers are those who manages their boss’s work…Entrepreneurs only think for themselve…they think how to boom their business.how to provide jobs for mass…Entrepreneurs can be a single person oe a group..they think only for themselve because they have to manage their own…they dont think about salary ,they think about money…how can they enhance their business. they are owner of their own.their mind is set for only success…that’s why they are more successfull than managers…

  28. Ali Hozefa Bohra says:

    Entrepreneur : Entrepreneur is the thing which I want to be in my life whether I was an Entrepreneur.
    “It is not only doing your jobs it is generating of jobs”. We are known that we are going through the resession in our country as well as all over world and everyone is behind on these jobs.
    We can compare this term with marketting because this is actually a process in which a person earns with the working of his team and a group of his people. An entrepreneur are workplace peers and the social composition of the workplace. In researching the likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur based upon working with former entrepreneurs.
    The ability of entrepreneurs to innovate is thought to relate to innate traits such as extroversion and a proclivity for risk-taking. this is what all I knows about Entrepreneurship.

  29. Ajay kumar sharma says:

    I think is more entrepreneur beacuse it is take more risk in any activies .and hendle all the activies in any time .if he got any type of profit then depen on managers beacuse he is group leaders and any mistake by any group man than resopes are managers. so main entrepreneur managers.good entrepreneur are young man .so young man good for this.beacuse he having good think

  30. Hemant Aseri says:

    Yes we need more entrepreneurs than manager because entrepreneurs are expert in risk management.they are capable to stand own feet. they are always try a new technology and new for there customer. entrepreneur work independent and own risk. in that field no risk of cheat. they start there work from small. ther provide mass job opportunity to other more entrepreneurs and more job opportunity. they perfectly done there work and they work hard.they always satisfy to there work.

  31. Pratyush Mahalawat says:

    Yes v need more entrepreneurs than managers because entrepreneurs are more encouraged people than managers……entrepreneurs provide mass job opportunities to other….good entrepreneurs ruled over manager because of his hard work n provide jobs to others…….entreperneurs don’t need any job because of their excellent thinking…..they don’t want any big company they just work in small numbers….n make large profit so every worker become happy….

  32. Nitin K Pareta says:


  33. Kamal Kaswan says:

    I think both manager and enterprenur have separate utilities on their grounds . Manager have not too much spoiled post while risk taking and job creating capabilities of enterprenur are rare . So we have promote enterprenur without suppressing other posts.

  34. astha vaish says:

    We need more Entrepreneur than managers because entrepreneurs is the primary necessity of our country because they are the ones who generate employment amongst those are not employed nd not even getting a single chance 2 get employed though having lots of talent in them as the no of illterate people are more in India so for providing more jobs young enterpreneurs are needed , increasing the economy of the country………..

  35. Singh Vishu says:

    WE need more entrepreneurs than managrs,bacause there are very few people who create environment for the others.there are many people who looking for job but few they provide jo.
    so it require to come people and create environment for others.enterpreneurship makes people aware about their own kindustry estaibhlishment.

  36. Vipin Sahu says:

    Both engineers and mangers are necessary for organisations.It is the entrepreneur who takes the initiative to establish a company.An entrepreneur should not only provides jobs for himself but also for thousands of people working in the organisation.but when entrepreneur expands,the need for managers also increases.it is the manager who manages the organisation and expand the business set by an entrepreneur.So we need both entrepreneurs and managers but the first prefer is given to entrepreneurs because it is only when there are entrepreneurs that are entrepreneurs that managers would get jobs.

  37. Er Ketan Joshi says:

    Yes, today India need more entrepreneurs as compared to the managers because its better to be create jobs rather going for jobs and even there is an wonder full example Dhirubhai Ambani who create jobs.
    In India there is an more skillful people as well as young generation which suppose to be taking good accountability for country . For this we should focus on entrepreneurship.

  38. amit kumar behera says:

    entetrpreneur means to encorage the people to do every risk taking work

  39. My Homepage says:

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  40. sagar tripathy says:


  41. Jaita Saha says:

    entrepreneurs are the basic necessity of a country like India because they are the ones who generate employment

    • Tossali says:

      Mr. Chiray i dnt think entrepreneurs are more imp than managers. coz most of the organisations fail due to failure in management..so a poor management can lead to demise of the enterprise..

  42. patlakshi says:

    We need more entrepreneur than managers because they are the real risk taker. Not only others but theirs career are also at stake for entrepreneur. They are capable enough to stand on their own feet . Considering real practical examples like that of Ratan Tata, Ambanis , and many others we can see how they have made our nation proud with the advent of creating their own ideas, thoughts.

  43. Chiray Baheti says:

    Entrepreneur is more important than managers because entrepreneur affect the entire economy of a country. As the no of illterate people are more in India so for providing more jobs young enterpreneurs are needed for increase the economy of the country.

  44. Sayantika basu says:

    We need a balance..if we need entrepreneurs to run a company, we also need managers to manage the tasks.

    • SHILPA RANJAN says:

      well agree with your point..my view is also that there should be balance..because both entrepreneurs and managers are the need of an organization.. !!!

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