Airports Authority of India Job Eligibility Criteria
AAI(Airports Authority of India)
AAI(Airports Authority of India ) was established in the year 1994. It manages a total of 125 Airports, which include 11 International Airports, 8 Customs Airports, 81 Domestic Airports, and 25 Civil Enclaves at Defence Airfields. AAI also provides Air Traffic Management Services (ATMS). AAI has entered into a Joint Venture at Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Nagpur Airports to upgrade these Airports and emulate the world standards.
Placement criteria of AAI(Airports Authority of India )
Written Exam test
It consists 4 types of questions, these are
[1] General aptitude
(their question form are like general mathematics , Life Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Physics). It related with human mental ability, General Learning Ability ,Spatial Visualization Ability.
[2] Reasoning
(reasoning is associated with thinking, cognition, and intellect)
[3] General Knowladge
(their question are coming from history, places, Absolutely tough and unexpected questions covering Indian &world geography, Indian polities, Economy
English language)
[4] Technical(55% or 60%) (questions for technical are electronics / communication / microwave / digital electronics / control system / computer / information technology question)
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AAI coaching
i need aai coaching classes in ahemdabad.. canu help me???
Helloo… sir .I would like to know about Airport Authority Of India exam and their Coaching centres in hyderabd.
i am a engg graduate with aggregate 58.35 and final year percentage as i eligible for the post of junior executive?
there is any coaching centre for airport authority of india in chennai
i want to study engineering from the councial of engineering &technogy (india) this certificate is vaild for govt jobs