Jan 18 • English, General, GRE, IELTS, people • 1235 Views • No Comments on BEST WAY TO IMPROVE ENGLISH FOR GRE?

If you want to get a good graduate school in the United States or in any other country, you need to have a good command of the English language. When we talk about the good command of the English language, vocabulary plays out big role.


Strategies to learn the GRE English

Strategies to learn GRE English

English Vocabulary is never going to hurt you, it’s not a waste of time. There is not a single dedicated approach to improve English for GRE by which you can have the Excel on the vocabulary section very Early.


1. Develop a good reading habit

If you want to improve your English skills for any examination, the best way to improve your English for GRE is reading. When we were the kid we used to listen”walk in English, talk in English, sleep in English”. This is the right time to do that. If you are keenly interested in learning the English pick the editorial section of the Hindustan Times or The Economist.Developer to read the novels any novel you want to read. Maintain the habit of developing a note at one corner of the new words that you’ll on on the daily basis. You can even make the flash card of every new would you come across on the daily basis. I am again telling you do not focus on one way of learning. You have to opt multi-source learning methodology to excel in the GRE examination.

2. Mnemonics

Mnemonic seems to be a very effective tool for learning the English vocabulary. It’s completely fine if the new monarchs are in your own mother tongue because the ultimate aim of Mnemonics to remember the word forever. When you learn the things with the Mnemonics, trust me you will enjoy learning vocabulary words it’s not going to be the boring job for you. If you make the things interesting like the game it’s not going to hurt you.



3. Use the words in day to day conversation


What is the best way to remember the words apart from Mnemonics learning?

In This approach what you can do is you can write the small story comprising of all the walls that you have learned in the past few weeks point you can even make this song of all the words that you have learned point. Make it show it to write a story for recognizing the Wall The War that you have learned your story should make sense. It would it would be easy to connect to different words via just remembering the story.


Understand that you may get the flash cards which will be having the definitions of the word. But understand the English language is not about the definition it’s about the application of the words at the correct time. You’ll also test the correct usage of the word. Technically it means you should know the application of the words so, which is it will be only possible when you learn how to use the words in the right manner


If you take a lot of time while traveling from one place to another place, in that case, you cannot you to flash cards or your copy notes a lot why you can do is to make the audio tapes of the vocabulary words. These audio tapes you can listen while sitting in Metro suppose if you live in Delhi or while moving towards your office any working place.


You need to understand that there is no shortcut to the success point there is no free lunch.

If you are really looking to excel in the verbal section of the GRE, make your habit of reading on the daily basis. Practice, practice, practice makes the person perfect.

6. Develop good writing skills

Apart from the vocabulary section which is being tested in the joint examination, there is a section of sentence completion as well. The sentence completion section of the GRE examination wakes up somewhere around one-fourth of the overall score. You need to develop the balance between the vocabulary section that is you need to keep on learning the vocab on the daily basis along with the practice of doing the writing skills too.

Learning with strategies adopted by the various top rankers will help you to reduce the time of the preparation so while preparing for any examination, keep in mind to always work in accordance to the schedule and planning.


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