Career Coaching Program

Jun 6 • General • 2061 Views • No Comments on Career Coaching Program

Career Coaching Program

We are currently living in highly dynamic environment and it is ability to adapt to the change that will define how successful is anyone is in pursuing a career. The global workplace requires its employees to be proactive and have the ability to adapt to the ever changing business scenario on continual basis. Therefore youngsters are required to have high self awareness, high emotional stability and an ability to forge and leverage bouyont relationships.

More than just learning how to find a job, students need to learn how to cultivate the desired skills, how to seek out opportunities, research industries, develop strategies and manage their career.

A career coach helps students learn the tools to build a career in continuously changing scenario.  Career Coaching is the process of exploring self, exploring opportunities and preparing a plan to realize career ambitions.

Career Coach is a guide, a helper, a supporter, and a partner. Coach is not an enforcer or a director. Coaching is about being an ally, helping & guiding youth toward realizing their own ideas, goals and decisions.

Our coaching program will help you to explore and define:

  • Who you are and what are your aspirations
  • What is your vision, what are your dreams and goals
  • What are your strengths and unique talent
  • What are some of the high potential career options that leverage your personal strengths and talents
  • Meaningful, tangible personal goals
  • Summer internship opportunities that align with your career interest
  • Appropriate educational strategy
  • A plan that will help you achieve your goals and dreams
  • Your strategy for transition from campus to corporate

You are about to begin the journey of delving deep inside yourself, make amazing discoveries about your own self and embark upon a journey of unprecedented holistic success, bliss and prosperity. Enjoy the journey.


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