DHYEYA IAS Academy Kanpur reviews | IAS Coaching in Kanpur
DHYEYA IAS Academy in Kanpur reviews
Rs.80000(Prelims +Mains)According to google review of students”,They only provides the satellite classes, while their mother concern can not doing well in Delhi”,There is no regular classes and they only shows Delhi’s selections”,it’s a big platform for the aspirants of ALS”,thanks Dhyeya IAS”,Nice coaching…for IAS My friend Aman singh …joined here …He is best one and i think he got a good coaching”,Good luck my best friend AMAN Singh..
Future of INDIA”,DHYEYA IAS Academy in Kanpur reviews
Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur reviews | Top IAS Coaching in Kanpur
Contact Details
- Course Offered by Dhyeya IAS Academy – UPSC & IAS
- Address – 113/154,, Khalasi Line, Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208002
- Contact Details – 072756 13962
- Owner Name– Mr. Mohit Singh
Benefits of Dhyeya IAS – IAS Coaching Institute, Kanpur
- Best IAS Coaching in Kanpur
- Best UPSC Coaching But Plutus IAS Coaching faculties are the Best in Kanpur.
- Best IAS Exam Preparation Material in Kanpur.
- Rated as Good UPSC Classes in Kanpur.
Google reviews of Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur
A good institution for the preparation of Civil Services Examination in Kanpur – both for UPSC and UPPCS.” by Prashant Singh
Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur review
“I’m a student at dhyeya.. it’s the Best Coaching institute for a upsc as well as uppcs aspirant in my opinion..The administrative as well as academic teachers are Very good. They provide good study materials also the strategies are very appropriate.” by Muskan verma
Honest review of Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur
“Good Environment for preparation is provided here. Almost all teachers are well experienced and deliver their best possible knowledge to students.” by Monika Nishad
Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur rating
“Dhyeya IAS is a best institute for IAS PCS Studies. I will definitely give you suggestions that if you want to study the best of IAS PCS, then you must join here once.” by chandan chandna
Review of Dhyeya IAS Academy in Kanpur
“Dhyeya IAS is the best coaching with top class faculty and provide you perfect environment to study and doubt clearance..Happy to be associated with it.” by aishwarya tripathi
Must read – Best IAS Coaching in Kanpur
Details of Dhyeya IAS Coaching Kanpur – UPSC Coaching in Kanpur
Detail | Rating out of 10 |
Student Reviews | 8 |
Batch Strength | 7 |
UPSC Faculty Review | 6 |
Past Year IAS Results | 7 |
KSG IAS IAS Infrastructure Review | 7 |
Fees of IAS Coaching Review | 7 |
IAS Mock Test Series Review | 6 |
Ranking of IAS Coaching in Kanpur – Dhyeya IAS Coaching in Kanpur
Top 10 IAS Coaching Institutes in Kanpur | UPSC Coaching Center
You should certainly join Dhyeya IAS institute which offers the top IAS coaching for the IAS wannabes in all the way they can. Students would rely upon Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur as they have a constant success rate for several years. You should also know about the reviews provided by the students that are specified in the below section. As said earlier, Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur will remain
Details of Dhyeya IAS Kanpur | Top UPSC Coaching in Kanpur
- Dhyeya Bhopal is one of the best institutes available for IAS coaching in Kanpur. The faculty members, study materials and infrastructure of the institute are definitely helping the students. Students who want to become IAS officers must rely upon this IAS coaching institute sans any hesitations.
- Dhyeya IAS coaching not only offers UPSC but also incorporates several coaching such as
- MPPSC, Civil judge (M.P.C.J C.G.C.J R.J.C.J U.P.C.J) and ADPO (Assistant District Public Prosecution officer). Dhyeya IAS institute delivers hostel facilities to help a student who has come from far across.
How good is Dhyeya IAS Coaching in Kanpur?
- The students always recommend the accommodation here for newbies who are trying to join a good coaching centre.
- Want to know about the benefits of joining Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur. Just check them out below.
- Enrolling for a course in the Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur will let you unlock several benefits of which study materials are one. You will be getting the best study materials for learning without any hindrance.
Dhyeya IAS Kanpur | UPSC Exam Preparation Knapur
- When you start learning for an exam, competitiveness is one important that you need to have. Otherwise, you might lag behind. Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur knows it very well and it offers a challenging environment where you have to compete against other IAS candidates. Learning will be efficient if you have a competitive skill.
Dhyeya IAS – IAS Coaching Institute, Kanpur
- Dhyeya IAS infrastructure is where you can start learning and you will be able to perform better as well. There will be no distractions or deviations in the institute which will let you learn peacefully.
- The library is very essential for the student to progress better. Moreover, the IAS candidates who take up a course in the Dhyeya IAS coaching in Kanpur will be having access to the library and they will be able to log in whenever the feel like swiping in.
- Faculty members will always guide at any cost. Don’t have to think a lot about relying upon study sources as study materials offered in the institutes is great. Doing this will certainly help you to stand out from the crowd and clearing the IAS exams eventually does the same.
Dhyeya IAS Coaching in Kanpur Faculties
- Nikhlesh katare
- Neelesh Patel
- Rohit Yadav
- Himanshu
- Rajeev
- History-Vinay Singh
- Economy-Kumar Sarvesh
- polity-Bharat Singh
- Geography-Sanjay Singh
Fees Structure-80000(prelims +mains)
Batch size – 40-50 in one batch
Past Year Result- did not provide any information about fee structure
Google reviews: 4.0 out of 5 stars, 36 reviews
Infrastructure: Excellent infrastructure
Study material: Online & offline test series
Year of establishment: 1996
Must check: Top IAS coaching in Kanpur
Current Affairs for competitive Exam
Must check for IAS best Telegram & Whatsapp group:
Most Updated Notes for UPSC Exam:-
You can search for Related Top IAS Optional Subjects Coaching in Other Cities:-
Anthology Optional coaching in Delhi
Sociology Optional coaching in Banglore
Frequently asked Questions on Dhyeya IAS Coaching in Kanpur
Q1. What is the fee structure of Dhyeya IAS Academy ? is there any discount and refund policy in Dhyeya IAS Academy?
Ans. This is usually the first question students ask. The fee structure of Dhyeya IAS Academy is 80000 for (prelims +mains) , but what makes one better than the other is the payment criteria options and the discounts they are offering. and yes Dhyeya IAS coaching offer refund policy.
Q 2: Who is the Owner of Dhyeya IAS Academy ?When Dhyeya IAS Academy was established?
Ans:The Owner of the coaching is Mr. Mohit Singh and the coaching was established in 1996.
Q 3: How are the faculties of Dhyeya IAS Academy?
Ans: The faculties of Dhyeya IAS Academy is experienced there are different faculties for particular subject
*History-Vinay Singh
*Economy-Kumar Sarvesh
*Polity-Bharat Singh
*Geography-Sanjay Singh
Q4- Which is the Top IAS Coaching in Kanpur?
Ans- Check out the top IAS coaching in Kanpur below and choose one to start learning.
- Eten IAS Coaching Kanpur
- Spectra IAS Coaching Kanpur
- DHYEYA IAS Coaching Kanpur
- ALS IAS Coaching in Kanpur
- Utkarsh IAS Coaching in Kanpur
- Vivekanand IAS Coaching Kanpur
- Vedant IAS Coaching in Kanpur
List of Top IAS Coaching in Kanpur
Although we have tried to bring top IAS coaching center in Allahabad through oureducation research and this research was conducted in Aug-10- 2019 but by the time you decide to take admission in coaching center for IAS in Kanpur with Fee structures, teachers and management of coaching may change so for updated information please mail with contact number 01204694690 ( your number is safe with us) at our email id mail@oureducation.in. You can also call for updated information.
Please write your views and comments in the comment box below for a quick and better response.
This Research on- 10- Aug- 2019
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Telephone No.072756 13962
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