Does India needs More Entrepreneurs than Managers?

Jan 16 • General, Group Discussion, Opinion • 9585 Views • 13 Comments on Does India needs More Entrepreneurs than Managers?

India needs more entrepreneurs than managers-Let us first start by defining who an entrepreneur is. An entrepreneur is a person who takes risks, puts in effort & perseveres to achieve the end result. At the end he may be rewarded for his effort. He sets examples and shows other people that a certain thing can be achieved by being an example himself. A manager by virtue of his profession is normally assigned a particular task & assigned some resources. He has to complete the assignment with the constraints imposed on him.

entrepreneurs or more managers

what does our country needs more entrepreneurs or managers?

An entrepreneur should be a good manager to manage his team & his resources. Managerial skills are essential for an entrepreneur to succeed.

A manager can be built with the degree only when an Entrepreneur can be making by experience and he can make as many managers under it which may again can become an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur and a manager are like the driver and wheels of an organization. Any sophisticated and branded car no matter how beautifully it is designed, cannot ascend unless it is driven by someone (an entrepreneur). On the other hand, when the same car doesn’t have wheels (the manager) , it cannot move ahead in-spite of being provided with an efficient driver. The driver decides the direction and reach the destination with the help of the wheels. Similarly the entrepreneur sets the goals and the manager takes all the risk to reach the desired goals. It demands the knowledge (Innovation) of the entrepreneur and skill (Ability) of the manager.

I agree that both entrepreneurs and managers are equally important for a firm to flourish. But the discussion here is not about deciding who is superior to the other, it is about whether do we(Indians) need more entrepreneurs than managers in current scenario? I would say YES.

entrepreneurs or more managers

be a leader

The two main issues of concern for the transition of Indian from developing to developed are poverty and unemployment. The only way to alleviate them is by creating opportunities. So the need of the hour is to have more people who create opportunities i.e entrepreneurs rather than managers as they are mere job seekers.

The other issue of concern is ‘brain drain’. Even though India has been one of the best producers of intellectual minds in the world it has not been utilising them for its growth. Again main reason for this is lack of opportunities which meet the standards of intellectuals.

As Leonardo DiCaprio would say:”An idea is the most resilient, highly contagious parasite. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate”. But who will bring those ideas into actions? Those who dare to bring their ideas into practice and create something new, something innovative are the real leaders in today’s highly competitive world. If you run out of ideas you are gonna lose the race sometime in near future. Managers do a fine job by ensuring that the ideas implemented are properly functioning. But what will they do if there is no idea? Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates all of them have one thing common : they thought out of the box, they possessed the highly entrepreneurial spirit. And today we have apple, Facebook and Microsoft. Why do we fail to create such world class companies? because of the lack of entrepreneurs.

An entrepreneur is a manager in itself, even he is more than a manager serving more people, takes more risk and responsibility compared to a manager. So in my opinion society needs an entrepreneur first than a manager. More over an entrepreneur initiates a new business, concept and serves the society various ways where as a manager undertakes limited risk and works for the organisation and serves the purpose for which he/she is employed for. We must foster and develop the environment where entrepreneurs are appreciated, assisted and recognized if we want to see any Microsoft like company coming from India.

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13 Responses to Does India needs More Entrepreneurs than Managers?

  1. Anonymous says:
  2. Anonymous says:
  3. Anonymous says:
  4. saurabh chatterjee says:

    we all understand how important it is to eliminate unemployment.An entrepreneur takes a lot of risk to implement his thoughts,ideas for the society.He tries to create job and is known as JOB CREATOR.Most importantly our new government led by Mr.Modi is taking all ways to support entrepreneurs and have made the process much more simple than what it used to be.Hope we have more ideas coming out of rural places as well beacause rural india needs to modernise with the same pace urban india is doingl.

  5. barun kumar singh says:

    From my views India need both entrepreneurs as well as entrepreneurs is one who comes up great ideas who built up his own organisation but he alone is not enough to rum an organisation for that he is in need of managers.All famous personalities throughout the world is an entrepreneurs but the do need managers to run their organisation thats why i feel India needs both an entrepreneurs as well as managers

  6. Saheli Dasgupta says:

    A good entrepreneur is the one who can also manage the available resources given to him in a way so as to maximize production. Entrepreneurs take up the risk of giving their imagination wings by putting them into practical usage. These kind of innovative efforts are needed for our country to progress. But as already said entrepreneurs cant be successful if they cant manage the available resources to them in a proper way, so entrepreneurs with good managerial skills is what India needs.

  7. Er Ketan Joshi says:

    As we know that Dhirubhai Ambani one of the biggest entrepreneur of India. They only want good and innovative idea that is why they will became an entrepreneur. In India we only want entrepreneurs not manager even we know that both were having there own responsibility to run the company but we cant forget if there is no entrepreneur then there is no existence of manager by which we can easily understand that we want more entrepreneurs as compared to the manager. Entrepreneurs also raise our country and there is more jobs for mangers.
    Lastly i want to conclude that our country want more entrepreneurs as compare to the manager and they will raise our country and increase employement.

  8. Amit Kumar says:

    You know what they say- ” Being an entrepreneur is teh art and science of creating value.”
    Its true. An Entrepreneur is an all rounder. He knows how to market anything. An entrepreneur can be a manager but the viceversa doesn’t follow. India needs more entrepreneur, because of the population factors. An entrepreneur is supposed to create job opportunities which is a must for country with one billion population. Mr. R Subramanian, for instance, started SUBHIKSHA which is today India’s largest grocery chain and 8,000 people are employed for the purpose. Narendra Murkumbi’s SHREE RENUKA SUGARS has changed the lives of many sugar farmers. Entrepreneurship encourages a freedom, a freedom in the inner self to do something different, something new.

  9. aratrika sengupta says:

    I believe the world yet needs entrepreneurs and so does India. A large part of rural India still remains untapped and there is a great potential for entrepreneurs to carve a niche for themselves. The Endeavor will not ensure quick money for these entrepreneurs but with the backing of venture capitalists they could only create jobs which would provide livelihoods and feed imaginations. In short,entrepreneurs will help us realize our dreams of a happier world and in order to succeed, we need them in large numbers.

  10. sibanjan says:

    entrepreneurs and managers are two sides of a coin in the economy….an entrepreneur can give india a new thought. but for execution of the thought there is a need of wise manager… india is a up growing country … it fulfill its needs india needs a good entrepreneur… now an entrepreneur can be a good manager ……entrepreneur creates the opportunities to get the job….the duty of a manager is to direct the opportunities as a positive vector……

  11. Joydip Dey says:

    I think india need more Entrepreneurs and also managers. But an Entrepreneurs can be a good manager than a ordinary manager, who just taking a management degree.

  12. Kaushik Das says:

    Entrepreneurs are the need of any developing country. Mangers are only the job seekers and Entrepreneurs are the job builders. so innovative ideas are needed to develop the nations growth that can be given by Entrepreneurs. But mangers are need to run the and manage the system properly. But without the entrepreneurs how the post of managers bulid?

  13. pragya saxena says:

    yes i agree to this statement,India need more entrepreneurs than managers,entrepreneurs are JOB MAKERS where managers are JOB SEEKERS…..entrepreneurs create more job opportunities for people wheras managers are bound by the rules of the organisation to do for what they are employed for….India need more entrepreneurs than managers to make India stand with the nations like USA ,etc where gates,zuckerberg people made job opportunities for the people all over the world….

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