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How to prepare English for SSC CHSL

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How to prepare English for SSC CHSL

Today, the craze of competitive examination is shooting up among students. After senior secondary school, most of the students prefer government jobs to private ones because after getting government jobs their status in society enhances for which they burn the midnight oil to crack the competitive examination. But luckily, a few of them go places and rest of the students do not succeed in cracking the examination. As we know that English is not our native language and it is taught and learnt as a second language in India. Owing to which the panic of English grips the students and they are afraid of learning  English and it plays a prominent role in competitive examination. But for having a good knowledge of English it is impossible to come off with flying colours in SSC or CHSL. Here, I am going to tell some momentous points which will help the students to master English.

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Steps for How to prepare English for SSC CHSL 2018

SSC CHSL 2018 will be different from SSC CHSL previous papers

  1. Don’t afraid of learning English and become more confident.
  2. Prepare a time table as per your schedule which is very important. It will help you study other subjects because every subject retains the same status in competitive examination as English does.
  3. Before studying English for competitive examination, it is necessary for all the students to have the knowledge of their syllabus in order that they may not study out of their syllabus. It is up to the students if they like gaining more knowledge, they can learn English deeply.

4.First of all, students should learn basic English so that they may know the difference between Adjective and Adverb etc. and they must prepare their notes related to the topic side by side. Having got the knowledge of basic English, they should study advanced English.

5.As we know that practice is mandatory to master English. The more practice students do, the better results they get. They should continue practicing English exercises. A lot of books are available in the market for practice.

6.As a student of English, students must read the English newspaper. One newspaper is enough for a week. They should not read the whole newspaper in a day. Rather, they should go through an article daily and note down the unfamiliar words and they should learn meanings and they should read the article again. By doing so, it will help the students enhance their thoughts and vocabulary.

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