IBPS Exam sample Papers

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IBPS Exam sample PAPERS

IBPS Exam sample PAPERS SET – A
• Read the instructions carefully
• Fill the OMR sheet using BLACK BALL POINT PEN.
• Fill the circles in the OMR sheet very carefully.
• Fill the information i.e. your roll no, exam centre very carefully on the OMR sheet
• There are five sets in the question paper including :
a. English – 40 questions (40 marks)
b. Logical Reasoning – 40 questions (40 marks)
c. Aptitude – 40 questions (40 marks)
d. General Awareness – 40 questions (40 marks)
e. Computer Ability – 40 questions (40 marks)
• All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
• There is negative marking for every wrong answer. ¼ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
• For every correct answer 1 marks will be given
• Use of calculator, mobile devices or any other electronic gadget is strictly prohibited.
• Violation of any rule will result in the cancellation of your exam.
1. What is the synonym of ‘abase’?
a. Humiliate b. embarrass c. moderate d. deviant
2. Give the meaning of ‘faze’.
a. Practical b. restless c. dismay d. foolish
3. What do we mean by ‘minutiae’?
a. Limitation b. petty details c. extremely small d. incipient
4. Give the synonym of ‘muggy’.
a. Warm b. mix up c. systematic d. spirit
5. What is the meaning of ‘knoll’?
a. Glory b. little c. dull d. slow
6. What is the antonym of ‘earthly’?
a. Supernal b. deathly c. heaven like dearth
7. Give the antonym of ‘mobbish’.
a. Direct b. indirect c. inactivate d. activate
8. Which word does not mean the same as ‘quaggy’?
a. Muddy b. sloppy c. dry d. swampy
9. Which word is the correct antonym of ‘usurious’?
a. Outrageous b. steep c. exorbitant d. moderate
10. What is the antonym of ‘apetalous’?
a. Petalless b. petaled c. petalled d. petaous
11. Complete the sentence: I love dogs and I ____________ cats.
a. Love b. play c. hate d. see e. sleep
12. Complete the sentence: I love dogs but I __________ cats.
a. Love b. play c. hate d. see e. sleep
13. Complete the sentence: Blue is ____________
a. A color b. the color c. color d. an color
14. Complete the sentence: A dog is ________
a. A animal b. an animal c. the animal d. animal
15. A rose is ________
a. A flower b. the flower c. a plant d. the plant
16. The words flew _______ air.
a. through the b. in the c. through d. in
17. The mouse _________ across the room.
a. Ran b. is running c. run d. will run
18. We are _______ English Class.
a. In b. in the c. in a d. in an
19. The bank is open _______8:00 a.m. ________5:00 p.m.
a. From,at b. from,to c. at,at d. from,from
20. I ________ to act like my father when I was Young.
a. Used b. would try c. tried d. None of these.
21. Join the two sentence written below:
He put on some sunscreen.
The sun was so extremely hot.
a. Because b. since c. because of d. None of these
22. Which one is correct?
a. He wanted to be in the sun.
b. He is wanting to be in the sun.
c. He wants to be in the sun.
d. None of these
23. Which of the following sentence is correct?
a. I like learning English.
b. I like to learn English.
c. I like learning the English.
d. I like to learn The English.
24. Which is the correct sentence?
a. I love to go school and learn.
b. I love school and learning.
c. I love to go to school and learn.
d. I love schooling and learning.
25. Which one is correct?
a. We should keep moving because there is no time to waste.
b. We should move. There is no time to waste.
c. We should get moving. There’s no to waste.
d. All of the above.
26. Which is the correct sentence?
a. He is good in nature.
b. He has a good nature.
c. He possess very good nature.
d. All the above.
27. The word ‘accord’ means :
a. Clearly revealed
b. Concurrence of opinion
c. A customary way of operation
d. Have in mind as a purpose.
28. The word ‘venture’ means:
a. A characteristic state of feeling.
b. Fixed in your purpose
c. Proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers.
d. Enter upon an activity or enterprise.
29. What is the meaning of ‘vex’?
a. Showing reverence for a deity
b. Invest with ministerial authority
c. Obvious to the mind or eye
d. Disturb, especially by minor irritations
30. Which sentence is correct?
a. I will go market
b. I am going to market
c. I will go to the market
d. All the above
(31-35)Read each sentence carefully and find whether there is any grammatical mistake or not .The error in any will be in one part of the question. Mark the answer you find incorrect and mark (e) if there is no error.
31. a. We are yet starting
b. Offering this facility to
c. Our customers as we are
d. Awaiting approval for from the board
e. No error
32. a. The chairman of all large
b. Public sectors met with
c. Senior RBI officials to give its
d. Suggestions about implementing the new policies.
e. No error
33. a. They have not fully considered
b. the impact that relaxing
c. these guidelines are likely
d. to have with the economy
e. No error
34. a. Had this notification
b. Been amended earlier
c. We could have stopped
d. The transfer of funds.
e. No error
35. a. There are many insurance
b. disputes nowadays because of
c. most people do not fully
d. understand the terms and conditions of policy.
e. No error
36. Many senior citizen are finding this difficult to affordable essential commodities today
a. It-afford
b. Much-afforded
c. Still-be affording
d. Their-afford
e. No correction required
37. What is the meaning of ‘consider’?
a. Deemed to be
b. Infinitely
c. Affordable
d. None of these
38. What is the meaning of ‘utter’?
a. Without qualification
b. Without the course of
c. Immeasurable
d. None of these
39. What is the meaning of ‘parry’?
a. Disentangle
b. Avoid to try to avoid fulfilling
c. Someone who practices a learned profession
d. All the above
40. What do you mean by ‘ravel’?
a. Disentangle
b. Avoid to try to avoid fulfilling
c. Someone who practices a learned profession
d. None of the above
. The common difference of AP -5 ,0,5,10,15,…is…
a)-5 b)5 c)0 d)2
42. The ABC is an acute angled triangle and BD is perpendicular to AC , then sinA/sinC=…?
a. AB/BC b. BC/AB c. BC/CD d.CD/BC
43. If the sum of the squares of two consecutive natural number 41,then the number are…
a)4 and 5 b)5 and 6 c)2 and 3 d)3 and 4
44. The prime factorization of 432 is….
a) 4*9 b)16*9 c)16*27 d)8*27
45. 13*(-41)+13*(-19)=…
a) -785
b) 780
c) -780
d) 765
46. If four- fifth of a number is greater than three-fourths of the number by 4, then the number is…
a) 81 b) 82 c) 80 d) 70
47. If a: b=5:7, then (3a+5b): (5a-2b)=..
a) 40:11 b)35:9
c) 50:11 d)17:5
48. The value of 4/7 as a rational number with denominator 21 is….
a) 12/11 b)25/21 c)17/21 d)-17/21
49. If the side of the equilateral triangle is 4.5, then is perimeter is…..
a) 11.5cm b) 15.3cm c) 12.5cm d) 13.5cm
50. If seven times m plus 7 gets 77,then equation of the statement is…
a) 7m+7=77 b) 7-7m=77 c) 7m=77 d) 7m
51.The marks obtained by 12 student of the class in a test are given below….
The model mark is..
a) 15 b)19 c)23 d)21

52. The value of (2/5 of 25)..?
a) 10 b)15 c) 5 d)12
53. A cuboid has ……. Edges
a) 6 b) 12 c)8 d)10
54. If 3p/10=6, then the value OF P is….
a) 60 b) 20 c)30 d)80
55. If two lines segments AB and CD are congruent, then it is represented symbolically as
a) AB>CD B) AB<CD c) AB~CD d)AB=CD
56. The additive inverse of 3/5 is…..
a)2/5 b) 3/5 c)5/3 d)-3/5
57. if a number when added to two- thirds of itself given 55, then the number is…
a) 30 b)33 c)32 d)35
58. If the length of the sides of the triangle are 3.5cm 6cm and 8cm then it is a right angled tringle.
a) True b) False
59. A number is increased by 10 % ant then the increased number is decreased by 10% ,the net decrease is….
a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1
60. 5/9 < -3/-8 ?
a) True b) False

61. The smallest number which when multiplied by 12748 gives a perfect square is…
a)3187 b)3183 c) 3245 d) 4532
62. If ntwo number are respectively 10% & 20% more than a third number ,then the first number as a percent of the second is…
a) 78 b) 80 c)88 d)85
63. If the price of six toys is 240, what is the cost of 5 toys.?
a) 190 b) 195 c)205 d)200
64. Which of the following is a quadrilateral whose each angle is 90*?
a)parallelogram b)Rectangle c)Rhombus d)Kite
65. The square root of 7744 is ….
a)81 b)82 c)80 d)88
66. The smallest number by which 552960 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube is…
a) 11 b)5 c)4 d)3
67. In the graph of the equation 3x-2y=4 & x+y-3=0,the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersects….
a) (0,1) b) (2,2) c) (2,1) d) (0,0)
68. In triangle PQR IF, <P=30* AND 0and y>0 b) x>0 and y<0
c). x<0 and y<0 d).x0
74. If x= 2 and y= 2 is a solution of 6x + 2ay=5a, then the value of a is…
a) 12 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
75. If the height of equilateral tringle is 8 cm, then the area is..
a)48.8 cm sq. b )36.9 cm sq. c)92.2 cm sq. d)34.8 cm sq.
76. If a cuboid dimensions 20cm, 10cm and 5cm is melted and cast into a cube, then the length of the edge of the cube so formed will be
a)5cm b)10cm c)15cm d)25cm
77.If a point Q lines between p and R such that that PQ =QR then PQ=…..
a)1/4PR b)2/3PR c)1/2PR d)3/4PR
78. An angle is 14 % more than its compliment then the angle is…
a)62* b)72* c)52* d)42*
79.A coin is tossed 1000 times with the following frequencies : Head 455and tell 545:
Then the probability of getting a head is
a)0.455 b)0.055 c)0.545 d)0.0455
80. a pineapple is priced at cost of Rs 7 and watermelon cost Rs 5.stella spends Rs 40 on this fruits. The linear equation which satisfies the given data is
a) 7x+y=40 b) x+5y=40 c)7x-5y=40 d) 7x+5y=40
81. Nobel Prizes are given in which country?
a. London
b. Oslo
c. Wellington
d. New York
e. Paris
82.Dr. D Subbarao is well known in the field of__________ .
a. Medical Science
b. Banking
c. Literature
d. Politics
e. None of these
83.Which of the following is decided by RBI?
a. Rate of Safe Deposits
b. Cash Reserve Ratio
c. Inflation Rate
d. Rent of Safe Deposits
e. Interest rate on time deposits
84.¬Which of the following rivers is decided to be declared as the national river by The Govt. of India?
a. Brahmaputra
b. Ganga
c. Yamuna
d. Kaveri
e. None of these
85.Which of the following is the abbreviated form of the programme launched in India for the economic empowerment of persons with severe to profound disabilities?

86.Neil Armstrong landed on moon on which of the following dates?
a. August 5, 1969
b. August 9, 1969
c. July 20, 1969
d. July 26, 1969
e. July 22, 1969
87.Which of the following statements is not true about under-19 cricket world cup?
a. The 2012 ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup was a one day cricket competition for 16th international U-19 cricket teams which was held in August 2012.
b. In the finals, India beat Australia by six wickets to win the tournament.
c. Indian captain Unmukt Chand scored 111 not out and was awarded as Man of the Match.
d. This is India’s third U-19 World Cup title following victories in 2000 and 2008.
e. South African Captain William Bosisto was named Man of the Series.
88.Till 1969, which sector was the major beneficiary of Co-operative banking system?
a. Industrial
b. Service
c. Education
d. Export
e. Agriculture
89.A 12-year-old boy from Bihar cracked the highly competitive Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination(IIT-JEE) in May-2012. Name this child prodigy?
a. Anand Kumar
b. Satyam Kumar
c. Sushil Kumar
d. Uday Kumar
e. Tathagat Avatar Tulsi
90.Who has been appointed as new Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of World Bank?
a. RaghuRam Rajan
b. Parth Dasgupta
c. Kaushik Basu
d. Jagdish Bhagwati
e. Amartya Sen
91.¬¬¬__________ won the US Open Women’s Singles title in September 2012.
a. Sara Errani(Italy)
b. Marian Bartoli(France)
c. Serena Williams(USA)
d. Victoria Azarenka(Belarus)
e. Maria Sharapova(Russia)
92.Which of the following companies was directed by Supreme Court to refund over Rs. 24,400 crores collected from 2.21 crore depositors through the optimally fully convertible debentures (OFCDs) by way of bonds?
a. Reliance
b. Kingfisher
c. Sahar
d. Murugappa
e. Essar
93.P.A. Sangama was the former Chief Minister of which state?
a. Tripura
b. Nagaland
c. Meghalaya
d. Manipur
e. Arunachal Pradesh
94.Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991?
a. S.R. Nathan
b. Rajiv Gandhi
c. Aung Sang Suu Kyi
d. Hun Sen
e. Lee Heisn Loong
95.Which state has emerged as the fastest growing state clocking 13.1% growth in 2011-12?
a. Gujarat
b. Punjab
c. Bihar
d. Delhi
e. Chhattisgarh
96.How many branches does State Bank of India have?
a. 14,000
b. 19,000
c. 20,000
d. 25,000
e. 10,000
97.Which of the following awards/prizes are given only to Asians?
a. Man Booker award
b. Ondaatje prize
c. Right Livelihood award
d. Templeton prize
e. Ramon Magsaysay award
98.Who among the following were awarded with Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in August 2012?
a. Vijay Kumar & Sushil Kumar
b. Vijay Kumar & Vijendra Singh
c. Vikas Krishnan & Yuvraj Singh
d. Rahul Dravid & Saina Nehwal
e. Yogeshwar Dutt & Vijay Kumar
99.Reserve Bank of India does not decides __________ .
a. Bank Rate
b. Reverse Repo Rate
c. Repo Rate
d. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
e. Rate of Dearness Allowance to Government Employees
100.Which of the following terms is not used in banking/finance?
a. Treasury Bill
b. Recession
c. Public Debt
d. Plasma
e. Joint Venture
101.What is the range of the Agni I missile which was test-launched from the Wheeler Island, off Odisha coast on July 13, 2012?
a. 1500 KM
b. 1000 KM
c. 500 KM
d. 700 KM
e. 400 KM
102.Which of the following pair is mismatched?
a. Army Chief-Bikram Singh
b. Navy Chief-D.K. Joshi
c. Air Force Chief-N.A.K. Browne
d. CEC-Syed Naseem Ahmed Zaidi
e. Chairman of Competition Commission of India-Ashok Chawla
103.India shares longest border with which of the following countries?
a. Nepal
b. Bhutan
c. Pakistan
d. Bangladesh
e. China’
104.Who has taken over as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA)?
a. Jawahar Thakur
b. Shekhar Basu
c. Vinod Rai
d. Surendra Mohan
e. None of these
105._________ is the author of “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish ”.
a. Kiran Desai
b. Anita Desai
c. Shobha De
d. Arundhati Roy
e. Rashmi Bansal
106.When did India first participate in Olympics?
a. 1896 athens
b. 1912 StockHolm
c. 1900 Paris
d. 1908 London
e. 1904 St. Louis
107.Capital City of Australia is ___________ .
a. Sydney
b. Melbourne
c. Adelaide
d. Brisbane
e. Canberra
108.Waste water generates which of the following gases, which is more powerful and dangerous than CO2?
a. Hydrogen
b. Methane
c. Sulphur-di-oxide
d. Nitrogen
e. None of these
109.“Ranji Trophy” is associated with which of the following game?
a. Badminton
b. Hockey
c. Cricket
d. Tennis
e. Football
110.Roger Fedrer, who won the US Open 2007Tennis Championship, is the citizen of __________ .
a. France
b. Russia
c. Belgium
d. USA
e. Switzerland
111.Which of the following full forms is not correct?
a. ECS-Electronic Clearing Service
b. TPF-Trade Policy Forum
c. CCEA-Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
d. LAF-Liquidity Adjustment Facility’
e. FTA-Full Trade Agreement
112.December 1st is¬¬¬ ________ .
a. Human Rights Day
b. Martyr’s Day
c. World Labor Day
d. World AIDS Day
e. None of these
113.‘The name you can upon’ is the tagline of?
a. SBI
b. PNB
d. Canara Bank
114.Which of the following terms is not associated with economy?
a. GDP
b. Hindu Growth Rate
c. PPP
d. LCD
e. None of these
115.Which state has imposed a ban on the sale of guttka(chewing tobacco) and plastic bags in 10 temple towns and pilgrimage centers?
a. Gujarat
b. Kerala
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Madhya Pradesh
e. None of these
1. First Cricketer to cross 30,000 runs in international cricket?
a. Sachin Tendulkar
b. Rahul Dravid
c. Brian Lara
d. Allan Border
e. Graham Gouch
117.How many women have made it to Forbes’ list of 100 richest Indians this year?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Eight
e. None of these
118.Which country has won the Asia Cup Hockey Championship for women recently?
a. China
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. Pakistan
e. None of these
119.Who is the new External Affairs Minister on October 28, 2012?
a. Ashwani Kumar
b. Salman Khurshid
c. Kapil Sibbal
d. Kamal Nath
e. Anand Sharma
120.Azad Maidan was in the news recently because of riots. It is in?
a. Kolkata
b. Mumbai
c. Lucknow
d. New Delhi
e. Ahmedabad


121.The most common input devices are the …………………. And ……………….
a. Keyboard and mouse c. memory and hard disk
b. CPU and mouse d. CPU and keyboard
122.The packet is rout in the network through.
a. Router c. Switch
b. Gateway d. Network
123.Virtual memory is the space on the hard drive where the operating system begins to when it becomes memory.
a. Route c. Bound
b. Disk d. Loose
1. In Computer the two output devices are.
a. CPU and Monitor c. CPU and Keyboard
b. Hard disk and device d. Monitor and printer
124. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use for this purpose is
a. Left click c. Scroll
b. Right click d. all of these
e. None of these
125.. All of the following students are associate with spread sheet software
a. Worksheet c. Formula
b. Cell d. Virus Detection
126. For copy any document the keys used from keywords are
a. Ctrl v c. Ctrl c
b. Ctrl p d. alt c
127. The term bit is used for
a. Decimal digit c. Hexadecimal digit
b. Binary digit d. None of these
128. The name assign to particular document is
a. File name c. Document name
b. Funny name d. own name
129. The error occur during system program is
a. Virus c. Error
b. Error handling d. none of these
130. Which of the following term is just the connection of network that can
be joined together
a. Virtual private network c. Intranet
b. Internet d. Extranet
131. Computer store their data in
a. Hard disk c. monitor
b. memory d. in particular file
132. What menu is selected to print
a. File c. notepad
b. Document d. None of these
133. What is the work of print
a. To Paste c. To print
b. To Copy d. All of these
134. The term RAM stands for
a. Read only memory c. Random access
memory Write only memory d. Read at memory
135. The full form of ROM
b. Read only memory c. Random access
memory Write only memory d. Read at memory

136. The mathematical operation used for CPU is
a. ALU c. ACU
b. ARU d. CLR
137. The list of options and command is in
a. Menu bar c. Both
b. Ms access d. None of these
7. The link for searching anything is
a. Yahoo c. Google
b. Face book d. Gmail
138. For Webpage we use
a. Face book c. Web site
b. Google d. None of these
139. ……………… is used for processing
a. Data c. Information
b. Device d. System
140. ……………… is used for jumbled
a. Information c. Device
b. Data d. system
141. Unix is a
a. Device c. System
b. Operating System d. Information
142. A ………………. Is approximately one billion bytes
a. Megabyte c. Micro byte
b. Kilobyte d. gigabyte
143. Computer gather data which means that they allows user to …………. Data
a. Retrieve c. leave
b. Store d. None of these
144. Communication between two computers occurs through
a. Device c. Both
b. Network d. None
145. The device used for transforming information from one computer to another is
a. Pan drive c. Device
b. PC d. None
8. A device connect to network without cables is known as
a. Wireless c. Wireless
b. Computer d. none
146. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the
a. Cursor c. System
b. mouse d. all
147. The command key in PC is
a. Turnover c. shift
b. Alt d. delete
148. A ………………… is an organized collection of data.
a. Information c. Database
b. Disk d none
149. Which of the following is a web browser
a. Paint c. fire box
b. Power point d. ms word
150. For copy all data from document the key board used as
a. Alt a c. Ctrl A
b. Alt c d. Ctrl C
151. Which of the following is not a computer programming language
a. Cobol c. C++
b. Java d. Microsoft
152. Html used its code for
a. Web page c. both
b. Scroll page d. none
153. Whenever we give the space between two words we use
a. Space bar c. alt
b. Enter d. ctrl
154. Junk E mail is also known as
a. Compose mail c. sign out
b. Spam mail d. none
9. The internet allow you
a. To show web pages
b. For connections
c. For e mail
d. All of these
155. The alphabetical words in pc are
a. 28 c. 26
b. 30 d. 30
156. The permanent storage is
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Hard disk

Directions(161-162):Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
(i)’P%Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’.
(ii)’PxQ’ means ‘P is the brother of Q’.
(iii)’P-Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’.
(iv)’P+Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q’.
161.. Which of the following means ‘M is the maternal uncle of T’?
e)None of these

162. Which of the following means ‘H is the paternal grandfather of T’?
e)None of these
Direction (163-166) Read the information given below and answer the questions given below it.
Six products U, V, W, X, Y and Z are to be placed in the display window of a shop. There are six display windows numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6and one product is to be placed in one window. However U cannot be immediately to the left or immediately to the right of V. W must be immediately to the left of X. Z cannot be in window 6.
163.Which of the following products cannot be placed in window 1?
a. U
b. V
c. X
d. W
164.If X is placed in window 3, W must be placed in which window?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
165.If U is placed in window 5, which of the following products must be placed in window 6?
a. V
b. W
c. X
d. Y
166.If Z is placed in window 3 immediately to the right of X, which product must be placed in window 5?
a. U
b. V
c. W
d. X
167.A cube is to be colored in such a way as to avoid the same color on adjacent surfaces. What is the minimum number of colors you will require?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Six
d. Nine
e. Four
168. If FRIEND is coded as GSJFOE and ENEMY is coded as FOFNZ then HEADER is coded as-
a) IFBEFS b)BFFEIS e)None of these
169. ACBBDCCCEDDDDF the next term of the series could be-
a)EEEEEF b)EEEEGG e)None of these
a)HXRVMXV b)VXMVRXH e)None of these
171-173. Choose the one different from others-
171 a) Red b)Green e)None of these
b)Pink d)Yellow
172. a)Iron b)Haematite e)None of these
c)Magnetite d)Bauxite
173. a) 37 b)47 e)None of these
c)97 c)27
174. 2,5,10,17,26….. next term in the series would be-
a)37 b)47 e)None of these
c)57 d)67
175. If MEENAL is written as 455513 and AKASH is written as 12118 then MEENAKSHI will be
Written as –
a)555121894 b)455512891
b)455512819 d)455512189
176. If TIDE is coded as DIET and NIRA is coded as RIAN then WHEL will be coded as-
a)EHLW b)LHWE e)None of these
177. If WORLD is written as WLIOD and NIRMA is written as ZRINM then AIEEE will be coded as-
a)VRVVZ b)VRVVV e)None of these
178. If ‘x’ means multiplied by; ‘%’ means added to ; ‘#’means divided by and ‘&’ means subtracted from then 30 x 30 % 30 # 30 & 30 =?
a)871 b)771 e)None of these
c)971 d)1071
179. Among P,Q,R,S and T, each having scored different marks, R scored more marks than P and T,
.Q scored less marks than T.S did’nt scored highest marks. Who among them scored the highest marks?
a)P b)T e)Data inadequate
c)R d)None of these
180. Pointing to a girl, Nidhi said, ’She is the daughter of my grandmother’s only child.’ How is the girl related to Nidhi?
a)Sister b)Self e)None of these
c)Cousin Sister d)Data inadequate
181. How many meaningful english words can be made with the letters ITEM using each letter only once in each word?
a)None b)One e)None of these
c)Two d)Three
182. The position of how many digits in the number ‘8247631’ will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number?
a)None b)One e)None of these
b)Two d)Three
183. in a row of 25 students facing North , W is fifth to the right of R , who is sixteenth from the right end of the row. What is W’s position from the right end of the row?
a)Eleventh b)Twelfth e)Data inadequate
b)Tenth d) None of these
Directions(184-186) Study the following , information carefully and answer the following questions:
Five plays A,B,C,D and E were organized in a week from Monday to Saturday with one play each day and no play was organized on one of these days . Play D was organized before Thursday but after Monday .Play E was organized on Saturday.Play C was not organizedon the first day. Play B was organized on the next day on which play C was organized. Play E was organized on Tuesday .
184. On which day was play B organinized?
a)Thursday b)Friday e)None of these
c)Saturday d)Data inadequate
185.On which day was no play organized ?
a) Monday b)Wednesday e)None of these
c)Thursday d)Data inadequate
186. Which play was organized on Wednesday?
a)A b)C e)None of these
c)D d)Data inadequate
187. What should come next in the following series?
a)7 b)1 e) None of these
c)2 d)5
Directions(188-193):In each of the questions below is given four statements followed by three conclusions . you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to vary from the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions then decide which of the following conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
188. Statements: All stones are poles.
All poles are desks.
Some desks are nets.
All nets are days.
1. Some net are stones.
2. Some desks are stones
3. Some days are desks
a)only 1 & 2 follow
b)only 1 & 3 follow
c) only 2 & 3 follow
d) all 1 2nd & 3 follow
e) none of these

189. statements: some months are weeks.
Some weeks are years. All year are buses. All buses are trains.
Conclusion: 1. Some trains are weeks.
2.some buses are weeks.
3. some trains are months.
a) only 1 and 2 follow
b)only 2 and 3 follow
c) only 1 and 3 follow
d) all 1 , 2 and 3 follow
e) none of above

190.statements: all windows are roofs.
All roofs are glasses, some glasses are plates, some plates are carpets.
Conclusion: 1.some plates are window.
2.some glasses are window.
3.some carpets are roofs.
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c)only 3 follow
d) all 1 , 2 and 3 follow
e) none of these
191.statements: some stations are rails.
All rails are rivers, all rivers are papers, some papers are cards.
Conclusion: 1. Some cards are stations.
2.some rivers are stations
3.some cards are stations.
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c)only 3 follow
d)only 1 and 2 follow
e) none of above
192.statements: all trees are jungles.
All jungles are houses, all houses are buildings ,all buildings are villages.
Conclusion: 1.some villages are houses.
2. some buildings are jungles.
3. some houses are tree.
a) only 1 and 2 follow
b) only 1 and 3 follow
c) only 2 and 3 follow
d) all 1, 2and 3 follow
e) none of these
193. statements: some books are calendar.
No calendar is a paper, all paper are pencil, some pencil are chairs.
Conclusions: 1.some chairs are books .
2.No chair is a book.
3.some pencils are calendar .
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c) only c follow
d) all 1 ,2 and 3 follow
e) none of these
Directions (194 to 199) in each questions given below is a group of digits /symbols followed by 4 combination of latters . you have to find out which of the following combinations correctly represents the group of digit symbol based on following coding system and the conditions that followed and mark the number of that combination as your answer,DIGIT/symbol , : 5 @ 3 9 8 % 8 1 4 2 # $
Conditions: 1.if the 1st unit is a symbol and the last unit is an even digit both are to be coded as the code for the even digits
2.If the 1st unit is all even digit and the last unit is an odd digit their codes are to be interchanged .
194.If the first unit is an odd digit and the last unit is a symbol both are to be coded as the code for the symbol
4.if both the first and last units are symbols both are to be coded as Z.
27. 9@374%

PROJECT BY: ADITI SHARMA(Computer ability)
Akash tripathi (Logical reasoning)
Deepshikha bisaria (English)
Meenal Sharma (General awareness)
Saurabh Agarwal(Aptitude)
• Read the instructions carefully
• Fill the OMR sheet using BLACK BALL POINT PEN.
• Fill the circles in the OMR sheet very carefully.
• Fill the information i.e. your roll no, exam centre very carefully on the OMR sheet
• There are five sets in the question paper including :
a. English – 40 questions (40 marks)
b. Logical Reasoning – 40 questions (40 marks)
c. Aptitude – 40 questions (40 marks)
d. General Awareness – 40 questions (40 marks)
e. Computer Ability – 40 questions (40 marks)
• All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
• There is negative marking for every wrong answer. ¼ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
• For every correct answer 1 marks will be given
• Use of calculator, mobile devices or any other electronic gadget is strictly prohibited.
• Violation of any rule will result in the cancellation of your exam.
1. What is the synonym of ‘abase’?
a. Humiliate b. embarrass c. moderate d. deviant
2. Give the meaning of ‘faze’.
a. Practical b. restless c. dismay d. foolish
3. What do we mean by ‘minutiae’?
a. Limitation b. petty details c. extremely small d. incipient
4. Give the synonym of ‘muggy’.
a. Warm b. mix up c. systematic d. spirit
5. What is the meaning of ‘knoll’?
a. Glory b. little c. dull d. slow
6. What is the antonym of ‘earthly’?
a. Supernal b. deathly c. heaven like dearth
7. Give the antonym of ‘mobbish’.
a. Direct b. indirect c. inactivate d. activate
8. Which word does not mean the same as ‘quaggy’?
a. Muddy b. sloppy c. dry d. swampy
9. Which word is the correct antonym of ‘usurious’?
a. Outrageous b. steep c. exorbitant d. moderate
10. What is the antonym of ‘apetalous’?
a. Petalless b. petaled c. petalled d. petaous
11. Complete the sentence: I love dogs and I ____________ cats.
a. Love b. play c. hate d. see e. sleep
12. Complete the sentence: I love dogs but I __________ cats.
a. Love b. play c. hate d. see e. sleep
13. Complete the sentence: Blue is ____________
a. A color b. the color c. color d. an color
14. Complete the sentence: A dog is ________
a. A animal b. an animal c. the animal d. animal
15. A rose is ________
a. A flower b. the flower c. a plant d. the plant
16. The words flew _______ air.
a. through the b. in the c. through d. in
17. The mouse _________ across the room.
a. Ran b. is running c. run d. will run
18. We are _______ English Class.
a. In b. in the c. in a d. in an
19. The bank is open _______8:00 a.m. ________5:00 p.m.
a. From,at b. from,to c. at,at d. from,from
20. I ________ to act like my father when I was Young.
a. Used b. would try c. tried d. None of these.
21. Join the two sentence written below:
He put on some sunscreen.
The sun was so extremely hot.
a. Because b. since c. because of d. None of these
22. Which one is correct?
a. He wanted to be in the sun.
b. He is wanting to be in the sun.
c. He wants to be in the sun.
d. None of these
23. Which of the following sentence is correct?
a. I like learning English.
b. I like to learn English.
c. I like learning the English.
d. I like to learn The English.
24. Which is the correct sentence?
a. I love to go school and learn.
b. I love school and learning.
c. I love to go to school and learn.
d. I love schooling and learning.
25. Which one is correct?
a. We should keep moving because there is no time to waste.
b. We should move. There is no time to waste.
c. We should get moving. There’s no to waste.
d. All of the above.
26. Which is the correct sentence?
a. He is good in nature.
b. He has a good nature.
c. He possess very good nature.
d. All the above.
27. The word ‘accord’ means :
a. Clearly revealed
b. Concurrence of opinion
c. A customary way of operation
d. Have in mind as a purpose.
28. The word ‘venture’ means:
a. A characteristic state of feeling.
b. Fixed in your purpose
c. Proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers.
d. Enter upon an activity or enterprise.
29. What is the meaning of ‘vex’?
a. Showing reverence for a deity
b. Invest with ministerial authority
c. Obvious to the mind or eye
d. Disturb, especially by minor irritations
30. Which sentence is correct?
a. I will go market
b. I am going to market
c. I will go to the market
d. All the above
(31-35)Read each sentence carefully and find whether there is any grammatical mistake or not .The error in any will be in one part of the question. Mark the answer you find incorrect and mark (e) if there is no error.
31. a. We are yet starting
b. Offering this facility to
c. Our customers as we are
d. Awaiting approval for from the board
e. No error
32. a. The chairman of all large
b. Public sectors met with
c. Senior RBI officials to give its
d. Suggestions about implementing the new policies.
e. No error
33. a. They have not fully considered
b. the impact that relaxing
c. these guidelines are likely
d. to have with the economy
e. No error
34. a. Had this notification
b. Been amended earlier
c. We could have stopped
d. The transfer of funds.
e. No error
35. a. There are many insurance
b. disputes nowadays because of
c. most people do not fully
d. understand the terms and conditions of policy.
e. No error
36. Many senior citizen are finding this difficult to affordable essential commodities today
a. It-afford
b. Much-afforded
c. Still-be affording
d. Their-afford
e. No correction required
37. What is the meaning of ‘consider’?
a. Deemed to be
b. Infinitely
c. Affordable
d. None of these
38. What is the meaning of ‘utter’?
a. Without qualification
b. Without the course of
c. Immeasurable
d. None of these
39. What is the meaning of ‘parry’?
a. Disentangle
b. Avoid to try to avoid fulfilling
c. Someone who practices a learned profession
d. All the above
40. What do you mean by ‘ravel’?
a. Disentangle
b. Avoid to try to avoid fulfilling
c. Someone who practices a learned profession
d. None of the above
. The common difference of AP -5 ,0,5,10,15,…is…
a)-5 b)5 c)0 d)2
42. The ABC is an acute angled triangle and BD is perpendicular to AC , then sinA/sinC=…?
a. AB/BC b. BC/AB c. BC/CD d.CD/BC
43. If the sum of the squares of two consecutive natural number 41,then the number are…
a)4 and 5 b)5 and 6 c)2 and 3 d)3 and 4
44. The prime factorization of 432 is….
a) 4*9 b)16*9 c)16*27 d)8*27
45. 13*(-41)+13*(-19)=…
a) -785
b) 780
c) -780
d) 765
46. If four- fifth of a number is greater than three-fourths of the number by 4, then the number is…
a) 81 b) 82 c) 80 d) 70
47. If a: b=5:7, then (3a+5b): (5a-2b)=..
a) 40:11 b)35:9
c) 50:11 d)17:5
48. The value of 4/7 as a rational number with denominator 21 is….
a) 12/11 b)25/21 c)17/21 d)-17/21
49. If the side of the equilateral triangle is 4.5, then is perimeter is…..
a) 11.5cm b) 15.3cm c) 12.5cm d) 13.5cm
50. If seven times m plus 7 gets 77,then equation of the statement is…
a) 7m+7=77 b) 7-7m=77 c) 7m=77 d) 7m
51.The marks obtained by 12 student of the class in a test are given below….
The model mark is..
a) 15 b)19 c)23 d)21

52. The value of (2/5 of 25)..?
a) 10 b)15 c) 5 d)12
53. A cuboid has ……. Edges
a) 6 b) 12 c)8 d)10
54. If 3p/10=6, then the value OF P is….
a) 60 b) 20 c)30 d)80
55. If two lines segments AB and CD are congruent, then it is represented symbolically as
a) AB>CD B) AB<CD c) AB~CD d)AB=CD
56. The additive inverse of 3/5 is…..
a)2/5 b) 3/5 c)5/3 d)-3/5
57. if a number when added to two- thirds of itself given 55, then the number is…
a) 30 b)33 c)32 d)35
58. If the length of the sides of the triangle are 3.5cm 6cm and 8cm then it is a right angled tringle.
a) True b) False
59. A number is increased by 10 % ant then the increased number is decreased by 10% ,the net decrease is….
a)2 b)3 c)4 d)1
60. 5/9 < -3/-8 ?
a) True b) False

61. The smallest number which when multiplied by 12748 gives a perfect square is…
a)3187 b)3183 c) 3245 d) 4532
62. If ntwo number are respectively 10% & 20% more than a third number ,then the first number as a percent of the second is…
a) 78 b) 80 c)88 d)85
63. If the price of six toys is 240, what is the cost of 5 toys.?
a) 190 b) 195 c)205 d)200
64. Which of the following is a quadrilateral whose each angle is 90*?
a)parallelogram b)Rectangle c)Rhombus d)Kite
65. The square root of 7744 is ….
a)81 b)82 c)80 d)88
66. The smallest number by which 552960 must be divided so that the quotient is a perfect cube is…
a) 11 b)5 c)4 d)3
67. In the graph of the equation 3x-2y=4 & x+y-3=0,the coordinates of the point where the two lines intersects….
a) (0,1) b) (2,2) c) (2,1) d) (0,0)
68. In triangle PQR IF, <P=30* AND 0and y>0 b) x>0 and y<0
c). x<0 and y<0 d).x0
74. If x= 2 and y= 2 is a solution of 6x + 2ay=5a, then the value of a is…
a) 12 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
75. If the height of equilateral tringle is 8 cm, then the area is..
a)48.8 cm sq. b )36.9 cm sq. c)92.2 cm sq. d)34.8 cm sq.
76. If a cuboid dimensions 20cm, 10cm and 5cm is melted and cast into a cube, then the length of the edge of the cube so formed will be
a)5cm b)10cm c)15cm d)25cm
77.If a point Q lines between p and R such that that PQ =QR then PQ=…..
a)1/4PR b)2/3PR c)1/2PR d)3/4PR
78. An angle is 14 % more than its compliment then the angle is…
a)62* b)72* c)52* d)42*
79.A coin is tossed 1000 times with the following frequencies : Head 455and tell 545:
Then the probability of getting a head is
a)0.455 b)0.055 c)0.545 d)0.0455
80. a pineapple is priced at cost of Rs 7 and watermelon cost Rs 5.stella spends Rs 40 on this fruits. The linear equation which satisfies the given data is
a) 7x+y=40 b) x+5y=40 c)7x-5y=40 d) 7x+5y=40
81. Nobel Prizes are given in which country?
a. London
b. Oslo
c. Wellington
d. New York
e. Paris
82.Dr. D Subbarao is well known in the field of__________ .
a. Medical Science
b. Banking
c. Literature
d. Politics
e. None of these
83.Which of the following is decided by RBI?
a. Rate of Safe Deposits
b. Cash Reserve Ratio
c. Inflation Rate
d. Rent of Safe Deposits
e. Interest rate on time deposits
84.¬Which of the following rivers is decided to be declared as the national river by The Govt. of India?
a. Brahmaputra
b. Ganga
c. Yamuna
d. Kaveri
e. None of these
85.Which of the following is the abbreviated form of the programme launched in India for the economic empowerment of persons with severe to profound disabilities?

86.Neil Armstrong landed on moon on which of the following dates?
a. August 5, 1969
b. August 9, 1969
c. July 20, 1969
d. July 26, 1969
e. July 22, 1969
87.Which of the following statements is not true about under-19 cricket world cup?
a. The 2012 ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup was a one day cricket competition for 16th international U-19 cricket teams which was held in August 2012.
b. In the finals, India beat Australia by six wickets to win the tournament.
c. Indian captain Unmukt Chand scored 111 not out and was awarded as Man of the Match.
d. This is India’s third U-19 World Cup title following victories in 2000 and 2008.
e. South African Captain William Bosisto was named Man of the Series.
88.Till 1969, which sector was the major beneficiary of Co-operative banking system?
a. Industrial
b. Service
c. Education
d. Export
e. Agriculture
89.A 12-year-old boy from Bihar cracked the highly competitive Indian Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Examination(IIT-JEE) in May-2012. Name this child prodigy?
a. Anand Kumar
b. Satyam Kumar
c. Sushil Kumar
d. Uday Kumar
e. Tathagat Avatar Tulsi
90.Who has been appointed as new Chief Economist and Senior Vice President of World Bank?
a. RaghuRam Rajan
b. Parth Dasgupta
c. Kaushik Basu
d. Jagdish Bhagwati
e. Amartya Sen
91.¬¬¬__________ won the US Open Women’s Singles title in September 2012.
a. Sara Errani(Italy)
b. Marian Bartoli(France)
c. Serena Williams(USA)
d. Victoria Azarenka(Belarus)
e. Maria Sharapova(Russia)
92.Which of the following companies was directed by Supreme Court to refund over Rs. 24,400 crores collected from 2.21 crore depositors through the optimally fully convertible debentures (OFCDs) by way of bonds?
a. Reliance
b. Kingfisher
c. Sahar
d. Murugappa
e. Essar
93.P.A. Sangama was the former Chief Minister of which state?
a. Tripura
b. Nagaland
c. Meghalaya
d. Manipur
e. Arunachal Pradesh
94.Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991?
a. S.R. Nathan
b. Rajiv Gandhi
c. Aung Sang Suu Kyi
d. Hun Sen
e. Lee Heisn Loong
95.Which state has emerged as the fastest growing state clocking 13.1% growth in 2011-12?
a. Gujarat
b. Punjab
c. Bihar
d. Delhi
e. Chhattisgarh
96.How many branches does State Bank of India have?
a. 14,000
b. 19,000
c. 20,000
d. 25,000
e. 10,000
97.Which of the following awards/prizes are given only to Asians?
a. Man Booker award
b. Ondaatje prize
c. Right Livelihood award
d. Templeton prize
e. Ramon Magsaysay award
98.Who among the following were awarded with Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award in August 2012?
a. Vijay Kumar & Sushil Kumar
b. Vijay Kumar & Vijendra Singh
c. Vikas Krishnan & Yuvraj Singh
d. Rahul Dravid & Saina Nehwal
e. Yogeshwar Dutt & Vijay Kumar
99.Reserve Bank of India does not decides __________ .
a. Bank Rate
b. Reverse Repo Rate
c. Repo Rate
d. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
e. Rate of Dearness Allowance to Government Employees
100.Which of the following terms is not used in banking/finance?
a. Treasury Bill
b. Recession
c. Public Debt
d. Plasma
e. Joint Venture
101.What is the range of the Agni I missile which was test-launched from the Wheeler Island, off Odisha coast on July 13, 2012?
a. 1500 KM
b. 1000 KM
c. 500 KM
d. 700 KM
e. 400 KM
102.Which of the following pair is mismatched?
a. Army Chief-Bikram Singh
b. Navy Chief-D.K. Joshi
c. Air Force Chief-N.A.K. Browne
d. CEC-Syed Naseem Ahmed Zaidi
e. Chairman of Competition Commission of India-Ashok Chawla
103.India shares longest border with which of the following countries?
a. Nepal
b. Bhutan
c. Pakistan
d. Bangladesh
e. China’
104.Who has taken over as the new Controller General of Accounts (CGA)?
a. Jawahar Thakur
b. Shekhar Basu
c. Vinod Rai
d. Surendra Mohan
e. None of these
105._________ is the author of “Stay Hungry Stay Foolish ”.
a. Kiran Desai
b. Anita Desai
c. Shobha De
d. Arundhati Roy
e. Rashmi Bansal
106.When did India first participate in Olympics?
a. 1896 athens
b. 1912 StockHolm
c. 1900 Paris
d. 1908 London
e. 1904 St. Louis
107.Capital City of Australia is ___________ .
a. Sydney
b. Melbourne
c. Adelaide
d. Brisbane
e. Canberra
108.Waste water generates which of the following gases, which is more powerful and dangerous than CO2?
a. Hydrogen
b. Methane
c. Sulphur-di-oxide
d. Nitrogen
e. None of these
109.“Ranji Trophy” is associated with which of the following game?
a. Badminton
b. Hockey
c. Cricket
d. Tennis
e. Football
110.Roger Fedrer, who won the US Open 2007Tennis Championship, is the citizen of __________ .
a. France
b. Russia
c. Belgium
d. USA
e. Switzerland
111.Which of the following full forms is not correct?
a. ECS-Electronic Clearing Service
b. TPF-Trade Policy Forum
c. CCEA-Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
d. LAF-Liquidity Adjustment Facility’
e. FTA-Full Trade Agreement
112.December 1st is¬¬¬ ________ .
a. Human Rights Day
b. Martyr’s Day
c. World Labor Day
d. World AIDS Day
e. None of these
113.‘The name you can upon’ is the tagline of?
a. SBI
b. PNB
d. Canara Bank
114.Which of the following terms is not associated with economy?
a. GDP
b. Hindu Growth Rate
c. PPP
d. LCD
e. None of these
115.Which state has imposed a ban on the sale of guttka(chewing tobacco) and plastic bags in 10 temple towns and pilgrimage centers?
a. Gujarat
b. Kerala
c. Andhra Pradesh
d. Madhya Pradesh
e. None of these
1. First Cricketer to cross 30,000 runs in international cricket?
a. Sachin Tendulkar
b. Rahul Dravid
c. Brian Lara
d. Allan Border
e. Graham Gouch
117.How many women have made it to Forbes’ list of 100 richest Indians this year?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Six
d. Eight
e. None of these
118.Which country has won the Asia Cup Hockey Championship for women recently?
a. China
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. Pakistan
e. None of these
119.Who is the new External Affairs Minister on October 28, 2012?
a. Ashwani Kumar
b. Salman Khurshid
c. Kapil Sibbal
d. Kamal Nath
e. Anand Sharma
120.Azad Maidan was in the news recently because of riots. It is in?
a. Kolkata
b. Mumbai
c. Lucknow
d. New Delhi
e. Ahmedabad


121.The most common input devices are the …………………. And ……………….
a. Keyboard and mouse c. memory and hard disk
b. CPU and mouse d. CPU and keyboard
122.The packet is rout in the network through.
a. Router c. Switch
b. Gateway d. Network
123.Virtual memory is the space on the hard drive where the operating system begins to when it becomes memory.
a. Route c. Bound
b. Disk d. Loose
1. In Computer the two output devices are.
a. CPU and Monitor c. CPU and Keyboard
b. Hard disk and device d. Monitor and printer
124. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use for this purpose is
a. Left click c. Scroll
b. Right click d. all of these
e. None of these
125.. All of the following students are associate with spread sheet software
a. Worksheet c. Formula
b. Cell d. Virus Detection
126. For copy any document the keys used from keywords are
a. Ctrl v c. Ctrl c
b. Ctrl p d. alt c
127. The term bit is used for
a. Decimal digit c. Hexadecimal digit
b. Binary digit d. None of these
128. The name assign to particular document is
a. File name c. Document name
b. Funny name d. own name
129. The error occur during system program is
a. Virus c. Error
b. Error handling d. none of these
130. Which of the following term is just the connection of network that can
be joined together
a. Virtual private network c. Intranet
b. Internet d. Extranet
131. Computer store their data in
a. Hard disk c. monitor
b. memory d. in particular file
132. What menu is selected to print
a. File c. notepad
b. Document d. None of these
133. What is the work of print
a. To Paste c. To print
b. To Copy d. All of these
134. The term RAM stands for
a. Read only memory c. Random access
memory Write only memory d. Read at memory
135. The full form of ROM
b. Read only memory c. Random access
memory Write only memory d. Read at memory

136. The mathematical operation used for CPU is
a. ALU c. ACU
b. ARU d. CLR
137. The list of options and command is in
a. Menu bar c. Both
b. Ms access d. None of these
7. The link for searching anything is
a. Yahoo c. Google
b. Face book d. Gmail
138. For Webpage we use
a. Face book c. Web site
b. Google d. None of these
139. ……………… is used for processing
a. Data c. Information
b. Device d. System
140. ……………… is used for jumbled
a. Information c. Device
b. Data d. system
141. Unix is a
a. Device c. System
b. Operating System d. Information
142. A ………………. Is approximately one billion bytes
a. Megabyte c. Micro byte
b. Kilobyte d. gigabyte
143. Computer gather data which means that they allows user to …………. Data
a. Retrieve c. leave
b. Store d. None of these
144. Communication between two computers occurs through
a. Device c. Both
b. Network d. None
145. The device used for transforming information from one computer to another is
a. Pan drive c. Device
b. PC d. None
8. A device connect to network without cables is known as
a. Wireless c. Wireless
b. Computer d. none
146. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the
a. Cursor c. System
b. mouse d. all
147. The command key in PC is
a. Turnover c. shift
b. Alt d. delete
148. A ………………… is an organized collection of data.
a. Information c. Database
b. Disk d none
149. Which of the following is a web browser
a. Paint c. fire box
b. Power point d. ms word
150. For copy all data from document the key board used as
a. Alt a c. Ctrl A
b. Alt c d. Ctrl C
151. Which of the following is not a computer programming language
a. Cobol c. C++
b. Java d. Microsoft
152. Html used its code for
a. Web page c. both
b. Scroll page d. none
153. Whenever we give the space between two words we use
a. Space bar c. alt
b. Enter d. ctrl
154. Junk E mail is also known as
a. Compose mail c. sign out
b. Spam mail d. none
9. The internet allow you
a. To show web pages
b. For connections
c. For e mail
d. All of these
155. The alphabetical words in pc are
a. 28 c. 26
b. 30 d. 30
156. The permanent storage is
a. RAM
b. ROM
c. Hard disk

Directions(161-162):Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
(i)’P%Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’.
(ii)’PxQ’ means ‘P is the brother of Q’.
(iii)’P-Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’.
(iv)’P+Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q’.
161.. Which of the following means ‘M is the maternal uncle of T’?
e)None of these

162. Which of the following means ‘H is the paternal grandfather of T’?
e)None of these
Direction (163-166) Read the information given below and answer the questions given below it.
Six products U, V, W, X, Y and Z are to be placed in the display window of a shop. There are six display windows numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6and one product is to be placed in one window. However U cannot be immediately to the left or immediately to the right of V. W must be immediately to the left of X. Z cannot be in window 6.
163.Which of the following products cannot be placed in window 1?
a. U
b. V
c. X
d. W
164.If X is placed in window 3, W must be placed in which window?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
165.If U is placed in window 5, which of the following products must be placed in window 6?
a. V
b. W
c. X
d. Y
166.If Z is placed in window 3 immediately to the right of X, which product must be placed in window 5?
a. U
b. V
c. W
d. X
167.A cube is to be colored in such a way as to avoid the same color on adjacent surfaces. What is the minimum number of colors you will require?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Six
d. Nine
e. Four
168. If FRIEND is coded as GSJFOE and ENEMY is coded as FOFNZ then HEADER is coded as-
a) IFBEFS b)BFFEIS e)None of these
169. ACBBDCCCEDDDDF the next term of the series could be-
a)EEEEEF b)EEEEGG e)None of these
a)HXRVMXV b)VXMVRXH e)None of these
171-173. Choose the one different from others-
171 a) Red b)Green e)None of these
b)Pink d)Yellow
172. a)Iron b)Haematite e)None of these
c)Magnetite d)Bauxite
173. a) 37 b)47 e)None of these
c)97 c)27
174. 2,5,10,17,26….. next term in the series would be-
a)37 b)47 e)None of these
c)57 d)67
175. If MEENAL is written as 455513 and AKASH is written as 12118 then MEENAKSHI will be
Written as –
a)555121894 b)455512891
b)455512819 d)455512189
176. If TIDE is coded as DIET and NIRA is coded as RIAN then WHEL will be coded as-
a)EHLW b)LHWE e)None of these
177. If WORLD is written as WLIOD and NIRMA is written as ZRINM then AIEEE will be coded as-
a)VRVVZ b)VRVVV e)None of these
178. If ‘x’ means multiplied by; ‘%’ means added to ; ‘#’means divided by and ‘&’ means subtracted from then 30 x 30 % 30 # 30 & 30 =?
a)871 b)771 e)None of these
c)971 d)1071
179. Among P,Q,R,S and T, each having scored different marks, R scored more marks than P and T,
.Q scored less marks than T.S did’nt scored highest marks. Who among them scored the highest marks?
a)P b)T e)Data inadequate
c)R d)None of these
180. Pointing to a girl, Nidhi said, ’She is the daughter of my grandmother’s only child.’ How is the girl related to Nidhi?
a)Sister b)Self e)None of these
c)Cousin Sister d)Data inadequate
181. How many meaningful english words can be made with the letters ITEM using each letter only once in each word?
a)None b)One e)None of these
c)Two d)Three
182. The position of how many digits in the number ‘8247631’ will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number?
a)None b)One e)None of these
b)Two d)Three
183. in a row of 25 students facing North , W is fifth to the right of R , who is sixteenth from the right end of the row. What is W’s position from the right end of the row?
a)Eleventh b)Twelfth e)Data inadequate
b)Tenth d) None of these
Directions(184-186) Study the following , information carefully and answer the following questions:
Five plays A,B,C,D and E were organized in a week from Monday to Saturday with one play each day and no play was organized on one of these days . Play D was organized before Thursday but after Monday .Play E was organized on Saturday.Play C was not organizedon the first day. Play B was organized on the next day on which play C was organized. Play E was organized on Tuesday .
184. On which day was play B organinized?
a)Thursday b)Friday e)None of these
c)Saturday d)Data inadequate
185.On which day was no play organized ?
a) Monday b)Wednesday e)None of these
c)Thursday d)Data inadequate
186. Which play was organized on Wednesday?
a)A b)C e)None of these
c)D d)Data inadequate
187. What should come next in the following series?
a)7 b)1 e) None of these
c)2 d)5
Directions(188-193):In each of the questions below is given four statements followed by three conclusions . you have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to vary from the commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions then decide which of the following conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
188. Statements: All stones are poles.   IBPS Exam sample PAPER
All poles are desks.
Some desks are nets.
All nets are days.
1. Some net are stones.
2. Some desks are stones
3. Some days are desks
a)only 1 & 2 follow
b)only 1 & 3 follow
c) only 2 & 3 follow
d) all 1 2nd & 3 follow
e) none of these

189. statements: some months are weeks.
Some weeks are years. All year are buses. All buses are trains.
Conclusion: 1. Some trains are weeks.
2.some buses are weeks.
3. some trains are months.
a) only 1 and 2 follow
b)only 2 and 3 follow
c) only 1 and 3 follow
d) all 1 , 2 and 3 follow
e) none of above

190.statements: all windows are roofs.
All roofs are glasses, some glasses are plates, some plates are carpets.
Conclusion: 1.some plates are window.
2.some glasses are window.
3.some carpets are roofs.
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c)only 3 follow
d) all 1 , 2 and 3 follow
e) none of these
191.statements: some stations are rails.
All rails are rivers, all rivers are papers, some papers are cards.
Conclusion: 1. Some cards are stations.
2.some rivers are stations
3.some cards are stations.
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c)only 3 follow
d)only 1 and 2 follow
e) none of above
192.statements: all trees are jungles.
All jungles are houses, all houses are buildings ,all buildings are villages.
Conclusion: 1.some villages are houses.
2. some buildings are jungles.
3. some houses are tree.
a) only 1 and 2 follow
b) only 1 and 3 follow
c) only 2 and 3 follow
d) all 1, 2and 3 follow
e) none of these
193. statements: some books are calendar.
No calendar is a paper, all paper are pencil, some pencil are chairs.
Conclusions: 1.some chairs are books .
2.No chair is a book.
3.some pencils are calendar .
a)only 1 follow
b) only 2 follow
c) only c follow
d) all 1 ,2 and 3 follow
e) none of these
Directions (194 to 199) in each questions given below is a group of digits /symbols followed by 4 combination of latters . you have to find out which of the following combinations correctly represents the group of digit symbol based on following coding system and the conditions that followed and mark the number of that combination as your answer,DIGIT/symbol , : 5 @ 3 9 8 % 8 1 4 2 # $
Conditions: 1.if the 1st unit is a symbol and the last unit is an even digit both are to be coded as the code for the even digits
2.If the 1st unit is all even digit and the last unit is an odd digit their codes are to be interchanged .
194.If the first unit is an odd digit and the last unit is a symbol both are to be coded as the code for the symbol
4.if both the first and last units are symbols both are to be coded as Z.
27. 9@374%

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