Why MBA colleges in India are closing down
MBA that is Masters in business administration is loosing its shine since past 4 years or little more. Their was a rat race for degree of MBA and it was being considered that , a degree of MBA would fetch JOBS of lakhs of Rs per month but it did not happen with time and slowly and gradually student generation started cursing colleges and faculties which resulted in further drop in educational quality.
Why most of the management colleges are not doing well for students
MBA education started gaining popularity in Indian education market since late 1990’s and early 2000 saw sharp increase in MBA colleges
across different part of country. At a time there were more than 5000 Management colleges which were certified by AICTE and many national and International level exams sprouted for different management colleges. Apart from government funded colleges like IIM’s , IRMA , IIT’s which imparted quality management education at affordable fee , many Private colleges like NIRMA , S P Jain , NIMS etc came into picture who set a pioneer in management education and students started getting attracted towards management education.
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With time MBA education mushroomed and was considered as easy ticket to corporate sector , colleges did not work on quality of students who were being taught for management degree nor does colleges started working well on personality development or analytic skill development of a student and this resulted in non acceptance.
Earlier the most credible colleges where the government run IIM’s with few Pvt run management colleges like MDI Gurgaon , IMT Ghaziabad , S.P jain etc made their mark but with time management quota seats started bringing educational standards down to least possible level. Colleges owners had no interest in educating a child rather college remained much interested in Placement of students to get enough media coverage , In due process colleges forgot that placements were by product of proper knowledge which needs to be imparted by colleges to students.
More over MBA education in India was never taken with much serious efforts by government apart from top level colleges , Indian management education system allowed any one and every one to take admission in MBA college and this brought fresh pass outs from different job sector to MBA education. Candidates with no knowledge of industry were not able to grasp well in practical aspects of marketing or human resource or operation management.
Many examinations came into picture but in more than 90% MBA colleges , you need not to have marks of any exam like that of CAT , MAT , CMAT , XLRI etc
I came across many students from different management colleges and was always bewildered with the expectation a fresh pass out had. Every candidate coming out from a management college thinks to get a job with a cabin and telephone with a receptionist to fix his or her appointments and attend calls but nothing like this happened and many students with time fealt cheated due to heafty fee charged by colleges. Many students also felt that they were deprived of jobs because of over qualification and many fealt that their previous job was more satisfying than what they achieved after MBA degree.
In short ROI or return over investment by candidates was not proper this lead upcoming generations to move away from colleges which have not proved them selves well in past and had more focus on placement.
Students also did not focus with time on their knowledge and blamed college for every thing.
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