Microprocessor and computer based protection scheme

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Microprocessor and computer based protection scheme

Microprocessor based:

microprocessor and computer based protection scheme

microprocessor and computer based protection scheme

The protection scheme which is microprocessor based has many advantages and is highly efficient.

Some of the advantages are

1)      reliable

2)       flexible

3)      faster than previously used protection schemes

In today’s era with the increasing  complexity of modern power systems more accurate and reliable   protection schemes are required.The microprocessor generally gives better performance at  lower cost and simple  construction because operation of the scheme is based on programming the microprocessor.

significant increase in the value of sensitivity,, functionalism and selection can be obtained for current line when the conventional distant differential security system is changed with the straightforward impedance relay based communication

Power scheme is usually a broadly extended scheme consisting of hundreds of essentials i.e., transformer, communication lines, generator, huge feeder line. Sustainability for providing  high services performance to the customers.

Computer based:

This protection technique which is computer based does not require any coordination process. This technique consists of two phases

1)offline phase It  is based on algorithm based on graph  to determine the break in sets for a predefined fault location. The determined bits per seconds are then grouped according to the no. of healthy components. It consists of scanning all  fault locations within the power system. The algorithm is used for all of them and the bits per second are computed and it is stored as the file name name related to the fault which is cleared.

2) online phase..It  is real time application of computer based relaying. On the detection of fault, the algorithm retrieves the appropriate file related to that fault and transmits the tripping signal to the circuit breaker of the first group of the bits per second.The algorithm stops if the fault is cleared or else it continues.

Every protective system which isolates a faulty element is required to satisfy some basic requirement: Security, Reliability, Selectivity, operates fast.


security the term itself describes its meaning.It is the technique that control who uses or modifies the information stored and being used.


The term reliability can be expressed as a probability of failure. Failure is not confined to protective gear but may also be due to breaker defects. Every component and circuit involved in fault clearance must be regarded as source of failure . Failure can be removed by a small calculated risk by  reliable designs backed with  regular and through maintenance. Quality of personnel must not be overlooked when considering reliability for mistakes by personnel are among the most likely causes of the failure. Some features of design and manufacturer which make relays inherently reliable are high contact pressures, dust free enclosures, well braced joints and impregnated coils. precautions in manufacture and assembly reduce liability to failures.

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Some of the advantages are

1)      reliable

2)       flexible

3)      faster than previously used protection schemes


The two techniques are

1)offline phase It is the method which is based on the algorithm which is graph based and it determines the break in sets for the predefined fault location.The bits per second which are determined are then grouped as per the number of the non faulty components.

2) online phase After the detection of the fault the fault is retrieved and the signal to trip the circuit is given to the circuit breaker.


The basic requirements are-

a) Security


c) Selectivity

d)fast operation


Security is defined as the technique to control and modify the information which are stored and being used without getting affected.

Reliability is the probability of the failure and  each equipments are considered as the source of it.

GATE Syllabus-

1. Gate syllabus for Computer Science and Information technology 2014

2. Gate syllabus for Electrical Engineering 2014

3. Gate syllabus for Electronics and Telecomm 2014

IES Syllabus-

1. IES Syllabus for Electronics and Telecomm

2. IES syllabus for Electrical Engineering

3. IES Syllabus for General Ability

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4 Responses to Microprocessor and computer based protection scheme

  1. patlakshi Jha says:

    Microprocessor is the processor which controls other processor. This is also known as chip on system. It has got wide range of applications. It has various in built functions which makes it quiet popular in electronics world. Therefore, this post explains about the microprocessor and its scheme of protection.

  2. Dinesh says:

    I am know about online phase and protection but its the first time i am hearing about offline phasing concept,
    but its essential for an organization really this post have proved to me that “knowledge is ocean “

  3. Fauzia Neshat says:

    Read to know the salient features of micrprocessor and how processors are capable of determining the cause of faults through its protection scheme.

  4. Mitali Panda says:

    these post has all in it….. all about the micro processsor….it has a complete detail of how the algorithm works to protect your computer both in offline as well as in online mode and showing you the faulty location with the defects in a file…….great to learn ….

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