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Play school in Trivandrum- Apple Kids

Mar 26 • Top Schools • 1363 Views • No Comments on Play school in Trivandrum- Apple Kids

Play school in Trivandrum- Apple Kids

Apple kids is that play school which is located at the heart of Chennai which aims in providing safe and happy environment to the kids admitted in it. It has almost 200+ pre schools all over India and largest pre school network in South India.There are variety of programs available in the curriculum to meet the requirement of the kids as well as for the parents of the kids and also there are teaching programs to enhance the physical and mental growth of the kids. It is the fastest growing pre school chains using international standards at an affordable cost for the parents.They keep in mind that they use the international standards in a Indian way by providing quality education to the young ones.                                                                                                          Play school in Trivandrum- Apple Kids

The main objective of Apple Kids play school is to bring the level of Indian education to international level with a perfect mix of technology and innovation and increasing the level of the education system.

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Apple Kids is the leading children education institute in India.The major  purpose of this school is develop knowledge in little ones with love and affection.They believe that the child learn in the early years and they cherish it with tenderness to achieve this purpose. The programs are designed for the overall development of the child’s personality by keeping in mind their social, physical and emotional abilities. The entire curriculum is followed in a systematic manner which promotes learning through doing.

The infrastructure in Apple kids is vast and attractive. There are fully Air conditioned classrooms so that the kids are comfortable during hot summer seasons. The building is safe and eco friendly with imported and non- toxic equipments for the kids. There is fully computer based audio and video teaching tools. They also provide creative and innovative activity tools and have well qualified teachers who are full of love and affection which they deliver to the kids. There is also transport facility available for students as well as the teachers.

There are also many extra benefits that are provided by Apple Kids which distinguish it from other play schools. These benefits include counceling i.e the school provides personal counseling for the parents of individual child so that they can have a track about their child. There is a well maintained play area with safe toys and foam based area. There is a special activity room to enhance their creativity and mental ability. There is also a multimedia room for making the kids understand new concepts with the help of technology.

Therefore if you want your child’s future to shine bring him/her to Apple kids.


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