Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015

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Below are set of reasoning questions which are asked in exams like IBPS PO , IBPS SO , SSC , LIC AAO etc

Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015

Q.1 to  5.

In a certain code  ” boys are playing “written as “sa, ki, na  and  “some are playing ” is written as  “na ,sa ,re “and “some boys are bad” is written as  “re, ki, na ,ho”.

Q.1.What will be  the code for “bad” ?

A.         na B.         ki
C.          sa D.           ho
 none of these

Q.2.What will be  the code for playing?

A.         re B.         ki
C.          sa D.           ho
 none of these

Q.3.What will be  the code for ” bad boys are playing “?

A.         re sa na ki B.         ki ho na re
C.          sa re na ho D.           ho na ki lo
 none of these

Q.4.What will be  the code for” are”?

A.         re B.         na
C.          sa D.           ho
 none of these

Q.5.What will be  the code for “some bad”

A.        ki sa B.         na ho
C.          sa re D.         re  ho
 none of these

Q.6 to 8. All red are blue

All blue are green

Some green are black


1. Some red are green

2.Some green are blue

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1. All blue are red

2.Some blue are green

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or 2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1.Some black are red

2.No any black is red

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true

Q. 9 to 10.

Some cups are glasses

Some  glasses are plates

Some plates are spoon


Q.9.  1.Some spoon are glasses

2.Some cups are plates

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1.Some cups are spoon

2.No any spoon is cup

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Neither 1 or nor 2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



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In a certain code the meaning of 6 ,7, 9 is “some men walking” and  9 ,3,5, 6 is the code for “men doing hard working” and 2 ,9 ,3 is stands for “hard working good”

Q.1. What is the code for” hard”?

Q.2.  9 is stands for which number?

Q.3. What is the code for “723”?

Q.4. What will be  the code for “good men”?

Q.5. What is the code for “523”?

Q.6. In a certain coding system L O O K is written as 3662 then what will be  the code for PMQN “?

Q.7. In a certain coding system R A S is written as U D V  then  how to write M N T .?

Q.8 to 10

All bolls are bats

All bat are hockey

Some hockey’s are net

All net are football


1. Some foot are bats

2.Some net are balls

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C.either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1. Some ball are bats

2. All bolls are hockey

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1.Some nets are bats

2.No any net is bat

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true







A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true




1. Z>G

2. T<R

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true




1. M>J

2. Y>L

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true


P=Q<R<S, U>Q


1. U>S

2. S=P

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true




1. L>J


A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true

Q no 6 to 10.

in a certain code   “See the tv” is written as LA, MA ,PA . and”tv is good”  written as TA, RA ,LA, And “you see good” is written as PA,GA,TA. and “free time is good”is written as LO ,GO,TA,RA.

Q 6. What will be the code for “see”

Q 7. What will be the code for “You tv”

Q.8.What will be the code for”free time”

Q 9.What will be the code for ” good see you”

Q 10.What will be the code for “the time is good”

Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015

Q.1 to 5. In a certain code “He is my friend” is written as 1069, and my friend go Agra is written as 3501, and “he is good” written as 7 6 9.

Q.1 What will be the code for “go”

Q.2 What will be the code for “my”

Q.3 What will be the code for ” he is my good friend”

Q.4 What will be the code for “37”

Q.5 What will be the code for “0963”


Q.6. All pen are mouse.

All mouse are red

Some red are black


1. Some black are mouse

2. Some red are pen

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true


1.Some black are pen

2.All mouse are pen

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true

Q.8. Some table are tree

Some trees are board

Some board pad

All pad are chairs


1. Some chair are tree

2.All pad are board

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true

Q.9.  All men are boys

Some boys are girls

Few girls are bad


1. All bad are man

2. some girls are men

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true


Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015


Q.1 to 5.

Ram ,geeta ,sita ,sohan , vivek, sonu ,bubly , shive are sitting around a circle table and their faces are at the center of table. Ram is second to the left of vivek.bubly is the third right of shive. Shive is not the immediate neighbor of vivek. Geeta and sita are are neighbors. And geeta and sita are not the neighbor of shive. Sonu is the immediate neighbor of sita.

Q.1.How many persons are sitting between siva and vivan.?

Q.2. who are  immediate neighbors of  sita.?

Q.3.who is in the right of ram?

Q.4.who is sitting in front of  vivek.?

Q.5.who is sitting to the second left of sohan.?


All books are paper

No any book is pen


1. Is there possibility that all pen are book

2. no any book is pen.

. A Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true


Some homes are hut

All huts are flat


1.At least some flats are home

2. Is there possibility that all home are flat.

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true

Q.8 to 10.  P, Q , R, S,T are friends and every body has different height.

1. Q is taller then P.

2. S is shorter then R but taller then P.

3. T is taller then Q.

Q.8 Who is the tallest one .

Q.9 who is the shortest one .

Q.10 who is 3rd tallest man.

Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015



Some bets are balls

All balls are pad


1.No any pad is bat

2.At least some bet are pad

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



No any child is student

No any student is teacher


1.All child are teacher

2. No any teacher is child

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



No any garden is home

Some home are flats


1.No any flat is garden

2.Some gardens are  flat

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2are true



All students are boys

All boys are teacher


All students are teacher

At least some trachers are boys



A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2are true




Some tables are trees

Some cheirs  are tables


1.Some table are trees

2. No any table is tree

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2are true

Q.6. to 10.

In certain code “My name is big” is written as 0369 and”Your Name ” is written as” 67″ and “he is big” written as034 and” My name big” is written as “963”.

Q.6. what will be the code for “Big”?

Q.7. what will be the code for ” your”?

Q.8. what will be the code for “He”?

Q.9.what will be the code for ” Is my “?

Q.10. what will be the code for “my name big is”?

Reasoning Questions for IBPS Exam 2015


8 friends A B C D E F G H  are sitting on a circle table and their faces are at the center of the table

1. D is second  to the right of  A

2 person are sitting between A and E

3.F is second to the left of A

4. E and G are not sitting together

5. E is sitting near of D

6. B is sitting in front of G

7.C is not sit with A

Q.1. who are  sitting near with H ?

Q.2.who is sitting second right to B?

Q.3. who is immediate right of E ?.

Q.4.who is immediate right of D?.

Q.5. who are  sitting near with A ?

Q.6 if all digits of 85234679 are arrange in acceding order. How many digits will not have changed order.

A.        1 B.         2
C.          3 D.         5
 none of these




Q. 7 .  All books are copy

Some copy are files


1. No any book is file

2. Is it possible that all books are file

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2 are true




Some mobail are phones

Some phone are land -line

All land are cable



1.Some cable are mobails

2. Is there possibility that all land-line are mobails

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2 are true



1.All phone are cable

2.Is there possibility that some land-line are mobails

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2 are true





All stool are chair

Some chair are bed

All beds are sofas


1..Some stool are sofas

2. No any sofa is stool

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  E. Both 1 and 2 are true

Q.1. rahul ,pathak, rinku, bably, rohan , arun , shiv, sonu are 8 friends rinku is third to left of  rahul who is 2nd  left of sonu . bubly is 3rd left of pathak. and pathak is not a near neighbor of rinku and sonu.. rohan is 2nd left of arun.

Q.1. who is second right of bably?

Q.2. who is second right of arun ?

Q.3. who is second left of shive?

Q.4. who is sitting  between sonu and rahul?

Q.5. who is sitting in front of pathak?

Q.6. In a certain coding system L O O K is written as 3662 then what will be  the code for PMQN “?

Q.7. In a certain coding system R A S is written as U D V  then  how to write M N T .?

Q.8 to 10

All bolls are bats

All bat are hockey

Some hockey’s are net

All net are football


1. Some foot are bats

2.Some net are balls

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C.either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1. Some ball are bats

2. All bolls are hockey

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true



1.Some nets are bats

2.No any net is bat

A.  Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
  Both 1 and 2 are true




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