Reasoning Questions For IBPS-PO Exam 2015

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Reasoning Questions For IBPS-PO Exam 2015

Q.1 to 10.  In the even question below are three statement  following by two conclusion numbered I and II you have to take the three  given statement to be true .Even if they seem to be at variation than commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusion logically follower from the their statement disregarding commonly known facts.


All Dogs are hungry

Some hungry are Cats

All Cats are pets


  1. Some cats are Dogs
  2. Some dogs are pets
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true



All Dogs are hungry

Some hungry are Cats

All Cats are pets


  1. All hungry are Dogs
  2. All Pats are cats
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All students are teachers

Some teachers are good

Some good are bad


  1. Some students are bad
  2. Is there possibility that all teachers are bad
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All students are teachers

Some teachers are good

Some good are bad


  1. Some bad are students
  2. Some good are students
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All houses are home

Some home are flats

Some flats are lands


  1. All homes are houses
  2. Some homes are lands
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true



All houses are home

Some home are flats

Some flats are lands


  1. Some Lands are house
  2. No any land is house
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All fruits are small

All small are vegetables

Some vegetables are costly


  1. Some vegetables are fruits
  2. All vegetables are fruits
 A Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All fruits are small

All small are vegetables

Some vegetables are costly


  1. Some small are costly
  2. All fruits are vegetables
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All papers are pens

Some pens are pencils

Some pencils are notebooks


  1. Some papers are notebooks
  2. Some papers are pencils
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


All papers are pens

Some pens are pencils

Some pencils are notebooks


  1. Some notebooks are pens
  2. No any pen is notebook
Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. Either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


Q 11 to 15.

7 Friends Ram ,Geeta  ,Sohan , Vivek, Sonu ,Bubly , Shive are sitting around a circular table and their faces at the center of table. Ram is sitting second to the left of Bubly and Bubly is second to the left of Geeta. Sonu and Vivek are neighbor of Geeta. Sohan is third to the right of Sonu. Shive is the immediate neighbor of Ram. 

Q.11.How many persons are sitting between Shive and Bubly.?

Q.12. Who are immediate neighbors of Geeta.?

Q.13.Who is immediate to the right of Ram?

Q.14.Who is sitting immediate left of  Vivek.?

Q.15.Who is sitting second to the left of Sonu.?

Q 16 to 20

Q.16 to 20. A word and number rearrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule . following is an illustration input and rearrangement .

Input – 72 girls 65 are 45 never 32 takes 21 smile

Step I  takes girls 65 are 45 never 32 21 smile 72

Step II smile takes girls are 45 never 32 21 72 65

Step III never smile takes girls are 32 21 72 65 45

Step.IV. girls never smile takes are 21 72 65 45 32

Step V. are girls never smile takes 72 65 45 32 21

Input –  21 Work 42 Fast 55  Do 36 please 94 your



Q.16. Which step would be the following output?

Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 42

  1. Ist
  2. IInd.
  3. IIIrd
  4. IVth

Q.17. Which word/ number is sixth from the right in step III ?

  1. Fast        B.     21       C.         Do         D.       Your          E. None of these

Q.18. What will be  the V step ?

A . Do Fast  Please Work Your 94 55  42 36 21

B . Work Your 21 42 Fast Do 36 please 94 55

C.Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 42

D . Fast Please work Your 21 Do 94 55 42 36


Q.19. Which of the following will be step II of the above input ?

A .  Work Your 21 42 Fast Do 36 please 94 55

B . Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 4

C. Work Your 21 42 Fast Do 36 please 94 55

D . Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 42


Q.20. Which of the following would be the IV step?

A . Do Fast  Please Work Your 94 55  42 36 21

B . Work Your 21 42 Fast Do 36 please 94 55

C.  Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 42

D . Fast Please work Your 21 Do 94 55 42 36



Step I- Your 21 work 42 Fast 55 Do 36 Please 94

Step II- Work Your 21 42 Fast Do 36 please 94 55

Step III- Please Work Your 21 Fast Do 36 94 55 42

Step.IV- Fast Please work Your 21 Do 94 55 42 36

Step V- Do Fast  Please Work Your 94 55  42 36 21

Q 21 TO 25 Read the information carefully and give the following answers.

In a certain code language “Do Your Work Fast” is written as “ 1 4 7 2 ”and “Your work Good ” is written as “4 7 3″ and “Do work hard” is written as “ 1 7 9” and  ” Fast is better ” is written as” 2 8 5 ”.


Q 21. How will ‘Better’ be written in that code language?

Q.22 .How will ‘Your’ be written in that code language?

Q  23.   What should stand for ‘ 5 3 8 1  ‘ in that code language?

  1. 24 . How will ‘Hard’ be written in that code language?

Q 25. How will ‘ Hard work is better’ be written in that code language?

Answers- Do-1 ,Your-4 ,Work- 7 ,Fast-2 ,good-3, Hard-9 ,Better-8,Is-5

Q 26 to 30  In a certain code language ‘Re Ke Me Ne’ means ‘All thief are bad’ ,and We Ye Ne ‘ means ‘Some Cops bad’,and ‘ Re We ‘ means  ‘All Cops’ and ‘Ke Te Ue Qe’ means  ‘Never be a thief ‘ and ‘We Me Ue Ne’ means ‘ Cops are never bad’ and ‘ Qe Te We’ means ‘ Be a cops’

Q 26What should stand for ‘Never’ in that code language?

Q 27 What should stand for ‘Some’  in that code language?

Q 28 What should stand for ‘All Cops ‘ in that code language?

Q 29 How will ‘Bad thief ‘ be written in that code language?

Q 30 How will ‘ Never be a thief ‘ be written in that code language?

Answer- All- Re, Thief- Ke, Are –Me, Bad-Ne, Some-Ye, Cops-We, Never-Ue ,A-Te, Be- Qe


Q 35- 45 In the given questions, the assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the given two conclusions numbered I, II  is/ are definitely true and give your answer accordingly


Q>T>A<M<Z< D≤W ≥R


1 . Q>A

  1. W>Z
 A.Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


Q>T>A<M<Z< D≤W ≥R


1 . T> M

  1.  D>A
 A.Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
CEither 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


R≤H ≥ E ≤P,E >W=N ≥L=S


1 . E>S

  1. E>R
 A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


R≤H ≥ E ≤P,E >W=N ≥L=S


1 .L>H

  1. W>L
 A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


E>D<N<J, I=N <T >U


1 . N> U

  1. N>E
 A.Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


E>D<N<J, I=N <T >U


1 . J>I

  1. J<D
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


L>B>K<D<F, V <N =K ≤ G≤T


1 . T>N

  1. G>V
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


L>B>K<D<F, V <N =K ≤ G≤T


1 . D>B


A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


M<R≤ E >K≤J =O<W=X<M


1 . J<M

  1. O>E
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true


M<R≤ E >K≤J =O<W=X<M


1 . M>K

  1. E>M
A. Only 1 is true B. Only 2 is true
C. either 1 or  2 is true D. Both are not true
E.  Both 1 and 2 are true



 Q 40to 45

Read the information carefully and give the following answers.

There are eight friends (A B C D E F G H ) are standing in a row and facing to the North. E is standing third to the right of A and second to the left of G.C and D are neighbors. A is not at any end of the row. H is second to the left of C. F is second to the right of D.


Q.41.How many persons are standing between A and F.?

Q.42. Who are immediate neighbors of C.?

Q.43.Who is immediate to the right of G?

Q.44.Who is standing immediate left of A .?

Q.45.Who is standing second to the left of F.?

Answer: H-A-C-D-E-F-G-B


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