Sample Paper For AIIMS

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1. Longest Known virus is

(1) o × 174
(2) TMV
(3) Citrus tristeza virus
(4) T1 phage

2. Which of the following human diseases is related to
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)?
(1) Kala-azar
(2) Encephalitis
(3) Cerebral spondylitis
(4) Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease

3. Virus replicates on
(1) Agar gel
(2) Living culture medium
(3) Dead tissue
(4) Artificial culture medium

4. Tailed bacteriophages having tail fibres are
(1) Motile on the surface of bacteria
(2) Non-motile
(3) Actively motile in water
(4) Motile on surface of plant leaves

5. A viral DNA can be made radioactive
(1) By culturing the viruses on a medium of potato,
dextrose and P32
(2) By culturing the viruses in a medium of P32
(3) By providing P32 to a bacterium which has been
infected by a virus
(4) By providing P32 to viruses when they are about
to attach the bacteria

6. Plant viruses have mainly

(1) DNA
(2) RNA
(3) both DNA or RNA
(4) Coiled nucleoid

6. Prophage was discovered by
(1) Lwoff and Gutman
(2) Zinder and Lederberg
(3) Hershey and Chase
(4) Lwoff, Anderson and Jacob

7.If the first one -third of a journey is travelled at
20 km/h , next one third at 40 km/h and the last one –
third at 60 km/h. The average speed of whole
journey will be
(1) 32.7 km/h
(2) 35 km/h
(3) 40 km/h
(4) 45 km/h

8. The maximum height attained by a projectile is
increased by 10% by increasing its speed of
projection, without changing the angle of projection.
The percentage increase in the horizontal range will

  1.  20%
  2.  15%
  3.  10%
  4.  5%

9. A river is flowing from west to east at a speed of
8m/min. A man on the south bank of the river,
capable of swimming at 20 m/min in still water, wants
to swim across the river in the shortest time. He
should swim in a direction
(1) due north
(2) 30° east of north
(3) 30° west of north
(4) 60° east of north

10. An electron is present in 4f subshell. The possible
values of azimuthal quantum number for this
electron are
(1) 0, 1, 2, 3

(2) 1, 2, 3, 4
(3) 3

(4) 4

11. The minimum value of n for which g-subshell is
possible is

  1.  6
  2.  5
  3.  4
  4.  3

12. The maximum number of electrons that can be
accommodated in 5f subshell is
(1) 10

(2) 14
(3) 6

(4) 2

13. Which of the following statements in relation to
the hydrogen atom is correct?
(1) 3s, 3p and 3d orbital all have the same energy
(2) 3s and 3p orbitals are of lower energy than 3d
(3) 3p orbital is lower in energy than 3d orbital
(4) 3s orbital is lower in energy than 3p orbital

14.For which one of the following sets of four quantum

numbers, an electron will have the highest energy?
(1) n = 3,l = 2,m =1,s =1/ 2
(2) n =4,l =2,m =1, s =1/ 2
(3) n = 4,l =1,m = 0, s =1/ 2
(4) n = 5,l = 0,m = 0,s =1/ 2


An atom has 2K, 8L and 5M electrons. The number
of occupied subshells in the atom in ground state is
(1) 3

(2) 5
(3) 7

(4) 9

Reason and Assertion type questions:
Give the answers
A. If both assertion and reason are true and the
reason is correct explanation of the assertion.
B. If both assertion and reason are true but the
reason is not a correct explanation of the
C. If assertion is true but the reason is false.
D. If both assertion and reason are false.

16. Assertion : Infective part of a virus particle is nucleic
Reason :Viral nucleic acid takes charge of protein
synthesizing apparatus of host and synthesizes its own
(1) A

(2) B
(3) C

(4) D


Assertion :Viruses multiply inside the host.
Reason : Viruses show mutation clearly.
(1) A

(2) B
(3) C

(4) D

18 . Assertion :Viruses are more analogous to a plasmid/
chromosome than to a living organism.
Reason :Viruses are unable to reproduce themselves
unless their genetic material (DNA or RNA) is within
the host cell.
(1) A

(2) B
(3) C

(4) D

19. Assertion: Retrovirus can perform Teminism.
Reason:In retrovirus reverse transcriptase enzyme is
(1) A

(2) B
(3) C

(4) D

20. Assertion: T-phages are motile virus.
Reason:They can move by the help of tail and tail
(1) A

(2) B
(3) C

(4) D

21 .Which disease is caused by viroid?
(1) Chirke of cardamom
(2) Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle stunt
(3) Curly top of sugar beet
(4) Big bud of tomato

22 . Negri bodies are produced by
(1) HIV
(2) Rhabdovirus
(3) RSV
(4) TMV

23. The genetic material of Hepatitis-B virus is DNA,
which is
(1) ss-circular
(2) ds-linear
(3) ss-linear
(4) ds-circular

24. Peplomeres are
(1) Subunits of capsomeres
(2) Subunits of virion
(3) Subunits of envelope of virus
(4) Subunits of protein coat of virus

25. The Adenovirus possess DNA which is
(1) ss-linear (2) ds-circular
(3) ds-linear (4) ss-circular


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