Sample Paper Data Structure
Sample Paper Data Structure
CSE- 203-E
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note:- Attempt five questions in all,with at least one question from each unit. Each question carry 20 marks. Sample Paper Data Structure
Q.1- What are the different kinds of data structures.Explain each type in detail with implementation examples.Implement any one of the data structure in any language in the following conditions-
a) to keep records of employees mentioning their name, age, salary, employee ID, temporary address, permanent address.
b) to maintain a record table of the log-in details of different users comprising of entries of their user ID, log-in time, log-out time, session duration, data uploaded, data downloaded, data uploaded.
Q.2- What is an array? Explain its implementation and describe its usage.
Q.3- What are priority queues? What are its uses? How can they be implemented? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages over linear queues and dynamic queues.
Q.4- What are the different ways of implementing a linked list? Compare them with the methods that can be adopted to dynamically and continuously implement a doubly linked list.
Q.5- In many ways can a binary tree be traversed? If the in-order representation of a sequence is-
arrange the same sequence through other traversal methods.
Q.6- What is a b-tree? Explain its types by giving suitable examples. How can an AVL tree be traversed? Also mention the different methods of implementing
a) a linear search tree
b) a threaded tree
c) a multi way tree
d) a binary tree
e) a balanced binary tree
UNIT-IV Sample Paper Data Structure
Q.7- Define hashing. What are the basic methods for hashing? How can the different types of hashing methods be applied?
Q.8- Write algorithm for sorting a sequence of number by insertion sort. Sort the following sequence- “767, 898,547, 233, 131, 999” explaining the transformations in the saved sequence with respect to each step mentioned in the algorithm.
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