Sample paper on statistical model for computer science smcs

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Time allowed : 3 hours                                                                                  Maximum Marks:100

General Instructions

1.The question paper consist a total of 8 questions divided in four sections with each section consisting of 2 questions.
2.Attempt any five questions, one question from at least one section
3.Students are not allowed to write anything on the question papers.If found a case under the jurisdiction of the university would be applied
4.Students can only use blue & black ink for answering the questions.


SECTION A: Sample paper on statistical model for computer science smcs

1. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?
2. Two squares are chosen at random on a chessboard. What is the probability that they have a side in common?

Section B: Sample paper on statistical model for computer science smcs

3. A leather box contains 8 black balls and 6 white balls. Two draws of three balls each are made, the balls being replaced after the first draw. What is the probability that the balls were black in the first draw and white in the second draw?
4. An urn contains 6 red, 4 blue, 2 green and 3 yellow marbles. If four marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that at least one is blue?

 Section C: Sample paper on statistical model for computer science smcs

5.A man bets on number 16 on a roulette wheel 14 times and losses each time. On the 15th span he does a quick calculation and finds out that the number 12 had appeared twice in the 14 spans and is therefore, unable to decide whether to bet on 16 or 12 in the 15th span. Which will give him the best chance and what are the odds of winning on the bet that he takes?
6.An anti aircraft gun can fire four shots at a time. If the probabilities of the first, second, third and the last shot hitting the enemy aircraft are 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4, what is the probability that four shots aimed at an enemy aircraft will bring the aircraft down?

Section D: Sample paper on statistical model for computer science smcs

7. In how many ways a word “MISSISIPPI” can be arranged?
8. From a deck of 52 cards one king ,one jack,one queen and one ace is bluffed .what is the probability that the actual bluffed one in not an ace?

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