SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017

SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017

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SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017

SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017-

As per the latest revised notification, we are providing the new exam pattern & syllabus of SSC MTS 2017 Exam. Candidates are advised to prepare the expected SSC Multitasking Staff exam syllabus and SSC MTS exam pattern as given below. This year SSC MTS Paper-1 will be conducted online.Candidates need to stay connected with us, we will keep on providing useful information like study plan & notes for SSC MTS exam preparation.

SSC MTS Exam consists of two papers. Paper-I is objective type paper and Paper II is descriptive paper. Kindly check the exam pattern of paper-1 and paper-2 in the below table.

SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017





Subject Maximum Marks Total Duration/ Timing for General candidates Total Duration/ Timing for Visually Handicapped/ Cerebral Palsy candidates
Intelligence Reasoning
(25 Questions)
25 90 minutes


120 Minutes


Numerical Aptitude
(25 Questions)
General English
General Awareness


Short Essay/Letter in English or any language included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution  50 30 minutes 45 minutes


SSC MTS Syllabus 2017

The paper 1 of SSC MTS Exam is objective type. There are 100 questions asked in paper-1 for which Candidates gets 90 minutes. Questions will be based on following topics:

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • General Awareness
  • English Language

Go through the section wise detailed syllabus of SSC MTS Exam in below table. You can also check the study material to boost your preparation.

Reasoning Syllabus

Subjects Weightage Study Material
Analogy 2-3   Important Books, Study Plan, and Quizzes for Reasoning section.
Classification 3-4
Missing Number 2-3
Matrix 1
Word Formation 1-2
Coding-Decoding 1-2
Simplification 2-3
Arrangement of words 1-2
Blood Relation 1
Distance & Direction 2-3
Number/Word Series 2-3
Non-Verbal (Paper Cutting & Folding, Mirror & Water Image, Embedded figures, Figure Completion, Counting)
Embedded figures, Figure Completion, Counting of figure)
Verbal (Statement Conclusion, Assertion & Reason,
Statement & Inference, Arguments)

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

Subjects Weightage Study Material 
Ratio & Proportion  1-2  Study Material of Quantitative Aptitude.
Percentage 1-2
HCF & LCM 1-2
SI & CI 2-3
Profit, Loss & Discount 2-3
Time & Work 2-3
Time, Distance & Speed 1-2
Average 1-2
Problem on ages 2-3
Number System 3-4
Number Series 1-2
Data Interpretation 2-3
Mensuration 1-2
Geometry 1
Mixture & Alligation 1-2
Trigonometry 1

English Syllabus

Subjects Weightage Study Material
Reading Comprehension 5   Important Quizzes, Strategy to prepare English Section.
Fill in the blanks 2-3
Error Spotting 2-3
Sentence Correction 2-3
Synonym & Antonym 2-3
Idioms & Phrases 2-3
One Word Substitution 2-3
Spelling Error 1-2

General Awareness Syllabus

Subjects Weightage Study Material 
History 2-3  Latest GK for SSC MTS Exam.
Geography 2-3
Polity 1-2
Economics 2-3
Chemistry 2-3
Biology 2-3
Physics 3-4
Computer 2-3
Current Affairs 1-2
Static GK (Imp. Dates, Sports, Awards,

Schemes, Books & Authors etc.)


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SSC MTS Selection Process

Step I: Candidates will be shortlisted for the Paper-II on the basis of their performance in Paper-I.

Step II: Paper-II will only of qualifying nature. The cut-offs in Paper-I and qualifying marks in Paper-II may be different for vacancies in each State/UT will be fixed at the discretion of the Commission.

Step III: Candidates for each State/UT will be finally selected based on their performance in Paper-I, subject to their meeting basic qualifying standards fixed in Paper-II.

Important Points to Remember

Point 1: Paper-I will consist of Objective Type- Multiple choice questions only.

Point 2: There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.

Point 3: Paper-II will be descriptive in which the candidate will be required to write short essay/letter in English or any language included in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.

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3 Responses to SSC MTS Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2017

  1. Manish kumar says:

    SSC CGL question Papers and their Solutions files….. Provide me…..
    Thanks… Please…I requested to you

  2. Shyam Mishra says:

    English faculty

  3. Shyam Mishra says:

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