TSPSC Recruitment 2018 Syllabus For for ANM/MPHA Post

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तेलंगाना राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग  (TSPSC)  ने तेलंगाना वैद्य विद्या परिषद में 152 ANM/MPHA की भर्ती के लिए एक अधिसूचना जारी कर दी है। इच्छुक उम्मीदवार रिक्तियों के विवरण की जांच कर सकते हैं और Important Dates
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TSPSC Recruitment 2018 Syllabus For for ANM/MPHA Post

1. Current Affairs: International, National and State.
2. Society, Heritage and Culture, Polity, Economy, Human Development Indices
and the Development Programmes in India and Telangana.
3. Natural Resources in India and Telangana: their distribution, exploitation,
conservation and related issues.
4. Basic concepts of Ecology and Environment and their impact on health and
economy; Disasters and Disaster management.
5. Impact of changing demographic trends on health, environment and society.
6. Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Transportation and Service sectors in India and
7. Food adulteration, Food processing, food distribution, food storage and their
relevance to public health.
8. Recent trends in Science and Technology.
9. Telangana Statehood movement and formation of Telangana State.
10. Moral values and Professional ethics.
11. Logical Reasoning: Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.

Nursing (ANM)

1. Anatomy& Physiology
The body as on integrated hole:Cells, Tissues, Organs, Functions of the Skin
The erect and moving body: Appendicular, Skeleton surface Anatomy- Structure
functions and joints – Chief muscles and Group of museles Integration and
control of the body:Nerves system; brain and its functions cranial nerves, special
senses, structure and function of eye, ear.
Marinating the metabolism of the body: Circulatory system; blood composition,
heart structure and functions, pulse, Blood Pleasure, systematic and pulmonary
circulation; Respiratory system structure and functions; Excretory system
structure and functions; Endocrine system structure and functions; Body
temperature and regulation.
Human Reproduction: The male and female reproductive internal andexternal
organs; menstrual cycle, Embryology.
2. Microbiology: Classification of micro organisms; Conditions effecting the growth
of bacteria; Micro organisms in water, food and milk; Sources and mode of
infection and transmission of infection ;Infection factors which favour and Hinder
infection; Immunity and vaccines ;Collection of specimens for bacteriological
examination ; Destruction and removal of Micro organisms.
3. Psychology:Factors influencing in human behavior; Emotions and behavior;
Defense mechanisms; Social behavior, inter personal relationship, learning,
4. Sociology: Social process, Social control, Social stratification, marriage and
family the community.
5. Hygiene: Physical health, personal and individual Hygiene ;Mental Hygiene and
health: early child hood, later childhood and adolescent
6. NUTRITION; Nutritive value of food stuffs; Malnutrition, Balance diet.
7. Fundamental Of Nursing: Concept of nursing as a health and community
Services; Health Problems, Responsibilities of health workers, Health Team.
Principals of organizing case in the home agencie clinics, Schools, Hospitals;
Principals of organizing to care according to degree of wellness or illness and
case according to the age groups.Maintaince of Records and Reports;
Maintaining a Healthy Environment.
8. First aid and Emergency Nursing: Principles of First aid in emergency care
management- Promoting safety measures in the School, Play ground,
Home.First aid measures in injuries bone joints & minor ailments.
9. Introduction To Child Child Health-growth and development. Immunization
schedule, preschool, children and school children feeding, Well baby clinics,
deficiency diseases.Introduction to maternal health- Principles of care during
maternity cycle, Antenal , Intra natal, post natal.Health Workers responsibilities in
maternal health services, MCH Services in the Home, Clinic, Health centres and
Hospitals.Introduction to family Health and Community health; Family Health
Care,Prevention &Control of Communicable disease; Home Visiting, School
Health Services.
10. Midwiferty:Reproductive system, growth and development of foetus; Pregnancy,
labour, normal, abnormal, peurperium, Complications of Pregnancy, labour,
obstric operations, drugs used in obstricts; Statistics.
11. Family Planning and welfare; Introduction: Concept of family planning, Concept
of family welfare services; National family welfare programmes; Surveying the
Community for eligible couple; Small family norm, family planning methods.
12. Community health Nursing: Aims, scope and concept of Health Education,
communication skills, Audio visual aids.
13. Basic medicine and pharmacology; Health problems and plans-Health worker
role in prevention and control of health problems; Rural health services – PHC,
Sub centre; Prevention of mental.

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