What is state PCS?

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 Introduction to State PCS

In this article you will get to know about some of the information regarding state Provincial Civil Service. I hope that you will get some help from this.

State Provincial Civil Service

It is the Administrative civil service and comes under the state service executive branch’s group A which belongs to the government of any state. It also helps in the working of Indian Administrative Services in state. The PCS officer help in regulating the law and order and revenue of the state under district, state etc. The officers for the state PCS is recruited by state civil services exam. It is managed and exercised by State Administration Tribunal (SAT). Various states have various PCS exams conducted by various Public Service commissions like:

Karnataka has KPSC

Andhra Pradesh has APPSC

Uttar Pradesh has UPPSC

MadhyaPradesh has MPPSC

Kerala has KPSC

Rajasthan has RPSC

Maharashtra has MPSC

Tamil Nadu has TNPSC

Bihar has BPSC

Gujarat has GPSC

West Bengal has WBPSC

Jharkhand has JPSC

State PCS Exam

The exam is also conducted by the methods in which IAS exam is conducted. It is almost very similar to the UPSC CSE exam and it almost overlaps it. It consists of three stages- prelims, Mains and interview round. To become a PCS officer, one has to clear all the stages of the exam. A person can only attempt the mains after getting a certain percentage of marks which is 33 percent, in the prelims that are fixed by state Public Service Commission. The prelims has 2 sections that are general studies paper 1 and paper 2. It is mandatory to appear in both of the exams to be selected in the mains. Then the second stage consists of mains which has 8 papers in it. It has 2 sections, one for compulsory subjects and the other is optional subjects. The compulsory subjects consist of  General Hindi which is of 150 marks, Essay of 150 marks, General studies paper 1 and paper 2 each of 200 marks. The optional subjects are 4, each of 200 marks. Then there is the interview round of 200 marks where ones personality, general knowledge, qualities required for the service, suitability etc are checked. For giving this exam, one must possess a bachelor degree from a known and recognised college or University of India.

Preparation for State PCS exam

Although PCS is a lower post than the IAS officer, one thinks that it requires less hard work as it is less difficult than IAS. But it is not true. Becoming a PCS officer requires a lot of hard work. The PCS exam of each state varies a little bit but it is almost similar to the UPSC exam. So first you should check the complete pattern of the PCS of the state you want to give the exam of. You should make a proper strategy and do planning for your preparation. Follow a strict time table and set small targets for your daily studies and try achieving them. PCS also requires a lot of general knowledge, so you should stay up to date with the current affairs and read newspaper daily for atleast an hour. Try taking Mock tests to mark your progress and then try to improve your self. You can also download previous year question papers to get a better understanding of the PCS exam. You should also fix some particular books for the exam and strictly read those books and revise them. But do not buy too many books as it might stress you a lot. Knowing about the Economy, Geography and history of the state you are giving PCS is really important for the preparation of your exam. Keep your preparation consistent and study with determination. The books for PCS is almost same as the UPSC and you should also read the NCERTs of 6th to 12th as they help in creating a strong base. So you should read them properly and revise them. You should also make take small breaks in between your study or otherwise studying too much will make you dull and you will not be able to focus on your studies. Keeping your mental and physical health good is really important so exercise and meditate daily as it will freshen up your mind.


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