Best Telegram Group for UPSC IN India

Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India

Mar 29 • IAS, UPSC • 12488 Views • No Comments on Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India

Here in this article you will find Best Telegram Group for UPSC in India. With this telegram group an aspirant get updated information related to UPSC Exam like updated syllabus, study material and many other notification for UPSC Exam preparation.

Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India

This report on Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India is prepared for aspirants preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination in India. We have prepared a list of all the Top and most valuable Telegram groups link , for all the major and optional subjects as per UPSC pattern, So you can check the below link and join the Telegram group for the particular Subject you wish, and get get updates related to important current affairs ,study materials and notes on important topics and much more.

Telegram groups

Telgram is an instant massanger service like that of whats app. Whats app has limitation of less number of people in a group as of now only 256 where as Telegram can accomodate lakh of people in a group or channel. It acts as self helping group. People with similar intrest Join telegram groups share their needs and requirements and solve their queries.

Telegram group also allows to share large files thus it becomes easy for students preparing for several exams like that of UPSC to share their study material and ebooks or video leactures.

About UPSC and Civil Services Examination :-

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC),is India’s premier central recruiting agency controlled by Government of India. UPSC is responsible for appointments to examinations for All India services for group A & group B of Central services. UPSC conduct India’s most prestigious competitive Civil Services examination to fill the vacancies for All India Services, The UPSC conducts The Civil Services Examination (CSE)which is a nationwide competitive examination in India conducted by the UPSC for recruitment to various Civil Services of the Government of India, including the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and Indian Police Service (IPS). Also simply referred to as the UPSC examination.

Civil services examination is conducted in three phase.

preliminary examination- (400 marks / 200 marks each)

The preliminary examination intends to focus on analytical abilities and understanding rather than the ability to memorize.The new pattern includes two papers of two hours duration and 200 marks each.Both papers have multiple choice objective type questions only.

Paper I – tests the candidate’s knowledge on current events, history of India and Indian national movement, Indian and world geography, Indian polity panchayti Raj system and governance, economic and social development, environmental ecology, biodiversity, climate change and general science, Art and culture.

Paper II – also called CSAT or Civil Services Aptitude Test .

Both this papers are qualifying in nature and the marks obtained in this paper are not counted for merit. However, it is mandatory for the candidate to score a minimum of 33 per cent in this paper to qualify the Prelims exam.

Civil Services Mains Examination – The Civil Service Main Exams is conducted for 1750 marks.

The Civil Services Main written examination consists of nine papers, two qualifying and seven ranking in nature. The range of questions may vary from just one mark to sixty marks, twenty words to 600 words answers.Each paper has a time duration of 3 hours. Candidates who pass qualifying papers are ranked according to marks and a selected number of candidates are qualified and called for the final Interview round.

Interview/Personality Test – 275 Marks

The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross-examination, but of a natural,though directed and purposeful conversation that is intended to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.Candidates are expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in their special subjects of academic study, but also in the events which are happening around them both within and outside their own state or country as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of all well-educated youth. The interview standards are very high and require thorough preparation as well as commitment.

So to Became a Civil Servant, you have to really prepare hard and build your plan and strategy in order to achieve your goal. UPSC Civil services Examination is considered as the toughest competitive exam in India.So proper planning and preparation together would make you different from other aspirants ,so let’s begin how can you start your journey towards your goal.

Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India

Why to Join Telegram preparation Groups for UPSC  Civil Services examination.

we have created a telegram platform for UPSC aspirants preparing for Civil Services examination from across the nation, With our telegram platform every aspirants can join and interact with other students and faculties from various parts of our country , were you get updates related to important current affairs ,study materials and notes on important topics and the best part you would be glad in knowing is that we have created groups on the basis of subjects classification,so you can join the group for the particular choice of subject you wish to gain knowledge and stay updated with the best study materials , important notes and most importantly you get the option to ask your query with professionals and other aspirants ,and you would certainly get your answers for every query from experts in short span of time and you don’t have to waste your valuable time and effort.

Benefits of joining Telegram group for UPSC Preparation 

  • Join the group for the particular subject you want to prepare for.(We have created groups for all the major and optional subjects) for civil services examination.
  • Get your doubts clarified from experts and professional from across the nation.
  • Stay updated with the queries and topics related to your subject which would be very much helpful in your preparation.
  • Time and effort consuming, you can save your valuable time and effort and get your answer for your study related query within fraction of seconds.

Must Check- Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India

You can click on the link and join the Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India.

UPSC exam 2020
GS prelims UPSC
World History UPSC
Art & Culture UPSC
Ethic UPSC Exam Portal

Frequently Asked Questions related to Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India:-

QWhat is Telegram ?

Ans- Telegram is an instant messaging application available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows NT, mac OS and Linux ,where you can send messages and exchange photos, videos, stickers, audio and video files of any type using the internet. If you are using android smart phone you can easily download Telegram from the google play store.

Q. How Can i get important notes and study Materials for UPSC examination preparation ?

Ans – We would recommend you to join our Best  UPSC Telegram group for the particular Subject you want to stay updated  and get regular updates regarding best study materials ,previous year papers, and other valuable content which would help you for your UPSC examination preparation.

Do tell us in the comments section ,and give your valuable feedback and suggestions regarding any queries related to Best Telegram Group For UPSC in India. Kindly feel free to Contact Us. For suggestion and feedback  01204694690, 8800222298. 

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