May 25 • Notes • 1742 Views • 2 Comments on CETANE NUMBER AND ITS RELATED NUMERICALS



The measurement in delay of fuel’s ignition is called Cetane Number , where the delay in fuel’s ignition is calculated by the difference between the start of ignition and the first increase in pressure during combustion . The Cetane Number is used in light diesel oil because in diesel engine vehicles cetane fuel has an ignition shorter than delay ignition interval.

CN 40 to 55 is used to operate diesel vehicles , hence with greater cetane number the diesel engine works faster and with high speed . To increase the cetane number of fuels some additives like Alkyl nitrates and di-tert-butyl peroxide are used .

A multiple regeression was created to decide the cetane number of fuels . The value is represented  as the % volume of cetane or hexadecane ( C16H34 ) in isocetene that gives the same delay ignition as that of the fuel that has been measured . To avoid use of engines and instruments for testing of real fuel , a calculated method is used . ASTM D976 and ASTM 4737 are two tests which are used to calculate the cetane numbers .

Depending on the engine design , size and speed of operation , cetane number requirements are verified . The cetane number of some diesel fuels are mentioned below :

> The biodiesel bled( B20 )–50

> The biodiesel ( B100 )–55

The regular diesel–48  etc .

To avoid any harm and accident the cetane number must be printed on fuel pumps . It is recommended to find a fuel pump with a cetane number advised by vehicle manufacturer .


QUE > Define a cetane number ?

ANS > The cetane number determines the difference between start of an injection process to the point where ignition of fuel takes place or the measurement in delay of fuel’s ignition is called Cetane Number.

QUE > How is cetane number calculated ?

ANS > A multiple sequence was created to decide the cetane number of fuels . The value is represented  as the % volume of cetane or hexadecane ( C16H34 ) in isocetene that gives the same delay ignition as that of the fuel that has been measured . To avoid use of engines and instruments for testing of real fuel , a calculated method is used . ASTM D976 and ASTM 4737 are two tests which are used to calculate the cetane numbers .

QUE > Write down the cetane number of atleast three diesel fuels ?

ANS >The cetane number of some diesel fuels are mentioned below :

1.The biodiesel bled( B20 )–50

2.The biodiesel ( B100 )–55

3.The regular diesel–48  etc .

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  1. patlakshi Jha says:

    This article comprises of cetane and its related numericals. This can be very useful to the ones who want to know about the cetane and its related numericals.

  2. Rachita Mishra says:

    The numerical about Cetane number or CN are given in the above article which is a measurement of the combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition. It is a significant expression of the quality of a diesel fuel. A number of other measurements determine overall diesel fuel quality – these other measures of diesel fuel quality include density, lubricity, cold-flow properties, and sulfur content.

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