Economics Optional Strategy by UPSC topper

May 13 • IAS, UPSC • 1408 Views • No Comments on Economics Optional Strategy by UPSC topper

Prepare for Economic Optional with best strategies

Civil servants in any country should always understand the basic concepts of Economics to serve the public. Economics is one of the optional subjects that IAS aspirants can take up. Candidates who opt for this subject should certainly read the Economic Optional Strategy by UPSC topper. Here you will know about the importance of learning this subject and also the tips to cracks UPSC Mains just like that.

Students from any domain can take up this subject as the syllabus is easy and understandable by layman as well. However, it is expected to have keen interest on Economic Optional or else you will certainly feel boring to study at some point of time.

Check out the Economic Optional strategy by UPSC topper

Though you will have a lot of plans to prepare for the UPSC Mains, here are some important points to keep in mind and it will guide you in a right path.

Just read

Economics is not only about memorizing tough theories and difficult concepts. You just have to read the concept and visualize the context for a better understanding. The first and foremost step is to go through the syllabus and comprehend it accordingly.

Preparation Starts here

After going through the syllabus, start with memorizing the theories and concepts. Once you are done studying the theorems, try implementing it in practical applications. It is very important to practice several times using the Mock tests provided by certain IAS coaching institutes.

Books for Economics Optional

Economics Optional Paper I

  • Macroeconomics – H. L. Ahuja
  • Economics of Development – A. P. Thirlwall
  • Modern Macroeconomics Snowden and Vane
  • Advanced Microeconomics Theory – H. L. Ahuj
  • Public Finance – HL Bhatia
  • International Economics: Trade and Finance – Dominick Salvatore

Economics Optional Paper II

  • Mishra and Puri’s Indian Economy
  • Uma Kapila’s Indian Economy – Performance and Policies
  • Sanjeev Varma’s Indian Economy
  • Uma Kapila’s Indian Economy since Independence
  • C. Dhingra’s March of the Indian Economy
  • Indian Economy Ramesh Singh

Economics Optional Strategy for a better preparation

  • You need to start by solving the previous years question papers and you will come to know that most of topics are repeated again and again. Moreover, you will also cover important sections in the syllabus.
  • Some questions and topics will necessitate you to draw and practice the diagrams several times during the preparation.
  • You should acquire instant updates by reading Newspapers and other editorials. You can also refer exclusive Economical and Political weekly available out there.
  • Crucial terms and keywords should never be forgotten as you have to use then and there in your answers which will increase the value.

Follow the writing tips given below for a better scoring

  • It is very important to showcase your skills and talents while answering in the UPSC Mains. No matter how much struggle or effort you put, it’s high time to present your answers in a way that the examiner can’t find any mistakes.
  • Unlike other subjects, graphs play a vital role in Economic Optional. As we all know the popular adage, “ A picture is worth a thousand words”, make sure you include important diagrams and other graphs.
  • After completing diagrams, it is essential to label properly.
  • Certain terms in Economics should be used instead of writing in layman’s terms which will emphasize your knowledge in the subject. Try avoiding generic terms and just showcase the expertise to the examiner.
  • Remember that you need to make use of the diagrams that are available in the reliable study materials only.
  • Hope the instructions above would definitely help you to score high marks in Economics optional subject. Besides, the tips and tricks mentioned above, it is also suggested to acquire assistance from some of the top coaching in your city.

If you have doubts in enrolling to the coaching centers, just check out the below articles which give a precise view on each and every coaching centers available in your place. Get ready to top the UPSC Mains using the guidance from best IAS coaching institutes.

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