engineering colleges in jamshedpur

Top Engineering Colleges In Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

Apr 11 • Engineering, Top Colleges • 10750 Views • 60 Comments on Top Engineering Colleges In Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

Jamshedpur (Tata Nagar) is the largest and the most populous City in the India.It is the first planned industrial city of India, founded by Jamshedji Nusserwanji Tata in Jharkhand, and a major industrial zone in Eastern India .Besides the industries this steel city has also good reputation in India for providing quality of education.There are so many reputed engineering colleges in jamshedpur. In this article I am going to discuss about some engineering colleges.

So, the name of the best engineering colleges in jamshedpur are being listed here

  • National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
  • B.A College of Engineering and Technology
  • St Francis College Of Engineering & Technology

Details of the best engineering colleges in Jamshedpur:

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This college is one of the famous college in the Jamshedpur. The college has clear intention to RVSCETdevelop human resources of the region in the field of engineering and technology and to forge institutional linkage between academic  and industries to give job oriented education and make students successful in their life.They provide many  courses as per the requirement of students and the quality education.

Taught Courses: Computer science (120 seats) , Electronics & Communication (120 Seats) ,Electrical Engineering (120 Seats),Civil Engineering (60 Seats) ,Mechanical (120 Seats) ,Metallurgical (60 seats)

Admission Criteria: Need to Pass 10 + 2 in Science with Physics chemistry and mathematics and need to have a valid rank in All India Joint Entrance or JCECE.

Fees: 82,000 (annually)

Contact Details: Edalbera , P O – Bhilai Pahari , NH 33 ,Jamshedpur ,Jharkhand

Tel: 0657 6573009 ,6543656


National Institute Technology

This is the one of the best NIT in India.It was established in the year 1960 as Regional NIT, Jamshedpurengineering college , later on it was upgraded to NIT .It has huge range of courses with 3000 undergraduate and 200 postgraduate students.

Course Offered: Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering , Production Engineering and Management .

Admission Criteria:candidates must have pass 10 +2, Should have to clear the examination

  • AIEEE ,
  • JEE mains and
  • DASA (for aboard students).

Fees: 1st Semester INR 37,750 and for remaining semester you have to pay INR 25,750

Contacts:  NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMSHEDPUR Adityapur Industrial Area, P.O. RIT, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand – 831014

Tel: +91-657-2407614, 2407642


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B.A College of Engineering and Technology

B.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Ghutia, Jamshedpur started its journey of continuous spread of education in the academic year 2007-2008.This has set up B.A College of Engineering and Technologya clear objective to create give opportunity for those city students who wish to pursue Engineering as a subject and career and I think they have successfully completed their objectives .

Course Offered:

  • Civil Engineering (60 Seats)
  • Computer Science Engineering (60 Seats)
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering (60 Seats)
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering  (60 Seats)
  • Mechanical Engineering  (60 Seats)

Admission Criteria: Candidates who have passed the Higher Sccondary examination (+2) in the Science stream with minimum 50% marks and cleared any one of the following competitive examinations are eligible , You have to clear

  • Joint Entrance Exam conducted by the Jharkhand Government (JCECEB)
  • AIEEE conducted by the CBSE
  • Any others State Competitive Examination passed.

Fees: INR 60,000

Contact Details: Rajendra Vidyalaya Premises , Bihar Association Swarnarekha Link Road, Sakchi , Jamshedpur-831001, Jharkhand

Tel: +91-657-2442533 / 6454413


St Francis College Of Engineering & Technology

St Francis College Of Engineering & Technology college affiliated to AICTE and UGC. This St Francis College Of Engineering & Technology, Jamshedpurcollege has taken a very good initiative towards giving quality of education.

Course Details:

  • B.Tech Civil Engineering
  • B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
  • B.Tech Electrical Engineering
  • B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering

Admission Criteria: Candidate need to pass 10 + 2 and JCECEB or AIEEE with valid rank

Fees: INR 79,885(annually)

Contact Details: Ansuya Sadan, 2nd Floor, Room No 7, Near South Park Hotel, Q Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur- 831001

Tel: 094 31 301140

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60 Responses to Top Engineering Colleges In Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

  1. vinay soreng says:

    My jee mains CRL rank is 512188 and ST rank 13788 ,,,,Any college there for me


    sir, i need a best college for me,where i get better placement and better education, help me.

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