How to deal with high oil prices and steps to overcome

Jan 19 • Group Discussion • 15014 Views • 36 Comments on How to deal with high oil prices and steps to overcome

Currently we are facing a very serious issue, That is, hike in oil prices which is increasing rapidly. Now a days oil price is soaring the sky, which can be depicted as one of the major drawbacks in the growth of our economy because high oil prices generally cause a huge negative impact on the global economic growth and continuous depreciation of Indian rupees. So we will discuss how to deal with high oil prices and the methods to overcome.

High oil prices

High oil prices cause a huge depreciation of economy

In India there is scarcity of natural resources due to which we have to import petroleum from other countries. As day by day demand for petrol, oil products is increasing and consumption rate of oil being high, it consequently tends to increase in oil prices. Government is always blamed for ever increasing prices but somewhere we people are also responsible for high oil prices. It is our duty also to see how we can contribute towards reduction in oil prices. We must keep in mind that oil is not extracted in our country, So we should also preserve our resources and them in a sustainable manner.

According to my opinion only solution we are left with to deal with high oil prices is to reduce the consumption of oil i.e
Decrease in consumption = Decrease in demand = decrease in price.

Now the question arises how to reduce the consumption of oil?
It can only be reduced by combined efforts of both government and Common People.

Following are the measures to be taken to reduce the consumption of oil which in turn will automatically tends to reduces the oil prices.

Efforts from people

  • For shorter distances we must go by walk or by bicycle, that is we must try to use bicycles more than automobiles. By doing so we can not only reduce the consumption of oil but it will also save our environment from air pollution.
  • People of same destination and same work must encourage car pooling.
  • We must try to use public transportation facilities like Metro trains, buses, rickshaws as much as possible rather than using our own private vehicles.
  • Drive wisely, Put off your engines while there is a red signal traffic lights.
  • Stop using vehicles for showing status.
  • We should focus on developing biotechnology and solar energy sources.

Efforts from the side of government

  • Government should decreases the rate of taxes.
  • Government should increase the number of public transport vehicles with high security.
  • Government should maintain the roads good and safe for vehicles.
  • Traffic police must also work hard to clear traffic jam on roads because most of the fuel is utilized by the vehicles in the traffic.
  • Give the facilities in cities which they demand (like development of good schools, colleges etc.) so that people can save there fuel and time too.
  • Promote bio-diesel.
  • Should promote companies which makes low petrol consuming vehicles.
  • Should make bridges so that chances of traffic may get reduced

Lastly I would like to conclude with one most important point that, I think, there is a need to create awareness among people about the importance of natural resource, how precious natural resource are for us and for our future generations. People should be aware that crude oil is very limited inside earth and it is a non-renewable resource, so it is our responsibility to preserve it for our future generation and should use it as minimum as possible and consume in a sustainable way.


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36 Responses to How to deal with high oil prices and steps to overcome

  1. Gourav Jain says:

    Days have come when buying a car have become very easy, but travelling in a car is very expensive.
    Every trimester you see rise in the prices of oil, how is the common man going to live, and a car has become essential in everyone’s life today.
    Hence rather than using gasoline and diesel one must shift to something that is cheaper, and eco-friendly.
    Many of us don’t know about it, but there are oil supplements like ethanol, bio-diesel which not only reduces your expense but also makes you and your engine fell good due o some of its properties.

  2. Arka Sarkar says:

    today increasing oil price is our main concern becoz of that all other thing’s price are also deal with it we have to decrease the use of vehicles for the small distance destination.we have to use biochemical energies to reduce the use of oil.

  3. Biswajit Mondal says:

    Oil, is a major necessity of human life. It is used for short distance as well as for the world tour too. From last three years(approx)the oil prices has hiked a lot. But even than the consumption hasn’t decreased a lot. But is increasing day to day. Peoples from average family are having a lot of problems for buying oil but there is no solution to their problems. Every government promises to stop the hike but after they are selected there is not a single talk aroused in it. If things go according to the way it is running these days then that day is not very far when purchase of oil will almost be unaffordable. some strong action can be taken to overcome this problem..
    a)short distance -use bicycle and walk.
    b)try to use electric bike…just like electric scooty.
    c)promote bio diesal..
    d)stop wastage of oil.

  4. Sekhar Ghosh says:

    today we are trouble with a big problem increasing prices market of oil.the problem is occured from decreasing oil from the earth surface.the way of solve this problem

    1.don’t waste the oil.
    2.promote bio-digel,bio-gas or any other resources. should better in any vhicles for savings the oil. also decrease for requesting our govt.
    5.People of same destination and same work must encourage CAR pooling.

  5. Anay Dey says:

    The main problem is that subsidy is provided by the government is removed in petrol and petrol price is increased 19 times in these two months and government takes the decision that they remove the subsidy in diesel too. So the price of diesel increased total of 9.60 rupees in the upcoming months. So this is the main problem of our government and this is the main cause of hike in every products.

  6. sanjeet thakur says:


  7. sonam gupta says:

    1. High oil rate can be solved by decreasing the use of personal vehicle.
    2. Stop using vehicle in unnecessary work.
    3.Govt should import more and more oil from Foreign.
    4. Govt should manage this cost with other things and decrease the cost of oil.

  8. Md Ismail Sharfi says:

    today we are facing a very big problem by the oil by day the price is hiking by amount in Rs. this is due to the less resources and the no of users are very high.we know oil is the liquid gold and it is very precious.but we have to look for other resources or other thing which canuse in the place of oil like hydro power,nuclear power etc.also we have to look that type of vehcles or machine which use solar power in the place of oil….

  9. Pranay Roy says:

    high prices of oil is very big problem now a has two side is good another is bad.
    The economic condition is not so good of GV try to devolope the economic condition.thats why GV take this dissicin to increases the price of oil.
    but it is very harmfull for people mostly for the mediam class people.
    there are so many country like Pakistan,Bangladese etc,oil price is not like the price of India.
    so i think it is very harmfull for the medium class peoples.

  10. Sanchita Singha says:

    Actually the goverment or the oil companies are not the main culprit for increasing the oil prise. we common people are also has some fault for this problem. If we are enough aware then this problem can be solved. We have to think that how can we decrease the consumption of oil. because, if the demand increase the the price will automatically increase. So we have to stop wasting this oil. And also have to use alternative source.Otherwise one day we will find out our world has been stoped just for lack of fuel.

  11. Sankar Chowdhury says:

    The price of oil is increase day by day.So, we need do stop unnecesery use of petrol.Short distance we have to use cycle or walk with foot.If we use public bus for going any way and dont use private car than we can save oil and also the high oil price can stop.

  12. Rakesh Singh says:

    its a very hot topic for the comment ,i think whole country sufring from this problem.we have to stop the wastege of oil.and try to make solar syestem in our use ,ithink it is is the best solution or great idea to deal with high oil price.

    some strong action can be taken to overcome this problem..
    a)short distnce -use bicycle and walk.
    b)try to use elecctric bike…just like electric scooty come.
    c)promote bio diesal..
    d)stopage of westage of oil.

  13. Mouli Roy says:

    yes this is a major problem but we need to think that we still depend on the storage of nature , i.e un-recycleable resources . oil is such a resource . so the resouces are limited and it is going to be lesser. yes government has created more pressure on us suddenly . but still we also need to try to user oil less. like using cycle instead of using car . and we should walk also when the distance is small . walking also is good for health. in this way we can try to resolve the problem by using oil less. another solution is there bio fuel should be used instead of this. which can be recycled.

  14. Sourabh Das says:

    Rise in oil prices rapidly is a very big probblem now a days. These are non-refundable source of energy nd their amount is limited in our planet.
    So we must have use it very carefully and wisely. these should only happen if create awareness among the common people.
    also we have to make search for alternative fuels nd source of energy, and promote it.

  15. priti pathak says:

    i think its a very good topic to discuss with as the oil prices is day by day touching the sky and we the citizens suffers the most and so its our duty to decide that how it can be reduced not only the government like while going for a short distance we can use bicycle or autorickshaw .then we should minimize the use of private cars and opt for public transport atleast once in a week.then the engines should be put off on traffic signals .Government should cancel the permit ofl the old vechiles as it consumes more . then promoting boi fuels is can also reduce the problem.

  16. Soumyajit Debnath says:

    Hike of price in oil is nowadays a very sensitive issue. But we have to live with this problem. So we need some another plan to deal with this problem. We have to use the natural resources like Solar power, Air power, Water stream power etc. There present a lot of substitute of oil we have to use it correctly and I think it will lead us to a good thing…

  17. AMIT SANTRA says:

    High prices of oil .For this reason face many problem.increasing bus rent,railaway rent etc.for poor man and middleast man face this problem if we are save petrol then we are solve this problem.I thingh co-operate with goverment.

  18. SwaRnav MoNdal says:

    Oil price rise is become a regular incident in our life.The price is risen now & then,but don’t make any thing against it.We just tell that we should do it.We have go through the root of this problem & realize it.After that we can find the proper solution for that.The usage of oil is positively rising everyday.So the resource is going to finish day by day.Above that the owner country Iran,Iraq,Soudi Arab are going through some critical stage today.As the main element of our every day life is in yheir hands,so they are rising the price.

  19. Manika Sikari says:

    Oil prices are increases day by day for the fuel ,if we find the alternative fuel,it can so decrease.This is the major problem of our high rate oil price.

  20. Amitkumar Paul says:

    increasing the price of petrolium based things are high,it is very thinkable.actually the main cause are given,thats true.we must gather some knowledge fronm our neighbour countries like nepal,srilanka,bangladesh. their petrol price is much less then of our immediately we should concern about that.the government should take less tax from carriers,the roads should be smooth to transport.

  21. NILAY MAZUMDER says:

    We are suffering from oil price hike and all are wanted to resolve this problem but it does really can happen that we overcome. Rates of Oil are so high in India, than other countries if we compare; and even, Why Oil price is constantly increasing? Who is responsible for this situation? Is one solution alternate fuels? Likes biodiesel, bioalcohol (methanol, ethanol, butanol), chemically stored electricity.etc!!

    From now we have to be very mch cartefull about our day to day life styles workings!!! and thats not all!!!!

    Every sector has affected with its adverse affect!!!!!

    accordng to me several steps the gvmnt should take:

    1.Government must develop public transport system.
    2.Government must work hard to depend on other sources like solar-energy, water (which are renewable sources).
    3.Recently a Pakistani engineer Waqar Ahmad developed a vehicle that uses water as fuel. He claimed that on one litre of water a 1000 CC car can cover a distance of 40 km and a motorbike can run up to 150 km using this technology.
    4.People of same destination and same work must encourage carpooling.

  22. Priya Srivastava says:

    from my point of view after 5-8 year,it will rate same as silver or gold.So we have to focus on this problem.

  23. Soumyadip Das says:

    Increasing oil price with regular intervel is become a major problem for our country.we have to deal with this we have to be concious.Our government should also think about the common people and need to reduce tax.we have to reduce the use of oil to keep alive our resources.we have to use one car to travel in the time of office instead of using individual car.

  24. karna saradar says:

    For supressing oil price only people can maintain oil price in india ,because there is increasing people and also vehicles day by day but the natural resourse like petrolium ,dissel are reducing so there is a narroation in these natural resourse in all over the country, so severel countries is buying these resourses from other countries so the price is increasing. We as a people can maintain this problem by following some method these are using “by cycle” with our short journey and “share car with some well known people” we can reduce the need of petrol, dissel etc. so by following the above method we can maintain the price of these natural resourses.

  25. Avinash Kumar says:

    Oil,now has become a part and parcel of life for even going to market for buying vegetables to going around world.from last three years the oil prices has hiked a lot. But even than the consumption hasn’t decreased a lot.But day to day it has increased.To deal with hiking price of oil,we must lessen our consumption of oil,also lessen the misuse of it,what we are doing today,Even for going to market for buying vegetables we are using motorbikes,we can use bicycles or legs too,also on traffic signals we should put off our engine,also motorbike companies should increase efficiency of motorbike,and oil industries should mix more ethanol in petroleum to increase it’s efficiency.If 1 lt. of oil is saved today will lead to 100’s of liters of tomorrow.

  26. Joydip Dey says:

    Oil prices are increased for demanding of extra fuels. I think people have to use cycles to transport a shorter distance and always switch off their engines when they are in red signal. Also peolpe mostly have to use public transports and government have to increase the the number of buses,trains etc.

  27. Satish Kumar says:

    yes this is really a big issue…
    it have to stop using many type of way..
    but a thing had to think that is why oil price is go increase.

  28. Sohel Mallick says:

    Today at recent times due to increase in oil price people are facing abig problem.As due to high populatin in India there is huge need for consuming the oil and due to which the cost of oil is increasin day by day.So beside government we must also come forward for solving the problem of increasin oil prices.And besides this we must avoid using oil daily.

  29. Tapas Baidya says:

    Hike in Oil prices is the big problem in our daily life.The price of oil is gradually increased day by day.In case of short distance we must go to the bi-cycle.If we don’t use the oil related car for short distance,then we can save oil.The govt. must be taken some steps for decreasing the price of oil & diesel.So in this way we save the petrol & also save our earth.

  30. Priyanka Baidya says:

    Increasing the price of oil day by day is the very serious problem.
    Increasing in oil price it causes also increasing in food prices,travelling prices etc.
    For this everything is becoming expesive and for this peoples are facing problem for expenses.
    So to reduce this problem we also have to co-operate with our goverment.
    We should use the oil very cafefully.
    We should not use the oils unnecessarily.


    we know that this is a big issue..
    some strong action can be taken to overcome this problem..
    a)short distnce -use bicycle and walk.
    b)try to use elecctric bike…just like electric scooty come.
    c)promote bio diesal..
    d)stopage of westage of oil.

  32. Kaushik Das says:

    High oil prices is a very disastrous thing. We should take a deep look onto this. we should use the renewable sources of energy and other alternative sources. As we cannot stop using energy but can switch the sources. Because without energy no development is possible.

  33. poulomi das says:

    we should minimize the use of oil as far as possible..we should make agitation and revolution for the unnecessary increment of oil pricec,we should know the reason of increment of oil price…

  34. Sk Rahaman says:

    now this problem overcomes of alternative source of eneargy.examples-soller cell like that, and stop the wastage of oil,transport security must inportant think,govt. tax also decrease ……..

  35. kaustav naskar says:

    Emidiately stop the wastage of the oil, and oil should be used only for the necessary purposes ………

  36. sakshi chaudhary says:

    It is one of the most important topic for the awareness of the people in order to deal with the problem of high oil prices ,we have have to sort out solutions for this as increase in rate of consumption will lead to increase in price day by day….so their must require the use of general transportation in comparison to own vehicles for going to near by places…If everyone decides to do something at their level than this problem can be sort out…

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