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The big question is this for a bigger exam as this

Well if you have selected this exam where you really want to pursue your career with…. Meaning you really want to do Master course in foreign.. And that’s your

dream then just go for it man!!!!


There is no limits to what anyone can acheive… With proper preparation we can really crack it…

  There are different sections for GRE exam

  1. Writing Section
  2. Verbal Ability Section
  3. Aptitude and Mathematics Section

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Writing Section

Lets see how to prepare for Writing Section…. since weightage for all the three sections are same so one has to practice each and everysection quite well..

In writing section you may be ask to write essay on some topics…

Considering each topics which are being asked previously and seriously practising those will do good…


Verbal Ability Section

  1. In this section the first thing one has to do is learn more and more words…The general questions which are asked commonly in a GRE previously should be especially

focused… There are many books available and forums available online which could help in improving word knowledge..

One should focus on word meaning and also the words which spells opposite and also focus on grammatical skill…


  1. The second thing which comes is Comprehension Section in which a eaasy will be given.. Some question will be asked which are of Objective type and from there

one have to select the right answers.. Proper instruction will be accordingly for each question….



Aptitude and Mathematics Section

In this section mainly questions come from Number System, Coordinate Geometry of quite low level(Class 10 std) ,Probability, Permutation and Combinations, and the

from Garphical Representations like bar graphs etc.. Practise all the questions of each type from good books and with the help internet….

These are all the topics one should consider before going for GATE…

Most focus should be given to English…

Books and Coaching Institutions Required…

Any good books which are easily availbale should be purchased….Many good books are available online also…

There are also may forums present from where one may take help from… One can ask questions and doubts from there and yep get the doubts cleared…

one may join any coaching for GRE as per their requirements… But the best thing is to study by your own and practise with the help of good books…

Managing Time During exam hours…

Lots of practising is required for GRE which will improve the speed of doing question.. Still during examination one should maange time properly…

First do the section which seems easiest and do it intelligently and as fast as you ca..

If any question seems lengthy so leave them immediately and go for the next questions… That’s how thins work…


Marks Required to be Scored…

Atleast to get in good college through the GRE examination one should score atleast above 300… I think above 300 is a good score and then students can apply

for various universities and hope for getting called up from them!!!


With proper practise and regular hardwork one willl definetly crack GRE!!! Exams are conducted quite frequently… So apply for it when you feel like you are

almost prepared and can give it a try!!!!


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