Solved English Sample Papers for Class 9 Karnataka Board
English is one of the most easy subject to deal with as per the exam point of view as per exam preparation point of view but at the same time it required little attention for gaining excellent marks in the Board Exams. As a graduate, I have tried to prepare following sample paper that contains Grammar Section and Literature Section. Both the sections cover all important topics that come in the exams. While preparing this paper all the grammar questions are taken from the previous year board paper and some help have been taken from few standard Grammar books. The questions are entirely based on the syllabus of English Class IX Karnataka Board Class X. To enhance your practice in a more better way you can also take help from Class 9 Chemistry Formulae.
About Karnataka Board: Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board established in the year of 1966 with the objective of serving standards of quality education. Every year Board conducts SSLC(Secondary School leaving Certificate) exam and other examinations. It is also responsible for improving the evaluation system,publishing the result etc.The performance of students in SSLC is an important factor to get admission in Higher secondary school of their choice. The board conducts the supplementary examination for the failed candidates in June month of every year. This allow the students who would be successful in the June examination to join higher education courses in the same academic year from July itself. |
Solved English Sample Papers for Class 9
General Instructions:
1. This paper consists of two Sections as total. 2. Section-A is of Grammar Section containing question from 1-3. 3. Section-B is Literature Section containing question from 4-8. 4. All questions are compulsory. |
SECTION-A Grammar Section
[15 MARKS]
Q1. Change using the other two degrees of comparison :
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the greatest leaders of the world. |
Q2 . Combine the sentences using ‘too … to’ and ‘so … that … not’ :
The box was very heavy. We could not move it. |
Q3. Change into reported speech :
“Could it be postponed?” he asked |
Q4. Use the word ‘market’ both as a Noun and as a Verb in two different sentences of your own :
Q5. Fill in the blanks: 5 × 1 = 5
( get on with, dead on time, predict, gangrene, devastate )
(a) The weather ……… turned out to be false. (b) Many people died in that ……… fire. (c) She was asked to……… her work. (d) Sudha’s injuries resulted in………… infection. (e) Mihir Sen was……… to start the swim. |
Q6. Choose the correct prefix to get the antonym of the given word : conspicious
(A) im (B) in (C) mis (D) un. |
Q7. The correct ending to the given word is exten
(A) lion (B) tion (C) sion (D) tent. |
SECTION-B :Literature Section
[Do it by yourself]
Q8. The story of an old lady named ‘Kashi Yatre’, Explain her desire to go Kashi. Why did the old lady wishes to reach Kashi?
Q9. What were the reasons that force grandmother to wait eagerly for ‘Kashi Yatre’ episode? Q10. What reasons made grandmother not to go for school in her childhood days. Q11. Explain the way, how grand mother read the story when the narrator was went to the neighbors home? Q12. How did the grandmother honor her childhood teacher? |
Answer (i) Positive Degree: Mahatma Gandhi is a great leader of the world. Answer (ii) Comparative Degree: Mahatma Gandhi is on of the greater leader of the world. |
Answer (i) The box was too heavy to move. Answer (ii) The box was so heavy that we could not move it.. |
Answer: He asked whether it could be postponed. |
Answer (i) Noun :I went to the market. Answer (ii) Verb :She needs to go for marketing. |
Answer (a) prediction Answer (b) devastating Answer (c) get on with Answer (d) gangrenous Answer (e) dead on time. |
Answer: (B) in. |
Answer: (C) sion. |
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Solved English Sample Papers for Class 9 Karnataka Board
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