Meghalaya Board Sample Paper of English for Class 10
English is one of the most interesting and easy subject to deal as per exam preparation point of view and with the aid of little practice you will able to secure very good marks in your board exams. As an engineer, I have made this efforts fro class X students to prepare this Sample Paper of English for Class 10. While preparing this paper all the grammar questions are taken from the previous year board paper and some help have been taken from few books like Evergreen sample papers and some grammar books. This paper basically consists of Grammar Sample Questions and Literature questions. The questions are entirely based on the syllabus of MEGHALAYA BOARD Class X. In order make your practice more strong you can also take help from Meghalaya Board 10th Class Science Sample Paper.
About The Board: Meghalaya Board of School Education was established in the year 1973 and it is responsible to conduct the Secondary School Leaving Certificate(SSLC) along with the Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate (HSSLC) Exam in the state. Initially it started to function in the Office of the Director of Public Instruction, Shillong and then got shifted to Araimile, Tura in the year 1974. It also has a regional office situated at the state capital of Shillong.
General Instructions:
1. This paper consists of two Sections as total.
2. Section-A is of Grammar Section containing question from 1-3.
3. Section-B is Literature Section containing question from 4-8.
4. All questions are compulsory.
Q 1.Fill in the blanks choosing the given options : 5 MARKS
A twelve year old boy _____ (a) with an accident, when he ____(b) the road, near his school. A speeding car ______him (c). The police _______(d) the place of accident and _____(e) the driver of the car. The boy ______(f) to the local hospital.
(a) (i) meet
(ii) met
(iii) meeting
(iv) meets
FOR (b)
(i) cross
(ii) crossing
(iii) was crossing
(iv) in crossing
FOR (c)
(i) hit
(ii) hits
(iii) hitted
(iv) is hitting
FOR (d)
(i) reach
(ii) reached
(iii) reaching
(iv) has reached
FOR (e)
(i) arrest
(ii) is arresting
(iii) has arrested
(iv) arrested
FOR (f)
(i) admitted
(ii) is admitted
(iii) was admitted
(iv) admit
Q2. Fill in the blanks choosing the given options : 5 MARKS
The Health Mela (a) __________ in the city from 2nd October. This (b)__________ by the concerned authorities. Several new features __________ (c) this year. Guidelines for prevention of various diseases __________ (d) in the mela. The doctors from different hospitals __________ (e) free check up of the patients. Various medical equipments__________ (f) at discounted prices.
FOR (a)
(i) will conduct
(ii) will be conducted
(iii) was conducted
(iv) conducts
FOR (b)
(i) had stated
(ii) was stated
(iii) will be stated
(iv) stated
FOR (c)
(i) are added
(ii) will be added
(iii) will add
(iv) added
FOR (d)
(i) given
(ii) was given
(iii) will be given
(iv) are given
FOR (e)
(i) will conduct
(ii) was conduct
(iii) is conduct
(iv) conducted
FOR (f)
(i) sold
(ii) were sold
(iii) will be sold
(iv) will sell
Q3. The following passage has not been edited.Find the error. 5 MARKS
Last night, I heard someone knocked at example : Knocked – Knocking
the gate. It is not my habit to kept someone (a) __keep________
waiting out for long. It was not nice to keep a (b) __is________
person standing at the door. When I open (c) _opened_________
a door, I was surprised to see my (d) ____the______
old friend carry a basket of flowers (e) __carrying________
in his hand. He came to wished me (f) __wish_______
on my birthday.
q. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. 5 MARKS
some students/ Kapil s auntie/ went/ one/ meet/ day/ to
One day some students went to meet Kapil s auntie
(a) was/ hot bath/ a/ she/ taking/ fond of.
(b) stitch/ fine/ to/ clothes/ herself/ she/ liked/ her.
(c) sparrows/ she/ afternoon/ the/ to/ in/ feed/ used.
Q. Read the dialogue given below and complete the passage that follows: 5 MARKS
Shopkeeper : What would you like to buy madam ?
Customer : A suit.
Shopkeeper : Which one do you like – silk or synthetic ?
Customer : Neither. Give me a cotton suit
The shopkeeper asked the customer politely (a) __________. The customer replied (b) __________. The shopkeeper enquired (c) __________. The lady replied that she wanted a cotton suit.
[Do it by yourself]
Q4. What things has been done by Ralph the Rover for his living?
Q5. Our inner voice is our guiding force and we must listen to it. Why does the poet say so in the poem Teach Me To Listen?
Q6. Why did Joszef keep interrupting Laszlo’s account of what he had seen” Your answer should not exceed
Q7. How did Tricki become an accepted member of the gang and start enjoying company of other dog’s?
Q8. What did the young lady expect Horace to be caught after the theft?
(a) Ans: (ii) (b) Ans: (iii) (c) Ans: (i)
(d) Ans: (ii) (e) Ans: (iv) (f) Ans: (iii)
(a) Ans: (ii) (b) Ans: (ii) (c) Ans: (ii)
(d) Ans: (iii) (e) Ans: (i) (f) Ans: (iii)
(a) Ans: She was fond of taking hot bath.
(b) Ans: She liked to stitch her fine clothes herself.
(c) Ans: She used to feed sparrows in the afternoon.
(a) Ans: What would she like to buy.
(b) Ans: She wanted a suit.
(c) Ans: She used to feed sparrows in the afternoon.
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